Rising Population, Falling Average IQ.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Shadow, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    I heard about it here, then I researched more

    So, as you all know, the population of Earth is increasing. But, with the increasing population, there is decreasing IQ, in families with an average IQ of 125 or less, they average about 5 children, and families with and average IQ of 170 or higher, they average about 1.5 children.

    All in all, the world is becoming stupider and stupider as time goes on, think about it, we use more things that pollute(cars, etc.), less and less people get passing grades in school, and dolphins are proving to be smarter than humans. So, all I can say is SMARTEN UP WORLD, maybe we can change this.

    The Eastern Hemisphere has about 65% of the worlds population, and places like Asia and Africa are getting really, really populated, but, there is not much schooling there (In Africa anyway), so, if all of us helped get better schooling in places like Africa, then maybe we could start raising the worlds average IQ rate.
  2. dandanrevolutionextreme Banned

    Feb 11, 2007
    under the sky so blue....
    rising population, yes....

    falling i.q. maybe....

    population, in 2010 were supposed to hit like 3.5 billion

    iq, dont look at me, my iq is 143....and i have 3 siblings, besides, 170 isnt exactly the lowest number....
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    That's...deeply concerning. Not to mention how the body structure of future generations can change because of how almost everybody today leans over to use a keyboard. I'm not saying anything drastic is going to happen, but what I am saying is that slowly, but surely, mankind is back-tracking down the evolutionary chain.
  4. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    thats interesting. wait....
    1.5 of a CHILD?
  5. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    An average can be any number. If one family has 3 and one family has none, then the average is 1.5.
  6. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.
    sorry, i misread your post...
  7. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Although I wouldn't use a Korn music video as the sole justification for this, the video did suggest quite a few things.

    Notice how the "1.5 children" family seemed to look more "proper" and more well-off in the aesthetics, while the "5 children" family seemed more like the trailer-trash family without decent clothing?

    First off, there is no real accurate way to measure IQ, as there are just too many facets that are impossible to gauge and measure. Secondly, it's not really that more children = lower IQ. At least Korn's music video had the decency to make it apparant that the IQ deficiency is definitely a more complicated issue than simply the number of children.

    It's only natural that the "5 children" family, who was depicted/drawn as your typical dysfunctional family that is most likely on welfare and don't have a very great chance of getting a good education. Children in that kind of family demographic would score lower on these IQ tests because they aren't raised in an environment that allows them to expand their knowledge in the way others who have the resources and the ability to, can. The number of children in a family has absolutely no correlation with average IQ and never has in any psychological study I've come across. On the other hand, there is plenty research supporting that it is socioeconomical factors that contribute more, which is definitely what I think that Korn music video was getting at. It was blatantly obvious after they showed both families that this was the case.

    It's also not uncommon that these families with financial problems (and thus not having the resources to effectively allow their children to excel intellectually) are those with a larger number of children, and thus why Korn even makes an effort to make note of the difference.

    *Note: The above was not a rebuttal to anyone's post in any way.
  8. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I think that you're misreading some of these things, Shadow. Rather then more children = lower IQ, I think what it actually was meant to say was lower IQ = More Children,

    And really, when you think about it, people are smarter these days then ever. And not to say anything bad against people that want to have kids, but often times more people are created from a bunch of horny impulsive idiots then a group of well educated people.
  9. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    Thats actually what I meant, maybe you misread my post.
  10. orgXIIIfan King's Apprentice

    May 15, 2007
    Behind you,seeking revenge
    True that the world population is becoming bigger and bigger but about the I.Q. drop: I think it is because that there are a lot of poor people in this world and a lot of poor and uneducated women can mean much more children and they are not raised in a bright environment so maybe the I.Q. drop thing is true.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    These statistics seem odd to me in a way. As we spread out and education does go to lesser fortunate places in the world, they are giving these people the 'same' IQ test used for a culture that these people are not. The IQ test was originally formulated to determine if someone was "Mentally Impaired". It was NEVER meant to be used as a means to calculate how 'smart' a person is, but their cognitive processes and thinking patterns to determine mental difficulties in learning so the students could get aid. Some people changed the function of it, considering that it could also in ways show how very intellectual a person was and how their cognitive thought processes work amazingly well. Then Mensa and all that came into being for the super 'elite' brains. It now is used to determine how functional someone will be in the work force, how likely they are to be unwed mothers, men who don't pay attention, unemployed, and well, how productive they will be to society.

    It has been shown in numerous psychological examinations as well as anthropological investigations into other cultures that the test is not a very good determination for measuring people's intelligence. It also debated that this test is a biased exam when used to measure these new functions.

    My worry with this test is that at the same time they are finding out we are growing in population, MORE people are also being given this test that are not culturally adept to understand some of the questions because those inquiries don't happen where they are, so they do poorer. Africa is not going to have the same cultural situations as Texas. Mexico does not, etc. If you read the questions and think as though you came from an alternate background some really don't make much sense or a person will choose another answer that is probable. More people taking the test gives deviations but at the same time, the IQ test is out of date and really should be redone if it is going to continue to be used as a way to measure so many functions.

    The other issue with the IQ test that is annoying is that it lowers your IQ score based on your age. If people are being tested later in life as well as young are in places where education is going to them, that will also drop the percentage.
  12. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    It not just a 'test' though, there are other ways of determining somebodies IQ.
  13. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    World population is already over 6.5 billion.

    As for this. Well as for the more kids lower IQ thing. More people want to work, both male and female, so if both the husband and wife have good well paid jobs, and are generally smart they are going to have less kids due to the work load.
  14. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    no, that's only America unfortunately
  15. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    I gotta say that I kinda believe this.

    As much as I hate to say it. School is important. Kids drop it saying 'I can do well enough on my own' but they have to realize that it doesn't work that way.
  16. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    You can look at it that way but I think humans are getting cleverer. A couple of hundred years ago, in mewdieval times they thought (this is true) that by putting goats cheese on your head you won't have a headache. Now I don't see the logic in that but now we have all these computers and thousands of machines to do all our work.
  17. High IQ families have average of 1 and a half kids. Low have around 5. Apparently some monkets are proven to be smarter than humans but I dont think it's gotten that far yet. (As to ants being smarter, that has been true since the dawn of man)
  18. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I don't know my IQ but the world is becoming lazier, I mean people are not paying attention in school resulting in bad jobs. They don't even have their future planned out... I do... it will cost me a lot... but I know what I'm going to be when I'm older and how I'm going to get there.

    Also drugs, smoking, alcohol are distractuions to the more important issues
  19. Repliku Chaser

    I can see the average message in a way that those with more kids really do have less time to spend with each one, getting them attention they need to develop and such. Those who are more intelligent will plan out their lives to include having children and how they will spend time, work, be there for the kids etc. It doesn't really take many brains to figure out that if you want to have kids, you don't probably want a lot if you want them to actually go places and help invest for them their futures.

    However, quite a few people don't think about having kids at all while they are out bouncing around having sex. There are the 'unexpected pregnancies' which happen and some people really having figured out that sex without protection makes babies happen. These same people are also the ones who run from responsibility and have to have the law come down on them to do things. Men and women simply need to get it through their heads that sex = potential kids and stop screwing around so much. It results in more pain for them because they will have lives they didn't want so then kids get the shaft at being not raised as well as they should. There's a cycle here that cannot be broken but by kids who see how dumb their parents were and break the chains themselves, refusing to cater to this.

    So I can in a way see what is going on, as much as I don't agree with using I.Q. tests to verify someone's intelligence necessarily, since it was meant originally as a means of detecting mental ******ation. I can say for myself though, seeing so many friends make mistakes and get either stuck in relationships they didn't want because they had to go get laid, or paying child support while still screwing around, or being stuck at home with kids and unhappy that it's not that hard to see what this is meaning. Also having a family with 4 other siblings and a mother that was very abusive made me see things. Maybe it is I.Q. and the cognitive processes that allowed me to think of having safe sex myself until I am ready for such a commitment and realizing that if I did have a kid that I would do all I could to ensure things were best for him or her. I think it also has to do with more control over hormones and having benevolence for more than just yourself too that encourages this. Some people really do care for kids more than others.
  20. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well the only standardized forms of finding an I.Q. are through tests. The only issue is that many of them count and discount a wide variety of variables that contribute to I.Q. We can agree on a few things like literacy, problem solving, etc., but there's a great deal of differences between different tests. Other than standard tests you might as well flip a coin if you're measuring I.Q. in another fashion.