From the mind of Yuji Naka, the creator of Sonic the Hedgehog and NiGHTS, Rodea the Sky Soldier was initially conceived as a Wii game, but went through development hell for a few years before being re-revealed for the 3DS and Wii U (though the original Wii version will be released as part of the Wii U game). This action game focuses on Rodea, a mechanical soldier with the ability to fly, being flung 1,000 years into the future to help save his kingdom. The game will be released in Japan on April 2, with releases in North America and Europe scheduled for this fall. The official North American site can be found here.
P sure I made a thread on this two years ago. Oh well. CAN'T. WAIT. PLEASE DON'T MESS UP NIS. Seriously, if the Wii U version doesn't use the Wiimote I'm going to be ticked.
The localization's release has been pushed back a couple of weeks from September 22 to October 13 (September 25 to October 16 for Europe). The Wii U version's launch edition will come in a collectors' box and the original Wii version of the game; the 3DS' launch version will also come in a collectors' box, and will include an original soundtrack. Both versions of the game will also be available to purchase digitally from the eShop. [x]