Roxas' Dark Days Chapter 1: Discovery

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Roxas The Hero, Apr 23, 2007.

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  1. Roxas The Hero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 13, 2007
    The Realm of Darkness
    It's said we Nobodies don't exist. I don't believe it. How can we be here if we don't exist? I started like all the others, no name, no home, no memory of who I was, but somehow I knew things, things I couldn't explain. I knew how to walk, how to talk, and I could do things that most people thought impossible. As with the others, I eventually was found by Xemnas, and he named me.

    My name is Roxas. I am a Nobody. I exist, and yet I don't. I'm a stranger to myself. This is my story.

    When I was recruited by Xemnas in Twilight Town to join the Organization, the word "no" never entered my mind. Finally, someone wanted me, someone thought I could belong. I said yes, how couldn't I?

    Xemnas told me I was special, that he had never seen anyone like me before. I highly doubted it, but I went along. We came to a mansion near the edge of Twilight Town, and Xemnas raised his arm. An incredible orb of swirling black and purple appeared, and we stepped through.

    We came to stand on the footstep of a gigantic black castle, there were no stars in the black sky above. As Xemnas and I walked forward, a gigantic door with a strange symbol etched on it opened up for us. I watched in amazement as we walked through huge white halls that branched off in every direction. What I noticed was that the same symbol that we had seen on the door seemed to decorate every wall in sight.

    As we walked on, Xemnas spoke," You should know what you are, Roxas. You are a Nobody, meaning, that you do not truly exist."

    "What?" I yelled," What do you mean I don't exist? Of coarse I exist! I'm standing right here aren't I?"

    He smiled and shook his head,"Yes, Roxas you do exist, but not wholely, not completely. You exist in only a partial state, a mere fragment of your real self. In order to truly exist, you must obtain that which you do not have."

    "What?" I asked," What do I need to exist?"

    He smiled," The same thing the rest of us need. The thing this organization is dedicated to obtaining."

    " You, Roxas, need a heart."

    Coming up Chapter 2: Membership
  2. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    I loved it!
  3. Xx Axel xX Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 6, 2007
    Dr. Seuss's worst nightmare
    kinda sounds my OWN fanfic...
    pretty good so far. You have the almost the same concepts as me. I'll continue to read the rest of your story, and see if you do better than me at it! :p :D

    By the way, my fanfics are called Roxas's Days at the Organization if you wanna tune into mine and see how I wrote mine:D
  4. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

  5. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    hmm... not bad, i like it so far
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