RolePlay Ideas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Krowley, Mar 7, 2012.


Which RP would you find interesting?

  1. Beast Wars: Epochalypse

    1 vote(s)
  2. Digimon BURST

    7 vote(s)
  3. The Game

    7 vote(s)
  4. Kingdom Hearts SOS

    4 vote(s)
  5. Make Believe.

    3 vote(s)
  6. Reboot

    0 vote(s)
  7. Marvel/DC RP

    5 vote(s)
  8. Power Rangers RP

    4 vote(s)
  9. None of the Above

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Over the course of my time spent here, I have always wanted to make my a popular Roleplay.
    Reason for this thread is to try and see which concepts members would be more likely to take part in.
    I've added a Poll to vote which you find interesting. (You may vote more than once)
    Below are some past and new ideas I came up with.

    Beat Wars: Epochalypse
    Concept: A Beast Wars Transformers RP. The time periods shift, allowing different Beast Modes.
    Synopsis: The leader of the Predacon team is Megatron. He and his forces are a splinter group on the hunt for powerful crystals known as Energon, to be used in a ploy for power and dominance. They do this with the aid of an artifact known as the Golden Disk and Megatron's stolen ship, the Darksyde, which is equipped with a transwarp drive.
    A Maximal exploration ship, the Axalon, led by Optimus Primal, is sent to stop them. Together the ships plunge through a time/space phenomenon created by the transwarp device during their battle in space, and crash-land on a mysterious planet.
    The planet is found to be rich in deposits of raw Energon, to the point that it proves to be poisonous to both factions' robot forms, forcing them to take on alternate organic forms for protection until their robot forms are needed. Thus the robots take on the beast forms of recognizable animals that coincide with the current era.
    Before crashing, the Axalon deploys its cargo of “stasis pods” containing Maximal protoforms — Transformer robots with vulnerable and undeveloped physical forms, which are left to orbit the planet as an alternative to possible destruction in the initial crash landing. With neither Ships suitable to fly off the planet, both factions fight for their own survival in what is claimed to be the Beast Wars.

    Digimon BURST
    Concept: A Prequel to the first season of digimon (Set in the late 1980s)
    Synopsis: The story of how the first digidestined connected to the digital world.
    The enemies are known to be called the "O-Megas"
    4 of the most powerful digimon to ever exist. The'yre one ad only desire is to wreak chaos and destroy anything in their path.

    The Game
    Concept: A Crossover RP Reality Show
    Synopsis: A Mystery man has sent letters to unsespecting people across
    the mutliverse. The contents only being a single piece of paper. It Reads;

    "Hello. You are one of the lucky few who have been selected to participate
    in one of the most high stakes game that few have had the pleasure to witness.
    To ensure participation, Something of irreplaceable value has been taken from you.
    In order to reclaim it, you must play for it. If you win, you not only recieve your taken treasure, but a priceless hierloom as well.
    Lose... and- well... Let's save that part for when we start the game."

    Kingdom Hearts SOS
    Concept: A prequel to Birth By Sleep

    Make Believe.
    Concept: A Cross over involving characters orginating from the Playstation 1.
    Synopsis: In the early 1990s, Sony was in the process of developing a machine that would help change the gaming world.
    This developers for the machine had created a Disc. One side colored Blue, the other red.
    Inside these test programs, over 50 unshown game ideas resided.
    unofrtunately, during an Alpha test, the machine malfuctioned, erasing everything on the disc and seemingly busting the machine.
    Figuring the project had failed, it was disbanded, The Machine locked away.
    What the company had not realised was the machine was still functing. In sleep mode. The Disc program had downloaded itself
    into the machine, along with all the charcters from the games.
    These charcters wish to be free from their imprisonment, and have their games may be developed, and virtual worlds created, but their is a threat looming who plants to prevent that.

    Concept: The series resumed after the Cliffhanger due to the cancellation of the show.
    Synopsis: Megabyte has now taken hold of the Principal Office. Guardians and sprites alike must unite
    to take back Mainframe! Who knows what the user is doing, but Game Cubes still drop from the sky...

    Power Rangers RP
    Concept: Unsure, but I'd like to do one.
    Synopsis: N/A

    Marvel/DC RP
    Concept: Unsure, but I'd like to do one. (Marvel/DC)
    Synopsis: N/A
  2. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    I would be interested in the Digimon RP if we could have characters from all seasons,but I'm not really even sure if we have enough fans on KHV to do a Digimon RP.

    But your RP Idea is different-but really interesting!- So I might be interested :D
  3. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    I like The Game idea, if we do that one I am so being one of Org. XIII
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Digimon, Marvel/DC, and Power Rangers. If you did one of these, I would definitely help.
    Those three (well, four if you mean a Marvel OR DC RP instead of a crossover) are things I've tried in the past and would hope to try in the future.
    I think Digimon would have the most appeal (out of the three I picked) because it covers a wide range of users on here. (I mean, who doesn't love Digimon?)
    Marvel/DC, I've had trouble with because even though everybody knows Superman or Spiderman, not many people know Saint Walker, Kyle Rayner, Kid Devil, Red Robin, Winter Soldier, Daken, Acolyte, etc. As in, I'm a really avid comic book fan so my knowledge extends way beyond just Superman = Clark Kent and I know and love characters most people here have never heard of. Because of that, I usually don't join other comic book RPs because I don't think highly of them (xD) or mine don't attract many people because they're too detailed into comic book canon.
    Power Rangers, I've seen a couple before. I figured they would be more popular, but for some reason, they just don't take off.

    If you want to look at my past RPs for inspiration (or come to me for help, I'm a bit busy this week, but I can help out a bit), feel free to.
    Digimon (Grab Hold of Your Digidestiny!)
    Marvel (With Great Power)
    Marvel (Extreme X-Men)
    DC (Justice for All)
    DC (Justice Cadets)
    Power Rangers (Cyber Fury)
  5. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Well the 3 I'm now interested in doing include Digimon Burst, The Game, and The Marvel/DC RP.
    Digimon and Superhero RPs don't seem to go very far, but if enough people are interested, I'll probably start with one of those since I already have a plot for them.
  6. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Is there any chance you would allow characters from the canon seasons?
  7. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    I really like the idea of The Game. If you do end up doing it, could you please leave me a VM, to let me know?
  8. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Digimon is a prequel RP. Set roughly 10 or 15 years before the 1st season.
    Cameo digimon sure, but I doubt any humans would make much of an appearance. Depends on their age.

    Noted. Again if it has high enough votes.
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    I'm willing to participate in all of these.
  10. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Welp that sucks XD
    Do u have any ideas for the Power rangers RP? Cuz I'd like that one-if characters from cacon could be in it I'd like it a lot more though.
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    I had 2 ideas for a power rangers RP

    1) Power Rangers: Level Up
    The Concept is incredibly similar to LilBueno's Cyber Fury, with some minor tweaks to plot/Class/Zords

    2) Power Rangers Generations
    An RP with a "Past/Present/Future" theme, bringing rangers and villains from previous seasons. (MMPR to Samurai)
    If it were up to me, I wouldn't go past Mystic Force
    My only issue with this is that the theme was already covered in "Time Force."
    I still like the idea though.
  12. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    I really like your second idea and I half and half agree with you on the no teams after mystic force but I'm in love with RJ of Jungle Fury so I only half agree with you xD
  13. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    I have put up An OOC Thread for "The Game"
    Due to its original dark nature, I have since toned it down to a more comedic sense. (Though still pretty dangerous for all those competing)
    It will be up for close to a month before the actual thread is made.

    I am still working on Kingdom Hearts SOS, which is moving smoothly along, but if highly requested, I will post a Superhero RP where you make your own Original Teen Hero (The ones we know and love wont be featured until later on)
    It is set in the far Distant future and will be called Justice A.E.
  14. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    As you can see, I noticed.
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