*is unable to decide whether hes getting this from scorehero for rockband.com* i saw this a few hours ago, and i thought to myself "why didnt they pt on the metallica pack, any rush, or shockwave >.>>>>>>>>>>>"
still, with the lack of dlc for the wii and it being a bare bones version of the 360 and ps3, i won't be getting it. It's just not worth it in my opinion.
Despite the gimped version of Rock Band on the Wii/PS2, if you happen to have either version, a plus to this is that if you were to download every song in this compilation through Xbox Live or the Playstation Network, the entire thing would costs you roughly $45, whereas the compilation disc of all the songs for the Wii/PS2 costs $30.
I'm mixed with the idea, it's cheaper than buying all those songs, but how many people are going to like them all, I personally only like about 5 or 6 of them, so for me it would be cheaper ot but them on DLC, but hey the lack of DLC on Wii and PS2 can't be avoided, so it's good to see they are having expansions packs.