No Thanks Roleplay Character Sheets?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by dabeatmaster123, Nov 28, 2011.

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  1. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    But it's really confusing though when people want to do it different ways. I mean it just complicates how things work if there isn't an order of operation. It's like saying math doesn't have an order, people don't just solve an equation in the way they think it should be solved. Same thing here… one person may think that it's right to register on the IC, then the next person wants you to put the character on the OOC, and then you might be told the character is going to be shown on the first post of the IC… that can get confusing at times. Sorry if I keep going on about this but it's a helpful tool. The only way to try to show this idea is to put it in action. I'll try it out with my new thread and if it doesn't work then you guys don't have to use the idea. =T
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    oh! What you're saying, if I finally understand correctly, is one thread where everybody has to post their characters? Because it's annoying and confusing to join one RP where the characters are shown in the first post of thread, then join another where they're shown in the OOC thread instead, or join one where you register to join in one, but characters are listed in the other thread?

    There are many different kinds of RPs out there, and even more kinds of RPers. If we regulate every RPer to do the exact same thing (in this case, post in one thread), I think a lot of RPers wouldn't enjoy RPing here as much. I don't think it's that confusing to have OOC threads instead and leave it up to the RPMaker to decide what to do. Usually, it's clear because there'll be either a link to an OOC thread or a rule mentioning it, or something. Other times, it may not be so clear, but I don't think people worry about it too much, to be honest. For instance, all of my RPs but one have an OOC thread. Some of them are very complicated and have a lot of information so it requires an OOC thread to stay organized. One of them doesn't really need one.
    It's just up to the person who makes the RP. If you're confused, simply ask the person who made the RP whether or not they want you to post in one thread or not. Safe bet is: if it has an OOC thread, post your character there.
  3. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    sorta yeah. I'll just try the idea and see if it works with my Sonic RP… if it doesn't work then I guess the idea will just be pointless =o
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I'm just going to throw my two pence worth in here as a fellow long time role-player.

    ...I don't think this is needed.
    Not to be all of a downer or anything about the idea, I can see how it could be useful slightly..
    but... I mean.
    The OOC threads cover this function already. If someone is in a specific RP and they want to see the character sheets, they can just head to that RPs OOC thread where most thread masters update the first post with all characters to keep it neat and in one place, heck, some thread masters even do it in the first post of the actual RP thread.
    So really, in terms of being able to see people's character sheets which, yes, I agree is important. This is already covered in it's own way. If anything, I'd say this method makes it all organised, I mean sure in one big thread you could say what RP the character is in... but the way we have it now, it's already organised enough. Another fact is, some people use the same characters in different RPs and that can make things confusing. As an example, I have like 3 of my character Jaden in different RPs. So having them all in one big thread wouldn't be beneficial I think.

    As for storage things, I agree with what has already been said, I just save them to my computer etc.

    I personally feel this was way out of line.
    There are a lot of Role-Players on this site who absolutely put as much effort as they can into RPing and it is highly important to them. Myself included. I could go on for hours about why and how Role-Playing is important to myself, and I could go on even further for how I know it is important to others as I am quite friendly with most of the Role-Players here and talk to a lot of them regularly about Role-playing etc (this goes for pretty much everyone else themselves, I'm sure. We a big happy, if slightly dysfunctional Role-playing family)
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I personally think you don't have a right to make such a comment like that. It is not only incorrect, but rude.
    To almost mimic your comment, I would say:

    "So honestly, that line just goes to show me that you're being spiteful since people didn't think your suggestion was needed."


    Regardless, that is my view on the matter, I've made points on both sides, so I feel I was fair in this regard. Yup...
    I'll come back to check this thread later anyway.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I feel like there's quite a few things out of line in this thread. But alas, this thread is for the suggestion itself. Not the conduct of the suggester. So, leaving all the assumptions aside, I'd like to give a bit of my sensible (I hope) input.

    If what's being suggested is a personal character sheet thread, for your specific characters. We have user notes in the user's profiles. If all you want to do is dump all the character info you want for your personal OC's,then that works.

    If you're suggesting threads being made per Role-Play as character sheets, then there's the OOC sub-forum. You can create OOC threads and update it with all the OC information for the RP. And still use it for overall OOC discussion.

    If what's being suggested is something else, then it'd be nice to have some more elaboration on it.

    Now then, I'd like to make something very clear, we are not an Role-Playing website, full-on with everything geared towards Role-Plays. There are sites for that. I believe--and please feel free to correct me, that we offer enough for Role-Players and even more so, with all the privileges that are being worked on for the Role-Playing Arena. If this is not the case, we are pretty flexible and consider things; so if it's going to be useful/logical/practical, ect., then we'll give it some thought. But the Role-Playing Arena is tied with Graphic Art for most sub-forums (barring the unused ones)

    Adding anything unnecessary just to please a few people would be a disservice to those who don't Role-Play(all the privileges for Role-Players. ALL OF THEM) and in my personal opinion, overkill. Even if it's just a sticky thread. Sometimes less is more when it comes to actual organization.

    As for the suggestion itself, if you feel that it's worth it, feel free to weight the pros and the cons next to each other. For all we know, it could be useful and we just don't know. I personally don't see it. But that's just me, and maybe I'm wrong. Don't let my personal opinion dissuade you.

    I've no yes or not answer. So I'll just wait until it's discussed a bit more.
  6. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    To me, this whole idea is pointless. Why would you have a separate thread from your RP just for the characters when most RPs have the list of characters in the first post? In every single RP that I've ever been in, there is always a list of characters in the first post. Making another thread for them separately is, to me, a waste of time. It's much easier to post the list of characters in the first post of your RP than to make a separate thread.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I think he's asking for a sub-forum, not a 'thread' which I said no to.
    No one would use it.
    But since that is the case, you can keep making your own character sheet threads in OOC. There won't be a new sub-forum. That's that. There are not enough people interested at all. It would be a waste of space.
    But I dont see anything wrong with letting you make your own character sheet threads in OOC. They can go there.

    If you feel that that will make the OOC section cluttered, then don't do it. Just keep to the standard two threads that KHv role players tend to use.

    You're right to say it's another way to be organized, but KHV is not a role playing site and a section dedicated to character sheets would not thrive. An IC thread and an OOC thread has been working fine for this site.
  8. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    I'm the rude one in this situation I guess >_> *shrugs* there really isn't a point in continuing this thread then since obviously everyone keeps repeating that this Idea is a waste of everyone's time and such. I would list reasons, but it's not worth it considering how nobody is giving a valid point as to why it's stupid, dumb, or pointless other than to say it's a waste of time. I care about the role-play thread and sorry but I can't help to say there can be improvement to the thread and a character sheet is definatly not a step back, it's an enhancement and benefits to the role-play community with organization enhancments. I'm not going to sway anyone's opinion so I might as well just not bother listing, persuading, or even giving more reasons as to why it can benefit roleplaying experience. It's up to you guys...
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    We also care about the Role-Play thread. A hell of a lot.
    We never said your idea was a step back, we just said we can't see how it is a step-forward either which is why we asked you to go further.
    Further more, every single one of our points definitely was valid, and you've yet to give a single valid or decent point against those as to how this would improve things. If anything, you're actually now refusing to give any points just because you think everyone is against you (which is not how things work here, the KHV community is not like that in the slightest)
    If anything, I'd say if your idea was worth fighting for, then you would fight for it.
    That is how many suggestions have eventually made it through successfully. People fight for what they believe in as Jayn rightly said in a previous post.

    Therefore, I'll stand by the points made before in regard to this suggestion.
    If you feel you wish to actually back up your suggestion, I'll be happy to listen and put in my input again just like anyone else.
    If not... then yeah.
  10. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Don't let other's input bring you down. It's all for the good of the site. Sometimes it's worth it and works, and sometimes it doesn't. What matters is that you're trying to bring improvements. There's no shame in that.

    Anyhow, regarding the suggestion. From what I gather, it's not useless. However, we have a sub-forum that can fit that, and it's broader in terms of what can go there ect (the OOC sub-forum). Let's say a member wants to post a thread for information on their backstory or world, they can use that specific sub-forum. Say someone wants to have a thread documenting OC's (which is akin to your idea) you can put it there.

    I realize it's not as ideal or organized as having a whole sub-forum dedicated to OC forms for reference. But it works well enough, considering we're not a full-fledged Role-Playing forum.

    I'm going to lock this for the time being, so that it doesn't start devolving. But you can PM me if you want it back opened. Again, don't feel discouraged dabeatmaster123. We appreciate that you've taken some of your time to offer possibilities to us.


  11. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    Alright, I know this was locked before but I asked to re-lock this because I have gotten positive opinions about a Character Sheet thread or Section in the RPs. They have told me that at times it is confusing to follow a certain rp, in fact one that I joined recently got kinda confusing on what to do with the characters and such. If you want specific names, Mialument, Kayate, and Smurfasaurus have told me that it can improve the role-play section through organization. I just have a feeling it can be put to use, I mean there is even a thread for RP Idol, which is merely made for contest purposes. It gets confusing for some people when different people ask for different ways to save characters… I think it should be an option, but it doesn't have to be mandatory or anything like that. It's just to help with organizing characters for the rp and keeping track with updates, stats and important information that could get lost.
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    You're asking for a subsection, not a thread. It's called a subsection. :) Just clearing that up since it confused me last time.

    Alright, I understand what you're suggesting now.
    My question to you and the supporters of this idea (it'd be great for them to post and give their opinions, too! :D) is what's wrong with posting your character sheets in the OOC section?

    During the revamp (or site make-over), the OOC section description was rewritten to say;

    "An area to discuss your RPs, help each other make RPs, post character sheets, come up with ideas in groups, etc."

    Meaning it's fine to post your character sheets there. They won't get lost as long as you link to them and you can find the thread again just by subscribing to it. So, I'm curious, why not just continue posting them in OOC since that's where they belong at the moment?

    Edit; This keeps it an optional thing without cluttering up the RP Section and making it larger than it needs to be. RP Idol received a subsection because Signature of the Week contest has one, and all of the threads were previously going into the Discussion section, cluttering it up. That, and because we actively use/participate in RP Idol.

  13. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    I just want to make sure I'm understanding this: We can post a thread-lets say Kingdom Hearts530 OC sheets in the OOC thread and that would be okay?
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    If you want to make a thread of the OCs in your role play, it can be posted in OOC.

    If you want to make a thread containing all of your characters (from multiple RPs), it can be posted in OOC.

    Etc, etc.

  15. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Think it's something like that.
    In my opinion it sounds great, and for future RP threads that the user enters they could refer to their character sheets and pick a character from there if they wanted.
  16. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    Wouldn't the OOC get a little flooded though? I mean if it was in there there should be a sticky for characters, like for example if the sticky was present you can have one post to keep track of the characters for each rp. Like this:

    Character A

    Character B

    Character C

    Character A

    Character B
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Like I said earlier in the thread, I don't mind putting a sticky for characters in OOC, if people will use it. No problem at all. c:

    Along with that, there hasn't been any problems so far with people putting character sheets in OOC. Not a lot of people use them so I don't think flooding will be a problem. The majority of role players still use one thread for characters and discussion and one thread for the main role play.

    If enough activity sparks where people start using a lot of character sheets and it actually starts to clutter the section, I'll ask for a subsection to be made and they'll be moved there.

    Edit; What do you think about this, dabeatmaster123?

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