Rock Band hands down. To me, Guitar Hero III was a huge disappointment, what with all the over-exaggerated note charts, horrid overload of advertisement, and just plain sloppy treatment for PS2 and Wii versions. Frankly, I think Neversoft ruined the Guitar Hero series, using the popularity to cover up just plain lack of developing effort. Just look at the DS game. Who's gonna take that seriously!? Rock Band is an absolute blast to play with a group of friends. The career mode's a lot better in development of the players, forcing you to play better for more fans and money, as you would in an actual musical career. Plus, you never have to wait long for something new to play, as the downloadable song library grows every Tuesday, with well over 120 songs to date.
Sooo...I guess I'm going to go get Rock Band now. Right? I guess so. Rock Band does have the whole "multiplayer" thing going...
Yes. I'll just list some things it has over Guitar Hero III 120+ Downloadable songs 4 Player Multiplayer (Offline and Online) 2 Guitar, 1 Drums, 1 Vocals, so you don't always do the same thing Create-a-Character "Still Alive" But of course, Guitar Hero 4's gonna copy all this :sideways:
Guitar Hero has the rights to better songs. Thats all that really matters to me, because I suck on Drums and Vocals..
Win . And guitar hero has rights to aerosmith only. they havent bought out metallica yet, (they will eventually though)
I'ma say guitar hero cuz I don have a lotta friends that plays video games which require lots of movement. (and yes, they think scrolling a guitar and drumming is a lot of work...<_<) So based on all I've seen, Rock Band doesn't seem too fulfilling when played Singleplayer. And all in all, I've just never played Rock Band so I can only say from wat I've experienced.
dude? well over 180 songs. rock band is actually very fun on single player. Thrasher = harder to 5 star than ttfaf. -Better Graphics -Guitar Art -Easier to use Leaderboards -Invite a Friend online feature -Infinite songs in an online match, not 1, 3, 5, or 7 -Smoother character animations -Less advertising -Orly? yarly! nowai! is written on the wall of one of the venues. -Hysteria
lol. I would think that they would wait till GH: World tour is out before making any serious comparisons. I prefer Guitar Hero though. I'd rather not have to have 2 friends with me to fully enjoy the game. Plus I like the songs in GH more~
This contradicts what many say but I wa saddened by the GH3 setlist, I just disliked a majority of the songs.
Guitar hero 3 had very few good songs. One Cult of Personality Impulse Cliffs of Dover Slash Battle DWDTG End Begins (To Rock) We Three Kings