Role Playing Pet-Peeves, Dislikes Etc.

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Ego Imperium, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    So what in role playing, this activity that we enjoy engaging in so much, gets under your skin? What things in RPing, whether inconsiquential, or truly unsavory and unprofessional, make your blood boil whenever it rears its head out from the thick?
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Not many for me, albeit some do exist...
    One would have to be when someone is inconsiderate and calls you out in an OOC, for example:
    There have been times when I have not been able to post for personal reasons, and someone has in an OOC message complained and put me on the spot about my lack of a post in front of everyone.
    Then I feel that I have to rush which isn't truly a nice feeling, especially if I have given prior warning to the RPmaker and the other RPers that I will have trouble posting (which in such an event, I always do give warning).

    Another thing that bugs me is in RPs where you have to work closely with someone and they never post.
    This hasn't happened to me directly yet, but it's happened to a few of my friends.
    In some RPs, you get paired with someone, and therefore, become dependent on their posting. If they don't post, it holds you back... :/
    Usually, this can get resolved, but some cases are hard to, and... yeah lol. It's not a great situation to be in. :S

    The last thing would be abusive messages that can result from Role-Plays. On more than one occasion, I have been faced with messages that have directly insulted me and my Role-Play skills.
    Apparantly, I haven't been true to the character (and yet... they're my OC... I think I'd know how to be in character for my OC lol)
    Or... my posts are way too long (which is rare, and if they're long then it is usually needed. Besides, no harm with wanting to be detailed in my posts and such, I'm a writer after all.)
    and just other petty things in general that target well... yeah lol
    I tend to just ignore the messages, but those are my main peeves pretty much.
  3. Kayate King's Apprentice

    Jun 27, 2011
    Cisgender Male
    Aperture Science Testing Facility
    I've got a few of these...
    One being bad grammar...I can't deal with that. I don't care if English isn't your first language, it will still bother me...Alot.
    And when people don't capitalize their letters when needed, that irritates me very badly...
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Oh yeah... I'd have to agree with this also.
    I didn't think of it when I was writing down my others as you see this everywhere anyway, but yeah. Since you mentioned this, I'd have to agree with you.
    I mean... if someone is dyslexic etc, I can be forgiving about that sort of thing as long as they are still making an effort. The same would go for the 'English first language thing.
    The other thing I dislike is text talk and shortcuts etc, I rarely like it in normal internet conversations... but someone bringing it to a role-play (unless the character is sending a text message or something and that is how they type etc, that's fine) for generic things is so frustrating. I've yet to see a major case of it on here, but it has cropped up on occasion...

    Example of all this: "Im goin 2 txt som1 becuz I can." doesn't mean you should. lol :P
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    My personal peeve is when everyone has to give their character the ability to fight like some sort of martial arts master even when the RP doesn't call for it or if it isn't even necessary to fight in the RP. It gets really bad when said character can do this without any prior mention of this skill or if he/she shouldn't even be able to fight.

    On the subject of fighting...Just about everyone seems to go for a sword in an RP where you do need to fight. Sadly, people normally go for things like a katana or a direct rip-off of a Final Fantasy weapon. There's just a blatant lack of creativity about it.

    Lastly...I hate it when people have the obsessive need to outdo another RPer.

    Example: Character #1 disarms a bad guy. Character #2 will now disarm everybody in their immediate area while doing flips and all sorts of dramatic stuff.

    Character #1 shows some smarts. Character #2's RPer goes to Google, comes back, and says something utterly useless just to "correct" Character #1.

    This is why it's an RP. So that not every character has the same strengths. >> If they all did then you'd really only need one person. Anyways...I don't see this all the time but it is annoying when it happens.
  6. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Hey, I only choose swords because they're my favorite weapon. Spears, Bow and Arrows, thing like that don't really interest me as much

    The biggest thing for me would be when I end up posting and get into a conversation or something with another person and then I have to wait forever for that one person to post back. Sometimes the others will get much farther ahead, while I'm still waiting for that one post to continue

    here's another thing. I hate it when someone joins an RP and then just suddenly decides to quit right as it starts and doesn't tell anyone. So some people assume that the person is busy or something. I hate dealing with that. It hasn't happened often, but it has happened with me before.
  7. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I guess I could say that my pet peeves when roleplaying are when people don't follow rules I make or when they quit because things aren't going their way or are sore losers.
  8. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    When my character gets into a fight with another character, and they god-mod the crap out of the fight.
    It's really annoying when they block ALL of my attacks and make EVERY single one of their attacks hit me.
  9. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    I really don't like godmodding. I mean, i get that you can't exactly let your character get killed in a fight generally, but evading/blocking EVERY attack? Another issue is the grammar. Oh the damn grammar. Don't you hate it when there's things like "the man jumped he then stabbed the person then said it was finally over then was attacked" and things like that? I know i do!
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    My god, I really hate uncreativity in original characters. I don't mind Mary Sues, but when it comes to things like powers and weapons? Stuff like fire and swords go easily.
  11. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    well, I get my ideas from games I've played, and it's pretty much the same in all of them. I feel like I'm one of those people that would sneeze in a cartoon or something if you said this out loud.
  12. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    The fun of that though is when the player is exposed as not being able match up to the claim. Martial ability, and in my opinion the capacity for magic, should be maintained within an RPer's ability to play. And when it's not, it sticks out A LOT. I hate seeing the most powerful character in an RP being played by the most untalented/unmotivated player who cab only put out three sentences on a good day. A person playing a god should at least be able to pump out two paragraphs with consistency.

    I must say I also hate it when people use "time" as their power. In KH it's not so bad, what with stop and all; but even then it needs limits. But when people go anywhere and decide that since they have the power to control time, it must work that way for them so thy can use it. Relativity pokes holes all over that one.
  13. Pandatastic Flagellum Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 13, 2011
    On the dark side of the moon
    Pet Peeves: A Short List
    - No periods or commas
    - No capitalization
    - One sentence posts that summarize the whole battle

    And everything that has been posted already. But another problem are those who take 1 minute on their piece that leaves everyone else who wants a tiny bit of detail, scrambling to put together their beautifully crafted paragraphs. Maybe you should describe your surroundings, even a little bit, or how your character looks as they are god-modding their way through the story.
    Maybe, just try harder. I feel some people just want to rush through everything.
  14. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land

    I just hate it when someone has really bad grammar.
  15. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Not a lot...Usually things that I don't like seeing, but might accept, like short one-liners, terrible grammar spelling, godmodding, metagaming, and....powerplaying....and that's it.
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I actually don't mind bumping in this section. Role playing experiences vary and change from person to person, so there's no reason to lock it unless it's just not relevant at all anymore for anyone. :)

    I'll update this post with something relevant to the thread in a minute.

    Edit; or in two days.

    Any way. One liners upset me, especially when they're the response to a longer, well thought-out post. I find it rude.

    I also don't like weird clashing colors. Aesthetics are important to me. I would rather a post be colorless than red and yellow and blue and...etc.

    I don't like it when paragraphs aren't split. Sometimes it's a huge block of text, and it literally makes me just not want to read it at all; or it makes me want to split it up myself before reading it.

    Godmodding. I haven't witnessed much of that lately.

    And above all, I dislike the feeling of role playing being a chore. I have the habit of putting guidelines down when I'm role playing, but I never mean for them to make I think I often unintentionally intimidate people from doing their own thing and adding to the story, so I often feel like a lot is put on me by myself. Like, if I don't post, it will die instantly. And if I tell people to free-roam, or do whatever they want, it ends up being "I'll just wait for you" and it's like...grrr! I end up feeling very overwhelmed, very quickly, like I'm doing everything on my own and carrying it all on my shoulders. Then I don't post, then the role play dies instantly, end.

    But all in all that's my own fault for being so **** about things.

  17. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...

    I won't lie, in my early years I felt the need to try an overdo every combat action my character did to look cool. But I realized later it's really dickish when you're constantly trying to 1-Up everyone else in the RP.
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    I don't mind time rp powers as much as I used to, but on the occasion when I see someone's character can control it but is given no drawbacks from it, it annoys me.

    My person pet peeve when it comes to RPing is when someone pops in and keeps doing things irrelevant to the RP. I mean, I understand backtracking or getting away for a bit, but when they stay totally out of the way and in their own little world. I'm also not very fond of rps(that are not crossover) having characters from a different media meet-up. Like say it's a KH rp and then all of a sudden Doctor Who appears(unless it's meant to be a crossover or there is a VERY good reason for it).
  19. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    I chose an Epee!:)[DOUBLEPOST=1360374690][/DOUBLEPOST]also i hate god-modding too.
  20. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    My personally pet peeves in rp-ing would have to be the txt talk. I only did it with the word what to wat. I cut that out after a while

    Grammar is a biggie because if you think they meant one thing and actual turns out to be something completely different.. You look stupid and ruins the rp big time. Then having to compensate for that

    I hate those one word or crazy short responses to someone giving a description, or explaining something. Can't stand that

    Not being clear when explaining an action. I do this and have really been working on it so I look up examples and put those examples in words the best I can. It may happen from time to time, but I cut it out. Still can not stand it at all

    People who complain about someone being too strong when they became that way proving their strength and keeps going. While they haven't been doing anything at all and just popping in every now and again trying hard to keep up. Which brings me to my other point when people want a summary of the rp all the time even though they're online... ALL THE TIME never made any sense to me at all.

    Wanna be try hards and know it alls in rp's. Its so funny because even when you prove countless times their skills aren't as good as they prove it to be they still keep going. Just no quit please its not worth it. You aren't as nice as you claim to be.

    People who ask for help on how to rp and never there when you try to help them. Also when they are there throw it off completely and start complaining about the most idiotic stupidest things. Don't ask anyone for help if you don't want it. Then complain how you aren't getting any better... Ok well guess you're not sorry.

    Also random rp-ers not saying anything messing it all up -,- Why?

    People who invite their friends to an rp, they make it worse, and just say nothing the entire time holding people up. Cools its your friend, but if they aren't going to say anything or just post, and rarely show up... Gotta go no excuses