Role Play Idol [Season One] Challenge #5

Discussion in 'RP Idol Archive' started by Jayn, Sep 20, 2011.

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  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    It's nice not having to use the Advanced Post

    Tummer: I thought you started off really amazing. The hunter attitude Hannah adopted was really well done, though I think that the suicide bit at the end was a bit confusing. If there was a bit more build-up (or the posting limit was higher) I'm sure it would've been even better.

    Marushi: I thought you did awesome, too. I always find myself enjoying your posts, because the characterization is always great. I think my only suggestion here would be, like Jayn said, splitting up the content of your posts a bit. Making a new paragraph for dialogue should do it (or using a different color font for dialogue).

    Bushy: Dayuuuuuuuuuuum. Your posts complete captured the essence of a killer to a T. Izzy was pretty much flawless, and just an overall good job.

    Chesty: yesiamcallingyouthat. It was a little strange at first to see Brad show emotion to another character. xD But overall, you did an amazing job as well.
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