Rise of the Nephilim

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Nov 3, 2014.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    The angel assigned to keeping watch of the school locked the office door upon entering the room. Harbonah came to a stop in front of the french doors that opened to a balcony. There was an exceptional view of the grounds from the headmistress's office. From there, she could see most everything that went on outside. She turned to face the mirror above the fireplace mantel and waved her hand. The glass rippled like a wave until a room came into clear view. It was a room she had not seen in person in many years. I said all of those things to Calamitosum, and yet, I'm not any better.

    With a sigh, Harbonah forced a smile onto her face and a cheery tone in her voice. There was no one in the mirror's view, but she thought she saw a shadow lingering near the edge of the frame. How many more times would she have to do this before she actually received a reply? Azaaaaaazel, she called cheerfully, I know you're there. I can see your shadow. Said shadow moved out of view. She was definitely there. Come on Azazel. How long are you going to ignore me for? I said I'm sorry more times than I can count. We do this every day. You'll break down eventually. You can't ignore me forever. Harbonah furrowed her brow and pressed her lips together, pouting. Please? If you'll just locate him for me, I can do the rest myself.

    Still nothing. There was always nothing. Harbonah was one of the major reasons that Azazel had returned to her true form. Most angels would be pleased, but returning to her true form put the Angel of Beauty in a rather unpleasant situation. She sighed, about to give up for the day when a realization occurred to her. Harbonah felt pretty stupid for not realizing it ages ago, but she had only been thinking of herself this whole time. Azazel, I heard from the others a long time ago that you managed to save that girl's soul. You absorbed her so that she wouldn't be destroyed during the change. What was her name? Shoot. I feel like I should remember this... Anyway, I'm guessing you never found a way to release her, and she's still within you -- much like the other Fallen are with their human hosts. If I told you that I knew a way to free her from you, without destroying her, would that interest you enough to look for him? She could get a new chance at life. As pleasant of company that I am sure you are, don't you think it would be best to let her be free? She shouldn't have to be trapped in Hell with you.

    There was movement in the shadows, but the other angel never came into the mirror's view. Think about it. Talk it over with her. A soul for a soul. Isn't that a fair trade? Harbonah waited a moment, wondering if there would be any sort of reply -- nothing. Azazel never replied. This time though, she was confident that there might be some sort of acknowledgement by the other angel. She waved her hand in front of the mirror and the only thing left in it was her own reflection. The next time she calls on the Angel of Beauty, there will definitely be a response. If only she had thought of it sooner. It would have saved her the embarrassment of begging so often.

    Harbonah moved to her desk, taking a seat in the leather chair. Her wings spread out wide on both sides and she leaned back in the chair. A knock came at the door and she remembered that it had been locked. With a wave of her hand, it unlocked. Come in, she called to the person on the other side of the door. The angel kept to herself most of the time, but she was still the headmistress. There were school matters to attend to, even if she cared little about the school itself.

  2. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    After the angelic image disappeared from the mirror, she stepped out of her hiding spot and went back to her bed. It was getting bothersome to have to hide every time. She had considered actually answering her several times before. Each time, she hadn't mustered up the will to even get in front of the mirror. Facing the Angel of Annihilation was difficult for her. Even though she had apologized to her every time, she just couldn't stand looking at her. Simply looking at her reminded her of Joslyn. And even though she could see her every day in her mind, seeing someone that looked like her standing on their own two feet caused her great pain. Azazel was a little more than angry when she actually brought her up in conversation. She was even angrier at the fact that she didn't remember her name. As Harbonah spoke, she thought about actually reminding her of Joslyn's name, but decided not to.

    "A fair trade, huh?" She muttered. In her mind, it was far from a fair trade. "No way, it's not even close to being fair. Her soul is worth far more than that ignorant little bastar-"

    "Azazel..." The soft voice cut her off. Azazel sighed as she curled up in her bed.

    "Sorry, just a little agitated." She realized that Joslyn didn't like it when she got upset. "Well, what do you think about this all?"

    "I'm not sure what to say. I admit that it would be nice to have a real body again, but..."


    "It has been a hundred years. I don't think I'd fit in out there anymore, not that I ever really did in the first place."

    "Are you sure? You wouldn't have to be stuck in this dreary place with me anymore." Azazel wasn't too keen on having to keep her confined alongside her. If she could have it her way, she would've just let Joslyn live out her life in peace, able to go about as she pleased without having to worry about a constant clamor in her head.

    "I'm in here with you, so I'm definitely not lonely. Besides, you're the only one I've ever really been comfortable with. Well, you and Hana, but she isn't here with us."

    "So then, what do we do about him?"

    "Hmm, I'm not sure. Maybe you should do it. Even if I don't get my own body, you should at least help her out. She seems really sincere about this."

    "You are a real sweetheart, honey. Alright, I'll talk to her about it the next time she calls." A little smile graced her lips as she lay on her back and stared up at the drab ceiling of her room. She rose out of the bed with a little spring in her step. Her little talks with Joslyn always put her in a much better mood.

  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Once he'd been given permission to sit with them, Lucas did just that and started to eat his food. He'd been fairy quiet as he ate his food, simply listening in to what Hwan and Jin were saying. Though it was mostly Hwan that was speaking, choosing to listen in to what he was saying might not have been the nest thing to do if he'd known about the topic before hand. It was one thing for Lucas to remain silent as a result of not knowing what to say or anything about what was being said at the moment, but in this case most of his efforts were going to not show any visible discomfort.

    While nothing too stomach churning was being said, Lucas's thoughts were more than enough to make it seem a lot worse than it actually was. He was successful in keeping any facial expression of disgust or uncomfort from showing, but his eating was a different matter. It was a good thing that he'd chosen not to eat any of the lasagna or spaghetti or anything with red sauce or that would've made it harder to eat his food altogether instead of the slowed pace that he was eating. He turned his attention when he heard his name being mentioned. "N-no, don't worry about it. I'll be fine." If they'd been paying attention of how he was acting at all, then they would know that his words were further from the truth.

    His light blue eyes looked down at the remaining bits of food that he had left. The bell had singled that it was time to go to his next class, but he wasn't quite finish with his food just yet. Maybe if he'd just stuck around long enough to finish a bit more of his food then leave for his next class. Hopefully doing so wouldn't lead him to bee all that late to his next class.
  4. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Evangeline opened her eyes as she heard the lunch bell ring. She had wondered when she dozed off. She gathered her stuff and headed back inside for her next class. Evangeline walked up the steps and stopped for a brief moment. "What class do I have next again?" Evangeline scratched her head as she tried to remember. She looked into her bag in search of her schedule. Alas, she couldn't find it. "It must be in my locker" Evangeline quickly ran into the school and ran to her locker. She had realized she might be late for class but her top priority was to figure out what class it was. Evangeline had arrived to her locker and quickly opened. She had to put in her combination multiple times until it finally opened. She looked to the side of her locker and sighed. "So that's what I had next. Now I'm late for class....me and my memory"Evangeline quickly ran to her next class hoping she wouldn't be in trouble with her teacher.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The world truly was a mysterious place, filled with wonder and numerous things that people desired to learn. For one like him, an angel that had fallen, there was numerous things that he had to find out in order to be complete. The workings of angels their children, it only opened up a new world to him and made him wonder what was out there. He was told that he was the host of Azrael, angel of death, but never once could he say that he was able to communicate with such an angel. He could feel the angel's presence deep with inside him, but the bastard refused to show himself no matter how much he was called out.

    For Albrecht Ernst, no matter how much he trained he just could not get Azrael to from, it was nothing to do with sheer power. Regardless he didn't need Azrael to speak to him, he'll just figure it all on his own. As the bell rung signalling all the students to head towards their classes, Albrecht merely head off on his own. Things were a bit dull and there was one thing he knew that would ease his sheer boredom.

    Up he walked upon the stair until he reached the highest point of the academy. Exiting onto the rooftop Albrecht narrowed his eyes with a smile upon noticing just who he was looking for. He took grasp of a small pebble resting upon the ground and immediately chucked it lightly at the back o Elizabeth's head. Surely this would get things started
  6. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Elizabeth stared out at the empty yard in front of her. The bell had just rung, signifying the end of the lunch break. She took a sip from her water bottle as her legs dangled off of the edge of the roof. It was so boring around this place, even though the place itself sounded interesting. An academy for nephilim and angelic hosts, as they told her when they first found her. At first, she had just written them off as completely blitzed, and then they showed her proof. She still had a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that they actually existed or that she was one of them. Apparently, she was the host of the Angel of Destruction, Abaddon. She'd never actually spoken to him, or for that matter ever felt any sort of extra presence within herself.

    She let out a puff of smoke as she lit another cigarette. Her thumb flicked her lighter opened and closed as she kept staring, bored out of her mind. Geez, it's so peaceful around here. There's not a damn thing to do except eat and sleep. Elizabeth almost resented the fact that nothing ever happened around the school. The only time she'd ever gotten to do anything really fun was when she got into fights with that German guy, Albert or whatever the fuck his name was. For whatever reason, he liked to pick fights with her. Maybe he's as bored as she is, maybe he's just a prick. Either way, she was hoping something would happen. Where is that dumba-

    Before she could finish her thought, as if on cue, she felt a pebble hit the back of her head. She blew out a large plume of smoke as she stood up. "You must be some kind of mind reader because I was just thinking about you." She called out as she turned around and flicked her cigarette at him. An amused look crept across her face as she stared at her soon-to-be opponent.

  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Women were far too complicated creatures, one that Albrecht could never really understand no matter how much he prodded them. Sure he liked to be a bit mischievous with the other gender, however he still held a huge respect and fear of them. Women could be quite scary, scary enough that they'd drag you straight down to hell just to torture you. He had his fair share of encounters with these women, but the very little lady before him was somebody totally different than the rest.

    In response to her smile, Albrecht held the tip of his top hat and grinned as he tipped the hat a bit "Ah, so glad to hear of this, truly a reaction I do not receive much" Albrecht said before pulling off the hat, tossing the hat to the side before brushing his hair back, his grin never leaving his face. "but then again the two of us aren't what is considered normal...angels and nephilim included" Albrecht said before cracking his knuckles and crouching slightly. With his left hand clenched and reeled back, he held out his right and used his index finger to signal her to come at him "C'mon, ladies first. Do try and keep me entertained" Albrecht said quite excited for the brawl that was to come. Dare he say it, but these moments here were what truly kept him interested in this academy.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  8. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    She tossed her bottle aside as nancy-boy motioned for her to come at him. "C'mon, ladies first. Do try and keep me entertained." Her smirk grew even bigger after hearing his taunt. Oh, he's gonna get it now.

    "Hah! That's my line, you son of a bitch!" At this point, what was going through that thick skull of his was unimportant. She'd just beat the shit out of him and get it over with, no questions about it. She put up her fists and took up a boxing stance before running at him as fast as she could. Her foot slammed into the ground hard as she drove her fist forward full force.

  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    In an instant the brawl started off with his opponent rushing forth straight at him like a wild beast. Lowering his extended arm that was used to signal her, he clenched his right hand and prepped himself or the incoming blow. The girl was fast and her fist was shot forward, connect right in his cheek. The pain was felt and it hurt like a bitch, but even so he chose to take the blow, he held his ground refusing to fall from such a single blow. The pain was exhilarating, furling his adrenaline and making hold a desire to scream out TESTOSTERONE as loud as he could possibly could.

    From the force of the blow, he held his weight down on the ground as the blow made contact. Resisting the force that would push him back, he quickly raised his right foot and stomped it forward, thrusting his reeled back left fist straight forward towards the abdomen of Elizabeth.
  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    After connecting the blow, he answered with a punch to her gut. She slid back slightly from the punch as she clenched her teeth. Not wanting to let him get the upper hand this early on, she used the momentum of being knocked back to prepare her arm before striking back at him.

    Unrelenting, Albrecht was far from done with his attack. Dashing forward he moved immediately to attempt to close the gap between them and give her a bit pressure when it came to defending against his attack. As he moved he reeled his right fist back and sent it forward, connecting with her own fist. His hand shivered from the intense contact of fist but he was not done as he sent his left fist straight at her face, intending to pay her back for the blow to his face.

    Elizabeth forced herself to stay in place, not letting him push her back this time. Her heart pounded in her chest, the fight was just beginning and she was just ecstatic about it. The boredom that was plaguing her was just a distant thought now. Teeth grit, she used this opportunity to grab his arm and lock it with her own. She pulled him closer and started to punch rapidly at any part of him that she could hit.

    She refused to budge and took the blow without fear. This sheer pleasure of fighting, a true sibling relationship that could only be conveyed through the use of fists and legs, it was mind blowing. Surely this was the greatest high! His arm was grabbed and immediately he found himself being pummeled by a relentless barrage towards him. The blows assailed him but anticipating it he eventually caught her fist with his hand. Holding the fight tightly he pulled her arm and sent his knee towards her chest.

    After his knee struck her chest, she released her lock on his arms and reeled backwards. This fight was just what the doctor ordered, today. After regaining her balance, she cracked her knuckles and popped her neck from side to side. "Ohh, this is good, this is getting real good, nancy-boy!" Once again, Elizabeth took up her fighting stance. "It's gonna be a real shame when I break it. Break your face, that is!" She rushed at him again, this time jumping into the air and drop-kicking him.

    With his leg connecting to her chest and having released her fist as she backed off, Albrecht allowed her this short retreat, allowing himself to position himself as well. He placed his hand on his shoulder and moved his hand aroud before smirking as the fight continued on. The girl took to the air and immediately in response to the dropkick he raised his arms and crossed them, blocking the impact. "Break my face? I'll just break all your bones then!" Albrecht said beginning to unfold his arms and attempted to grab the leg that had made contact with his arms.

    As her feet hit his arms, she tried to think of her next move. The fight was really getting heated and she was loving every second of it. Just the rush of adrenaline of getting hit and fighting back. It made her feel alive. More alive than when she just sat around thinking about what to do next. After he caught her leg, she fell back down to the ground. "Oh, we'll just see about that!" As she spoke, she used her hands to lift herself back up and try to push nancy-boy back as he tried to hold on to her leg.

    To be able to face somebody who could take a hit and not feel so insulted, to be able to fight somebody who was so resiliant and could throw a punch...this was the life. With a firm grip upon her leg, he clenched tightly and immediately tossed her to the side.

    She cried out as she got tossed aside. Elizabeth let out a sharp breath as she pushed herself to stand back up. Her body ached, her heart was pounding, and she just couldn't get enough of it. She screamed as she rushed towards him and tried to tackle him.

    His body staggered a bit after having tossed the surprisingly heavy girl, however he was far from done. He prepped himself in preparation for the next move but the move came much quicker than expected. The screaming girl's body connected with his and he nearly had the wind blown out as he fell back on the ground.

    As they fell to the ground, she couldn't help but start laughing. She just felt the urge to laugh and laugh and laugh. Maybe it was the rush of the battle getting to her, but whatever it was, she couldn't stop. The moment they hit the ground, she tried to straddle him and keep him pinned so she could keep pummeling his face.

  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The sudden collision causing them to fall with a big thump, but even so he couldn't help but join in the laughed. He was pleased to see how much enjoyment she was having and it just didn't make him feel alone for feeling it. Of course he would not let her snatch victory away from him so easily. He struggled attempting to get the quite heavy girl off him.

    After a brief struggle, she got tossed aside once again. She lay there for a little bit before getting back up. Her breathing was definitely heavier than before, the aches and pains getting even stronger. "C'mon, what's the matter? I thought you were gonna break my bones!" she taunted.

    Panting slightly, Albrecht eventually rose to his feet too, taking his time a bit due to the blows that he had taken from the girl. "Come now, I chose a full body to destroy, you on the other hand chose a mere face! my face is intact so I say you should be questioning yourself!" Albrecht said with a grin as he jumped forward. Twisting his body he sent a horizontal kick towards the side of her body

    His response really got to her. He made sense, and she hated the fact that he did. Now it was his turn to jump and kick her, and now it was her turn to grab his leg. As his foot connected with her side, she staggered slightly before regaining her balance and latching onto his leg.

    His foot connecting with his prey, he soon found himself in a reverse situation with his leg now being the one to be caught by her, but he would simply allow things to play out the way they did before. As his body fell due to the wonders of gravity, Albrecht reeled back his free leg and kicked forward at her.

    As she held onto his leg, he tried to kick her with his free one. She started to spin him around as a knee-jerk reaction before tossing him aside. The spinning around made her lose balance and fall flat on her back. She let out a quick huff of air before propping herself up on her elbows.

    She was fast, and her instincts were quite sharp as well. Hitting the ground seemed to be something occurring a lot, which was quite reasonable considering the fight. He pressed his hand against the roof floor as he made contact with the ground. Slowly rising to his feet and stumbling a bit, he gathered as much energy and dashed straight forward at the girl. Attempting to act before she got up he jumped once again and directed his knee downwards at her.

    As she watched him get up again, she decided to stay on the ground to see what he would do. Sure enough, he leapt at her once again and tried to attack her again, this time with his knee. She let herself go flat on her back and roll out of the way of the attack.

    There was a crack, but not of one that of bones. The contact with the ground and his knee hurt like hell, but at this point there was far too number of things that hurt like hell that he couldn't complain. Rising up from his knee he glance over at the girl that managed to dodge.

    She pushed herself back up and met his glance. With not much else coming to mind, she rushed at him again and tried to tackle him while he tried to get up.

    Immediately the girl dashed towards him and instinctively he crossed his arms over his chest as she collided with him. The two once again fell to the ground only this time the ground cracked and immediately gave way upon the contact of the two, sending the duo falling.

    As they fell, she noticed that they were falling a little longer than before. "What the-" She managed to get out before both of them hit the stairs below and started to tumble down. Each stair they hit along the way was accented with a cry of pain. When they finally stopped, she lay beside him, a low whine escaping her. "Ugh... fuck..." The pain was definitely way worse than before, and she felt blood running down her forehead and from her nose.

    Goddamn it why couldn't they of just hit the floor and be done with it? Each stair that he hit was pain and in his weakened state this pain was pretty tough and did not allow him to really move. Once they finished their tumble he just laid there sprawled on the ground beside her with a groan. There was blood running down so if there was any doubt that this was not intense well they now had proof it was. "Well you didn't break my face and I didnt break all your bones, but we sure as hell broke something" Albrecht said panting while doing so.

    Weakly, she tried to slap him across the face, but only brushed his cheek. "You dumbass." Her breathing was ragged, and trying to move only made it worse. "Man, the staff is... gonna be pissed." she laughed weakly.

    Albrecht couldn't help but close his eyes and let out a weak chuckle "I guess, but you sure as hell can't say you regret this" Albrecht said.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    As he expected, the gym was empty. He checked his pocket watch to be sure of the time before placing the piece back in his coat. Lunch had just ended and no students would be coming in at this hour. The last thing anyone wanted was to have students taking a hit to the gut on a full stomach. He looked around, seeing no signs of Rose. Perhaps it was time he helped her update her workout routine. As it was, it just appeared to be lackluster. Having no other reason to stay in the gym, as it was far too small for him to put his powers to good use, he turned and left. Knowing the gym had been left undamaged by Rose and her meager thing that she called training Soren decided his time would be better spent returning to his own training.

    There were times where he could barely consider what he did on his free time "training". It was true that a large portion of both day and night were spent on becoming stronger, faster, and refining his skill but he was much more capable than displaying sheer brute force. Research was what consumed the remainder of his time leaving him little for doing more than being able to offer a distracted acknowledgement of the existence of those who bumped into him.

    He checked the time once more, taking a quick glance at the mirror embedded in the cover before closing the watch before the image fully formed leaving a faint streak of gold in its wake. As Soren returned the watch back to his pocket he remembered that just by doing this he was wasting valuable time. Walking. He had faster ways of getting around than that. Soren was ready to teleport when familiar sounds from the outside reached his ears. The sound of combat was something that had been a constant throughout his life.

    It took no effort for him to conceal himself from the sight of the two young angels sparring childishly. While he could have put a stop to it at any moment Soren felt that it was better to leave the two to get it out of their system. A few bruises were good for the soul. Of course, the damage the two caused by the end of their skirmish was still inexcusable. There were better places to handle displays of ego. Like the gym.

    "Gut gemacht." Soren spoke in an amused tone as he eyed the cracks in the ground, seemingly appearing out of thin air. "If you two wanted to play all you had to do was go to the gym. Then this," He gestured towards the damage they had done, "would not have happened. Pick yourselves up and get to where you need to be." He turned his head to motion for the two to leave. "Dra bort. Walk it off. That should be enough punishment for you. Don't count on me to be in this good of a mood if you try fighting outside again."

  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Half day remedial classes only;
    mandatory for those that maintain below a C average.



    Morning light shone through the large bedroom windows and Cal shielded her eyes. She rolled between the sheets of her bed and into the sleeping figure beside her. A sleepy smile parted her lips and she kissed the man between his shoulder blades lightly. "Good morning Caius," she whispered before crawling out of bed.

    Cal was almost always up first. It seemed like she had been rising earlier and earlier as of late. Her red - eyed gaze drifted back to the man in the bed as she moved to the closet to dress. She had been intending on having a field trip to town to take her mind off of things. Anyone that wished to come that wasn't in remedial lessons was allowed to attend. The adults were free to come and go from the school as they pleased, but the young Nephilim and angels were to be chaperoned whenever they left the school. There were still people out there that didn't agree with their existence, and most still were incapable of fully controlling their powers.

    She sifted through the closet for something to wear. They needed supplies for next week's party. Cal was in charge of party planning -- she was in charge of most everything. Harbonah was basically a figurehead. She held the title of 'being in charge,' but Cal did all of the work. She didn't mind most of the time, but the additional workload was starting to take its tole on her; not that she would say anything about it. She just needed to prioritize.

    Cal sat down to slip on her shoes and glanced over at Caius again. They had been drifting again. She blamed herself, but could tell there was something he wasn't saying as well. They always seemed to do this. One hundred years and the only one that was ever capable of being open and honest was Anna. Cal always envied her for that. She never understood how the raven - haired Nephilim woman was capable of being so entirely different from the rest of them.

    She stood to inspect herself in the mirror and nodded once at her reflection in the mirror. Cal needed to try more and she knew it. Somehow she needed to stop focusing on her sister, but it was consuming her. "What am I going to do?" she asked herself in the mirror.

  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Zoey yawned as she stretched her arms and opened her eyes. She had been asleep out in the hallway for a couple of hours, across the hall from the door that entered the room Marvel had slept in. She had a nightmare and she didn't want to be alone in her room, so she was alone across the hallway from her father. She didn't want to disturb him and knock, in fact she was hoping that he left the door unlocked. He didn't. She would have to live with it.

    Zoey was getting ready to stand up before she saw the door move and she let out a quiet yelp before running around the corner. She poked her head around the corner to see Marvel walk out of his room. He was not awake, he was barely dressed, and he was looking at his watch hoping somehow it wasn't as early as it actually was.

    Zoey smiled a bit and decided she was going to try and walk to him rather than hide. She skipped around the corner shouting, "Dad! Dad dad dad dad dad."

    Marvel looked up from his watch with a clearly annoyed face as he looked over at her, "Shut up. it's early on a Saturday."

    "I wanted to know if you were going on the town field trip today. I think it's gonna be so cool and I think we could go and get some sweets or someth-"
    "I'm not going."

    Zoey's face looked pained, "W-why no-"
    "Remedial classes."

    There was silence between them for a moment before Marvel spoke, "So you're going?"
    "Can you buy me a tie?"
    "A tie?"
    "A tie."
    "Why do you need a tie?"
    "Because I like ties and I haven't gotten a U.K. one yet?"

    "Um I guess so... you want like a flag tie?"
    "I don't know I just want a tie."

    Marvel pulled out his wallet and handed her $20. Zoey stared at it for a moment and laughed, "You're making this hard for me."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "You just gave me twenty dollars."
    "Yes and?"
    "Twenty American dollars?"
    "Do you want a fucking medal for being able to identify a twenty dollar bill?"
    "Dad we're in Wales."
    "I get that, what is you poi-"

    Marvel stopped speaking and his body tensed up. Zoey nervously scratched the back of her head and questioned, "So is this why you're in remedial classe-"
    "Shut it smartass."

    Marvel grabbed the$20 back from her and Zoey looked at him sadly and spoke, "You know I could ask one of the teachers to swap it out for pounds."
    "No, don't bother. I don't need a tie." Marvel began to walk down the hallway again as Zoey shouted, "I'll bring you back a present?"
    "Don't bother me, Zo."

    Zoey frowned and then looked at her clothes and realized she was still in her P.Js. So she ran back to her room to get herself changed.
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Another day and surprisingly for the horned nephilim he managed to get a content amount of rest for the night. Saturdays were always nice and it meant he could move at his own pace, however Caius tend to be a bit stubborn, pushing himself further than he really should of. Caius was a bit of a light sleeper and once he felt the touch of Cal he could help but awaken.

    The feeling of rising from the bed was always a difficult one, but eventually Caius was able to do. Groggily sitting up, he scratched the back of his head lazily before looking over at the girl standing over by the mirror with a soft smile. "hopefully we can figure that out together" Caius said rising to his feet before walking up behind Cal before wrapping his arms around her waist "Good morning" Caius said before giving her a kiss on her cheek and proceeding to release her and head over to get changed and ready for the day.

    With the festivities coming up things were going to be a bit busy for them, but even so things were a bit more complicated than that. There were numerous things that were bugging Cal and Caius could see that. He had his own issues he held as well, but Caius had hoped these wouldn't cause any problems, that they would be able to sort out whatever has been bothering them. Getting dressed, Caius placed a trench coat on before walking out. "I hope you slept well" Caius said closing his eyes with a smile as he placed on his glasses.
  16. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    There didn't seem to be many people who took joy in everything they did like Andrea did. From school work to even everyday things. Waking up, showering, getting dressed. She found it especially funny when her clothes held some irony like they did today. A perfect outfit for an outing. Now she only hoped others would be there so it would not be too dull. Because even if she enjoyed everything nothing was better than enjoying things with others and being there to witness their deeds. And who knows. Even beings like them needed saving sometimes.

    Isn't it a lovely day? There was no visible person being spoken to or anyone to hear her words. There rarely was, her roommate often absent. They were likely hanging out with friends or something of the sort. Or maybe they were here often just rarely at the same time she was. Who knew.

    In any case it seemed time to go now, so she exited the room. Maybe if she were lucky someone would run into her on the way. If not then at least there wouldn't be need any worry of being late.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Lucas found himself without much to do after he'd awoken and gotten dressed. He didn't have any classes to go to today, which made sense since he rarely ever had to go to any of the remedial classes. While he may have been the nephilim son of Samael, King of the Wicked, if you ever asked someone to described Lucas, the word "Wicked" would never come up. There probably was some form of wickedness deep rooted within him, but it wasn't likely that it would surface anytime soon.

    The task at hand for him was to figure out how was he suppose to spend his time today. While he could easily do nothing for the entire day, it would be better to try and avoid having to do that. It didn't help that while he was pondering what to do, he hadn't left his room at all. Once he'd realized this, he then put on some shoes and walked out of his room. Maybe he should take a walk around the campus. That way there would be a chance for him to stumble upon something...or not. Either way it was the best thing that he'd thought of so it would likely be what he does.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Pulling his coat off its metal hanger Soren gave it a quick inspection. Even after all these years it still held together quite well despite the abuse it had been through. Being the last gift from an unlikely friend and mentor, the enchantments that gave the coat its durable quality were still strong. Putting it on, Soren flexed under its familiar weight and left his room. Having only stopped at his room to change clothes after an overnight training session, Soren was ready to move on to something new.

    A soft click came from his timepiece as he eyed it, slowing his pace once he took notice of the time. It was likely she was teaching a remedial class at this hour and he would have to wait outside the door. That was something he wished to avoid. Someone as large as he was easily intimidated most students and waiting outside a door silently would only make that worse. With her busy and little else for him to do, Soren found solace in wandering aimlessly through the halls lost in thought over other important matters.

    I'll bet Anna's busy with remedials too. Hm... Once more he withdrew his pocket watch and looked at the embedded mirror as the image shifted from his reflection to...nothing. He furrowed his brows while staring at the empty glass. Still nothing. He shoved it back in his coat after one last look at the time and continued walking. It's been hidden for far too long.

  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Rose was not happy that she was in charge of the first half of the remedial classes today. Mainly because for whatever reason she couldn't stay awake. It must have just been one of those days. When she entered the room, so far there were only three kids in the room and she was certain there were a few more expected. Which she really didn't want to have to go searching for them.

    One of the kids in the room she knew was just struggling to keep up with classes so she couldn't make any generalizations about all of them being trouble-making oafs who could be making better use of their time if they just paid attention in class in the first place. She would certainly have liked to, it made the teaching entertaining because the kids paid more attention when she was more blunt and just trying to cover the basics rather than cover the whole material. Which she would have to do because of the kid who was genuinely struggling.

    It was great. Except it wasn't.

    Rose stood up at the board and took attendance quickly before she looked up, "Good morning." She listened to the grumble of good mornings from the class and she put on a fake smile, "If we distract ourselves with our learning I'm sure the day will go by a whole lot faster."


    xxxxxxxxx x음악

    Hwan had not slept, and was not in the mood to sleep yet. The man was cutting off his own circulation. Again. He wasn't doing anything "life threatening" yet, so he didn't feel the need to wake up his roommate for such an activity.

    Although man, did it sure hurt. But what was he expecting? Happiness and feelings that made him feel... high? Hell he almost preferred knowing that with all of his experiments he wasn't a masochist yet.

    He as charting down observations as he watched his hand slowly turn into a bluish color. He was humming softly to himself until he knew he had gone a bit too long. He tried to regain his circulation by raising his arm over his head. He wanted it to go back naturally, without having to use any of his healing abilities.

    The korean boy let out an annoyed sigh as he mumbled,
    "Good job."
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