Risembool Rangers/ Miniskirt Army

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Gravity, Jun 28, 2007.

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  1. Yami*no*Hime Merlin's Housekeeper


    yah he does, the website for the Miniskirt Army is down right now. I have been on the RR site though. It is huge.

    It also seems I am the only MSA fan here right now..........Great
  2. Gravity Chaser

    Nov 5, 2006
    Blomps are for the soul... <3
    Well, then, it shouldn't be hard to overpower you and convert you to the Rangers!

    After all, you know the person who wrote their song. (Moi.) And who just ordered her official recruitment cards. (Moi.) And who also is getting you in to eat dinner with Vic. (Moi.)
  3. Yami*no*Hime Merlin's Housekeeper

    the converting part might not be as hard as you think. About that whole dinner thing, when is it? Oh, and how are we going to get you to the Fire and Ice Ball on Friday? It starts at 8
  4. Gravity Chaser

    Nov 5, 2006
    Blomps are for the soul... <3
    I'll talk to my parents about giving me a lift up there as soon as I get home from school...or possibly check me out early, which would be even nicer...and as for the dinner, I just requested the details and put our names on the list of possible attendees. (Just so you know, I'm probably going to get a lotta "lobve" (Ranger word for love) for stuff since I made the song and crap. -.-

    By the way, I thought I'd let you know that I found out what was wrong with the MSA site. It's switching servers, so right now only the forum works. The forum is at http://www.miniskirtarmy.proboards99.com

    It's my understanding that the MSA is very into the idea of rank and people having superiority over others...(They have ranks, just as a military does...as well as member number numbers and divisions.) Or, at least, that's what the Rangers have been discussing...

    We Rangers are equal! WOOT! We also believe that Kevin's Army and the MSA are our sister-clubs...since we're one united Hagaren nation...even if the MSA still wants to kill us and insult our height.
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