so here is the story organization Xlll start a rock band so you can take it from there the band is called vacant vessels marluxia: larxene:naminestwinsister"lead drummer" axel:gerlert_fav2005"key boarder" xaldin: xigbar:Siver_Bullet "bass player" zexion: vexen: xemnas: demyx:Dual Wielder "lead guitar" saix:No Heart-X"electric guitar" laxaeus: roxas:Kingdom-Fan98"lead singer" luxord: oh and also say what instrument or if you want to write songs or sing just say
Aww man!!Someone toke Demyx first...Oh well.It don't matter!I'll be Axel then playing the electric keyboard-thingy.
OOC:Where is everybody? Xigbar was in the garage tuning his bass. ''Darn,this would've been easier if I had an electric tuner.''