Riku's Girl

Discussion in 'Archives' started by i love axel ^^, Dec 25, 2007.


Who do you think riku's girl is??

  1. a new character?

    89 vote(s)
  2. Yuffie?

    8 vote(s)
  3. Aerith?

    6 vote(s)
  4. Selphie?

    14 vote(s)
  5. tifa?

    9 vote(s)
  6. A GUY?? (jk or is it?)

    29 vote(s)
  1. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    AWWW!!! i'm so loved!! thank you for checking on that i was like confusing myself. lol i'm one of your favorite authors!! that's so sweet! I LOVE YOU KIRBY!!!

    that's a great pairing too! thanks for reading!

    okays people I'm sooooo close to finishing the last chapter!!! Please be patient! I just need like 2 more pages and I'm like done! And currently it's about 6 pages long! be be ready to read! Thanks again for reading and commenting! You are all so awesome!
  2. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    He's too sweet! Listen: <(^-^)>"Awwww...That's sweet! Just keep on writing, and believing in your stories and I'm sure you will progress!"

    Good. Cuz Kirby and I want a new Chapter! We will pay you in Kirby bucks to post faster!
  3. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .

    Ugh! Don't say that! She might make it come faster! i love axel, find it in your Kirby loving heart to make the end come SLOWER! Kirby and I beg of you! Do you want to let Kirby down?
    <(x.x)> Kirby says,(in third person)"Kirby want more chapters! Kirby doesn't want end, kuz Kirby loves i love axel's stories and Kirby doen't want it to end never-ever!"

    Don't let this sweet Pink ball down!
    *shoves Kirby bucks in i love axel's pocket*
  4. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    lol. Bribes now? this could get interesting

    Tank you!

    yeah that's what everyone says! lol XD

    Tank you! I'm working on it believe me!

    I'm sorry! but the last chapter will be good i promise!

    YAY! KIRBY KASH! okay here's what i'll do...i'll break it up into little parts! Is that good? oh and since you people are so nice call me Joss!

    You better give me that Kirby Kash backs!

    lol Those are awesome!

    lol. So you got something for Kirby eh? lol

    ......ummm.....i really don't want to die or Kirby soooooo.....IT WILL NEVER END! *cough* lie! *cough*


    I assure you i am working! I'm not slacking! Plus my mom has been giving me weird looks when i write which is weird......but whatever!it will be here! Writing the last one is REALLY hard work! It's getting there! Love you all!

  5. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    that's what i'm trying to do. I really think this is going to be the best thing i've written. hopefully.....

    Yeah i really don't know either. She doesn't ask just looks at me strangely...but I will keep working hard i can assure you people that!
  6. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .

    Okay, here's a little lesson about the different spellings of the word 'blonde'.
    B-L-O-N-D-E is just for desription of the FEMALE!
    B-L-O-N-D can be for both genders.

    But don't worry, I understand. I had always wondered about the difference of the spellings and if it mattered. I had to look it up in the dictionary!

    And just yesterday at my friend's birthday party, I met a girl named Kirby!

    <(^-^)>"Yay! Someone named their kid after me!"
  7. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    see? there are patient people in the world! lol thanks


    yeah lol.....

    awww.....yeah Kirby! you have a little bit too much time don't you? lol. that's okay gives you time to read my silly fic! lol

    yeah the mustache i really could resist. And thats my corny comedy.
  8. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    maybe u should give me ur password
    u know for save keeping
    u might forget
    its not like i have an evil masterplan that concerns it anyways (cough, cough, yeah right,cough)
    sorry i have an evil cold lol
  9. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    ummm.......well i think this will be it. okay this is the preview. it's just a short little part from the whole thing.
    Preview!!! Stop hounding me for a day!! enjoy!

    “Well I’m going to the gift shop you want anything?â€

    “Yeah. Get me like 4 payday’s,†(FYI that’s like my favorite candy bar)

    “Alright,†Following the signs, I found my way to the gift shop. Grabbing 4 paydays and 3 snickers and two bags of pixy stixs. (some other favorites) I paid for them and walked out.
    Walking down the halls and corridors, I emptied a pixy stix in my mouth. The waiting room still had the movie “Finding Nemo†playing. As I sat down I groaned and passed Namine her 4 paydays.


    “No problem.†Once that was said, a very tired yet excited Sora ran into the room. Sitting up we stared at Sora.

    “I’M A DAD!â€

    “Oh Sora!†Namine jumped up and yelled.

    “It’s a boy right?†I asked hopefully.

    “No. I’m sorry Riku it’s a girl.â€

    “Can we see the baby?†Said a Namine that was now jumping up and down.

    “Yeah of course, that’s why I came out here!†Sora led us to the room where the baby was. I searched through the babies. Finally I landed on the name Muyo. Leaning my head against the glass I looked at the sleeping baby. You could absolutely tell that this was the child of Sora and Kairi. Complete with big blue eyes, reddish brown hair, and chubby cheeks.

    “Have you decided what to name her?†I said as I turned to Sora.

    “No. But we have a few names.â€

    “Like what?†Namine inquired tapping on the glass lightly.

    “Since it’s a girl I was thinking Kara or Sori.â€

    “Those are pretty!†Namine said looking at Sora.

    “Wait a second,†I said and pointed at him,†Are those the names picked out when you were like 8?â€

    “No. What are you talking about…†Sora looked down and folded his arms.

    “No,†I narrowed my eyes,†I remember you telling me when you had your crush on Kairi you made up names for your kids.â€

    “Oh I remember! Yeah weren’t they like a combination of yours and Kairi’s name?â€

    “Yes! I remember now!†I yelled.

    “What are you talking about? I- I didn’t do that…†Sora then blushed crimson.

    “AWWW!!! “ Namine yelled,†that is the cutest thing I ever heard!â€

    “It’s not that big of a deal….†Sora leaned back on the glass and pouted.

    “IT’S LIKE YOUR DREAM CAME TRUE!!!!†Namine yelled on glomped onto So ,†I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!â€


    yeah i hope you know what happened. Yes it's a little tease but not really. The chapter will most likely be up in a day or two three at the most. Hope you liked it!

  10. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    A "short, little" part? It was a.... whoa... AN ENOURMOUS update! Thank you!
    *gives Kirby bucks, and 2 way ticket to Kirby Paradise Island!*
    <(^-^)> ,"It's only fair. For such a good update, you deserve a 'short, little' reward. But, uh... get your eyes checked cuz that was NOT little!"

    Don't take it the wrong way with the 'get your eyes checked' thing. He was just saying that it was a big update-preview-y thing and you said at the top it was short.
    *gives Kirby bucks*
  11. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    Good kitty! *puts down bowl of food* *pets head* lol

    it was my pleasure! :D

    thank you! i really didn't think so many people would even read it! but it's actually pretty popular! thanks

    oh trust me that was little! that wasn't even a page of the whole thing! Well i wear glasses so i guess i need a stronger prescription! XP lol. YAYs!! kirby bucks and a ticket to Kirby's Paradise Island! I'll go there after this is finished!

    thank you! and i definitely will! :D
  12. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    well uh...whatever he needed help about i guess he got it. For shame you two! Spamming! *shakes finger at both* well i forgives you!


    well i gots like a page left to do. i will probably have it posted really late tonight. i don't know your guys time zones but it's going to be late. do any of you live in like england? Never-mind that was a weird question. So it's going to be late. i don't know if any of you are night owls or..... morning owls.... Well that was my little update so till then you can guess what I'm doing! (typing my fingers off)
  13. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    The Last One!!!

    Its the moment you all have been waiting for!! THE LAST ONE!!! yes i know it took me forever. yes it is very long. it's a little over 3,600 words and about 9 and a half pages so i hope you don't mind reading. I really really hope you guys like it. i hope you enjoyed my story cuz this is the end for it all. i love you all so much. You stuck by my fic through thick and thin. (Even all the times i went MIA.) so please enjoy!

    WARNING: okays people i guess i should warn about what this chapter holds. Well i will be honest. It has a tenny tiny bit of yaoi. But not really i swear. It's nothing you can't handle. (none of it includes Luxord) I just what to make that clear before people get out their shotguns and start to load it. *glups* so i'm going to stop babbling and let you guys start reading. Enjoy!!!

    The end of it all..... (yes i named the chapter)

    The night that Demyx said ‘is this your girlfriend?’ I realized I wanted to say yes. The more I thought about it, the more I found feelings I had been holding inside. For the next few days I thought about it.
    ‘Should I tell her?’
    ‘What if she totally hates me?’
    ‘Even if we do get together, what happens if we break up?’ With all these questions filling my mind everyday I was driving myself crazy. Finally I told myself it would never work that I would get over her. Everyday was a challenge. There were so many times I wanted to break down and tell her all my feelings. I always fought it. I kept telling myself that it would get easier I just need to be patient. But that never happened. It seemed everyday got harder and harder. Feeling as if I had a huge weight on my shoulders that just got heavier. Eventually, I broke. Telling her everything that I felt. She smiled sweetly and told me her felt exactly the same. After that everything was great…for a while. Soon after we got together things started getting awkward. Before we got together there was no pressure to do anything. Now there was a tension between us.
    ‘Should I kiss her?’
    “Should I hold her hand?’ About a month later we broke up. I knew it was going to happen one day. I just didn’t think I was going to be so soon. Namine moved out and found a place of her own. But what was weird was everything went back to normal. We hung out sill and were best friends again. About two weeks later came a phone call from Sora. I think that was the most meaningful conversation we ever had. He spilled out his heart and soul telling me he missed me being there for him. I think he cried. Of course to this very day Sora will deny that completely. But also in that phone call Sora told me how scared he felt with no one to talk to. Guilt washed over me. How could I be so stupid? Letting my best friend go through this alone? I lost count at how many times I said sorry. I immediately asked if I could do anything to make it up to him. He asked if I could help pick out a ring for Kairi. I just smiled and said sure. We met up at a fancy jewelry store. Sora ended up getting a really nice ring for a good deal. I was going to ask him when he was going to propose but I decided not to. After that day we started hanging out again. Few weeks later I got invitation to a Sora’s and Kairi’s wedding. As soon as I finished reading it, the phone rang.
    “Did you get the invite?” I recognized Namine’s voice. It sounded really squeaky. Which only meant one thing…
    “Yeah? What’s the problem?”
    “Namine I know you. When your voice gets all squeaky I know you’re mad about something.”
    She scoffed and then I heard a loud sob over the phone. “Roxas… h-he’s going to the wedding! That’s not even the worst part! He’s bringing the skank he cheated on me with!” I really wasn’t surprised that Roxas was going. From what I heard, he and Sora still are really good friends. Even though Kairi told him the whole story. What I couldn’t believe, was that Roxas was bringing that girl to the wedding. Was he trying to kill Namine?
    “Oh my gosh. Do you want me to come over?”
    “No please. I just want to be alone right now,” Namine said though sniffs.
    “Are you sure?”
    “Riku please I’ll be okay. I just need some time.”
    “Alright,” I still wasn’t sure,” Call me if you need anything or you want to talk.”
    “Thanks Riku.”
    “No problem Nai.”
    “I think I’m going to go to bed now.”
    “Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I hung up the phone feeling so bad. I tried to forget about it and went to sleep.
    ~ 2 months later in the back room of the Church~
    “You know what’s weird?” Sora asked me while I looked at the menu.
    “What?” I said without looking up.
    “I think…I think I could jump off a building right about now,” Now that was enough to make me look up.
    “Well Sora I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” Sora then began to fidget with his tie and pace the room. His hands were shaking badly.
    “Look Riku! I’m shaking!” Standing up I grabbed his hands.
    “Listen Sora…you love Kairi right?”
    “Course I do!”
    "Then why are you so scared?”
    “Because I’m getting married!”
    “Why is that so scary?”
    “I…,” He pulled his hands away and stuffed them in his hair,” I don’t know!”
    “Look at it this way… you and Kairi have been going out for only God knows how long. She’s having your child and you love her and she loves you. I don’t know about you I think that’s enough reason to get married.” Sora looked at me with intense eyes. Before I knew it Sora pulled me into a crushing hug. After I realized that he was crying I rubbed his back telling him to calm down.
    “I’m so scared Riku…” Sora said in a hurt and frightened whisper. He broke the hug and retreated to the corner of the room.
    “You don’t have to be. I’ll always be here,” I said with a simple smile.
    “Thank you. You always made me feel better,” Seeing a tissue box I handed a couple to him. He blew his nose a couple of times. Slowly I walked to the door. “Oh could you not tell anyone that I…um…”
    “Cried like baby? I would never do such a thing!” I replied with a smirk on my face.
    “You wouldn’t dare…” Sora said while giving me his death glare.
    “Maybe I will… maybe I won’t…” With that I left a flabbergasted Sora in the room. While heading to the back of the church, I heard the high-pitched screams of excited girls. Swiftly, I opened the door and snuck next to Kairi.
    “Ready when you are…” She gave a quick nod and looked over to someone in the corner. Following her eyes I was shocked at what I saw. This guy had long, bright red hair, which was pulled back in a ponytail. To top it off he had bright blue eyes with tattoos on the side of each one. What was his name again? Reno. Suddenly I remembered the story Sora had told. Reno went crazy when they told him about the baby. I really didn’t catch all the details but I know is things were thrown. Including: lamp, heavy books, a snow globe, a plant pot, a iron, ash tray, and at one point almost a TV. Not to mention the comments. Which if I would say any, would probably get this very talented and nice author kicked off the site. (LOL XD) Anyways, I guess they apologized and everything is okay now. Soon the violins started to play and the doors opened. Namine and I walked down the altar arm and arm. Then all the rest of the bride’s maids and groom’s men followed.
    The violins died out and the organ began. The doors opened to reveal Kairi and Reno, arms linked. They slowly walked to the altar. Reno handed Kairi to Sora and the ceremony began.

    ~Several minutes later~

    "Do you Kairi take Sora to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health till death parts you?"

    "I do," Kairi said.

    "And do you Sora take Kairi to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health till death parts you?"

    "I do," Sora said and smiled at Kairi.

    "Then by the powers vested in me I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." They locked lips. After about 20 seconds I had to break it up.

    I leaned to Sora's ear. "Umm....I really hate to interrupt but we have a Church filled with people dying to get to the reception." They broke the kiss and the Church was filled with applause. After a little car trip and getting lost only once, I got to the reception hall. As soon as I walked in I saw Roxas and his date. My eyes widened in shock. That was something I never expected. I had to find Namine. I moved through the crowd, careful to not have Roxas see me. Namine was sitting at a table with Kairi. In her hand was a glass of champagne.

    "Have you seen Roxas?"

    "Yeah I have," Namine then took a swig of her drink.

    "Did you see his date?"

    "I didn't want to see that cheap whore!"

    "Oh I think you do!" I grabbed her hand and led her to Roxas.

    "Hey Roxas!" I yelled out to him.

    "Oh Riku! Long time no see! It's nice to see you too Namine!" He threw a hug at both of us. "Oh guys this is Axel. You remember him from High School right?"

    "Yeah. Long time no see," I said and gave Axel a handshake.

    There was a long awkward silence until Namine broke it, "Wait a second...so you guys are gay?" Axel then spit out his drink.

    "No I'm not gay!" Axel yelled. A couple of people turned around giving us a weird look. "We bumped into each other and we started hanging out."

    "What? So you weren't cheating on me?" Namine said shocked.

    "Namine, I never cheated on you. I tried to tell you that but you wouldn't listen," Roxas said. Well after a very long discussion, we learned that Axel isn't gay, Roxas isn't gay and didn't cheat on Namine, and Roxas and Axel are just friends. But honestly, I think they're gay. (That’s Riku talking not me....maybe... LOL)

    ~ 1 month later~

    Right after the wedding Namine and I had decided to make things interesting. I said that at some point they were going to come out of the closet. She, on the other hand, thought otherwise. Well we decided to place a little bet. And how this was settled is a pretty funny story…

    Namine and I were going into a store. Since it was our turn to buy the liquor for the get together with Sora and Kairi. So we were about to go into the aisle. Namine was in front of me. Suddenly I see a flash of red and blonde. Jerking Namine back, I signaled to her who was right there. We watched from behind a vending machine. If you watched for 10 seconds you could tell they were together. They were leaning in for a kiss, that's when we come in.

    "Hey! What a pleasure seeing you guys here!" They froze. Both flushed the same color of Axel’s hair. I broke out in laughter. I couldn't help it. A month ago Axel and Roxas were sure they weren't gay. But now here they are kissing in a store! This is the time 'LOL' actually happens. Namine soon joined me.

    "Umm...I really don't know what to say..." Roxas said and scratched at his head. By this time I was on the floor laughing. They are almost making out in a store! It was too much. I couldn’t help but laugh.

    “Yes, by all means make fun of the gays!” Axel said and threw his hands up into the air. Finally catching my breath, after laughing so much I stood up.

    “No we aren’t making fun of you,” I said in my most serious voice,” We’re celebrating your coming out!” Roxas pushed me hard. Once I stopped laughing I spoke again. “But seriously to celebrate this… joyous… union….” More scoffs and eyes rolling,” Alright whatever, but we are having a get together with Kairi and Sora, wanna come?” They looked at each other, exchanging glances.

    “Yeah sure it doesn’t too bad.”

    “So let me just get this straight…,”Namine said,” So you guys are in fact are couple?”

    “Yes! We are gay!”

    “Dammit!” Namine yelled.

    “Alright! Pay up Namine!”

    “Here take your dumb money!” Namine then passed me a wad of cash.

    “Oh you got to be kidding me! You are sick people!”

    “Oh cool it Ax! You should be happy for me. I got a 100 bucks out of it!”

    “Alright whatever. Are we going to get going anytime soon?”

    ~ 10 minutes later~

    We get there and of course tell the story to Kairi and Sora. Which of course are on the floor laughing. But Axel and Roxas didn’t seem so amused …

    “So wait you guys are together?”

    “Yes for the billionth time, yes,” Came a pained answer from Roxas.

    “Alright! Pay up Sora!”

    “Oh you guys too!?”

    “Well Axel, the moment I heard about you guys at the wedding I just knew it was going to happen. What can I say? The motherly instincts are kicking in.” Sora then handed her a 50 dollar bill.

    “Thank y-“ Kairi didn’t finish the sentence. She grabbed her stomach instead.

    “Oh Kairi there a pool under you…” I said.

    “We have to get to the hospital. Riku grab that bag!” I grabbed the bag and handed it to Sora. Then we all headed to the hospital.

    ~9 hours later~

    “Why does it take so long to have a baby?” I said as I sipped at a warm cup of coffee then handed it too Namine.

    “I’m sorry that I can’t answer your question,” Namine said then took a sip. Axel and Roxas had left a long time ago. We said we would call when the baby was delivered. They gave their thanks and left.

    “You know what Nami?” I slouched more into the very comfy chair. Usually the chairs were vey hard. But these chairs were very soft. I guess they figure people will be here for a while. They figure right…

    “What?” She kept her eyes on the TV that was playing “Finding Nemo”

    “I think I would rather watch Axel and Roxas make out then Finding Nemo again.”

    “You and me both brother.”

    “Well I’m going to the gift shop you want anything?”

    “Yeah. Get me like 4 payday’s,” (FYI that’s like my favorite candy bar)

    “Alright,” Following the signs, I found my way to the gift shop. Grabbing 4 paydays and 3 snickers and two bags of pixy stixs. (some other favorites) I paid for them and walked out.
    Walking down the halls and corridors, I emptied a pixy stix in my mouth. The waiting room still had the movie “Finding Nemo” playing. As I sat down I groaned and passed Namine her 4 paydays.


    “No problem.” Once that was said, a very tired yet excited Sora ran into the room. Sitting up we stared at Sora.

    “I’M A DAD!”

    “Oh Sora!” Namine jumped up and yelled.

    “It’s a boy right?” I asked hopefully.

    “No. I’m sorry Riku it’s a girl.”

    “Can we see the baby?” Said a Namine that was now jumping up and down.

    “Yeah of course, that’s why I came out here!” Sora led us to the room where the baby was. I searched through the babies. Finally I landed on the name Muyo. Leaning my head against the glass I looked at the sleeping baby. You could absolutely tell that this was the child of Sora and Kairi. Complete with big blue eyes, reddish brown hair, and cute little chubby cheeks.

    “Have you decided what to name her?” I said as I turned to Sora.

    “No. But we have a few names.”

    “Like what?” Namine inquired tapping on the glass lightly.

    “Since it’s a girl I was thinking Kara or Sori.”

    “Those are pretty.”

    “Wait a second,” I said and pointed at him,” Are those the names picked out when you were like 8?”

    “No. What are you talking about…” Sora looked down and folded his arms.

    “No,” I narrowed my eyes,” I remember you telling me when you had your crush on Kairi you made up names for your kids.”

    “Oh I remember! Yeah weren’t they like a combination of yours and Kairi’s name?”

    “Yes! I remember now!” I yelled.

    “What are you talking about? I- I didn’t do that…” Sora then blushed crimson.

    “AWWW!!! “ Namine yelled,” that is the cutest thing I ever heard!”

    “It’s not that big of a deal….” Sora leaned back on the glass and pouted.

    “IT’S LIKE YOUR DREAM CAME TRUE!!!!” Namine yelled on glomped onto Sora ,” I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!”

    “Okay Namine you can get off me now.”

    “Oh yeah sorry. So have you talked about the names with Kairi?”

    “No not yet. She’s sleeping right now so I didn’t want to wake her.”

    Namine sighed and looked at the baby,” She looks just like you Sora.”

    “That’s what Kairi said,” he laughed.

    “Well, I’m really happy for you man.” I patted him on the back.

    “Thanks Riku. That means a lot. I couldn’t have done it with out you.”

    “Nah…You just needed some encouragement,” I smiled at him and yawned. “Well I hate be a party pooper but I have got to get some sleep.”

    “Yeah I guess me too,” Namine yawned and stretched.

    ~10 minutes later~

    I lied in bed. Thinking about how so much could happen in one day. I chuckled at the memory of watching ‘Finding Nemo’ about hundred times. But soon I found myself drifting off to sleep.

    ~ About 7 years later~

    “Your picking up Sori right?”

    “Yeah. Of course it’s Friday right?” I then glanced at the clock.

    “I was just checking. I’ll see you in a couple hours then,” Sora said.

    “See ya.” I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys. It’s 2:30. I guess I should get going.

    ~30 minutes later~

    Getting out of my car I glanced at the playground. I saw Sori running around in the sand playing tag. Dang, she ran fast. With hands in my jean pokets, I walked to the playground. When I got closer Sori recognized me. Putting on a big grin she ran toward me.

    “UNCLE RIKU!” She jumped into my arms and hugged me.

    “Hey kiddo. How was school?”

    “It was great! We got to do some science projects and I helped! And then we did something with bubbles and I blew a HUGE bubble and it popped on my face. And and….

    “Whoa tiger calm down. You sure do have a big mouth for a little person. Plus you’re so heavy!” Carefully I dropped her on the ground.

    “Oh uncle your so mean!”

    “Awww….I’m sorry. Please forgive me!” I then gave my famous hurt puppy dogface.

    “Well, I’ll forgive you under one condition…”

    “I’ll do anything!”

    “You have to take me out for ice cream.”

    “Of course anything for you!” I laughed and she smiled.

    “So I take it your Sori’s uncle?” I turned seeing a woman about my age.

    “Umm….no not really. I’m just Sora’s best friend. And you must be Sori’s teacher right?”

    “Yes,” She put out her hand, “Ms.Yuffie, pleased to meet you.”

    I took her hand, ”I’m Mr.Riku but you can call me Riku.” Adding a smirk to it.

    She chuckled, “Well nice meeting you!”

    “Yeah you too…,” I stretched my hand out to Sori,” you ready munchkin?”

    “Yeah! Bye Ms. Yuffie!” Sori called out as we walked away.

    “See you Monday Sori!”

    ~5 minutes later ~

    “Uncle…can I ask you a question?”

    “Sure you can ask me anything,” I licked at my chocolate dipped cone.

    “Do you like Ms.Yuffie?” She began to lick her ice cream again. Resulting, in getting some on her nose.

    I laughed and wiped ice cream off.

    “Why do you want to know? Are you jealous?”

    “No! I was just wondering…”

    “Well even if I did like her, no one could replace you,” poking her on the side, she gave a giggle.

    “So you’re saying that you do?”

    “ I don’t know,” I paused,” We’ll see what happens,” She smiled and nodded.


    “Alright,” I checked my watch,” I better get you home or your Dad will throw a hissy fit!” She laughed and took my hand.

    That day was the first day of the rest of my life. Somehow I ended up asking ‘Ms.Yuffie’ on a date. (She said I could just call her Yuffie.) Which she accepted without any question. We clicked. On that date we had a great time. Talking, laughing, actually laughing so much we cried. I felt so complete. Everything seemed to be perfect. She was so different then anybody I ever met before. Her laugh could brighten up a room. She could cheer me up better than anyone could. She was kind to everyone. Plus she was so smart and could figure out any problem. Every time she saw someone who needed help, she would help. Most importantly she was everything I wasn’t.
    Well this went on for months. Eventually we grew so close we were finished each other’s sentences. For the first time in my life I felt as if I loved someone and they loved me. After building up the guts, I decided to pop the question. Which she accepted and also resulted in something else…but that really isn’t the point. The point is I’m happy and I’m going to spend the rest of my life with Yuffie. I felt so content for the first time in my life.
    These last couple of years has been crazy. I learned so many things. I’ve grown up. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. But I don’t worry because I have the friends and family to help me whatever comes around the corner…
  14. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    well since everyone is so broken up about it i guess i will

    alright alright! i'll make a little chapter for them!

    yes yes a epilogue will be made!

    yeah that would be the better title! lol

    YES!! more kirby bucks! Thank you!

    thank you!

    Yes i thought it was a good name and plus since you suggested it i thought i will make her day!


    since sooo many people have requested it i will make another chapter. It will include What happens with Namine, Axel and Roxas. which now that you guys mention it i have a fabulous thought! So still keep checking up!
  15. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    yeah! I am really actually a yaoi fangirl. But when i started writing it i wasn't soo... but to be honest I'm am a crazy fangirl for Sora and Riku. oh and i'll be sure to fix the mistakes! thanks for telling me!

    ummm....alright then. 5....4....3.....2....1 *you get killed by crazy fangirls* seriously dude! You would be soooo dead! lol
  16. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    yeah i know. He would totally be with a guy!

    yaoi= boyxboy i bet you could get a whole army of people who are against yaoi. OH MY GOSH!! THERE COULD BE A WAR BETWEEN YAOI LOVERS AND GIRLS AGAINST YAOI!!! That would be sooooo crazy yo! CHOAS!!
    that was my crazy moment for the day.lol


    so here's what's going on. I have of course started the chapter. I think I'll have one chapter with Namine and then one with Roxas and Axel. okay badnews....... so my crazy sister is going to spend 2 WEEKS at my house. so i really don't know when i can get this chapter up. Cuz i think she will bite my head off if she sees me on the computer. Then i will have to sit through one of her lectures.But i hopefully will have it up soon. But i can't promise anything. FYI: with my crazy sister here i'm not even sure i will SURVIVE!! but anyways so i will get it up A.S.A.P

  17. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    Axel and Roxas take 1

    okay okays i've haven't been around much! *gets shot* i just haven't been in the mood to write! *gets shot again* Since my sister has been visiting i really can't write!! *Wounds start to bleed* I'm sooooo soorrrryyyyyyyy!!! Please forgive me!! Plus it's so hard to write Namine's future!! *crys* I'm sorry!! but i have good news! i'm half way done with Axel and Roxas!!! :D yays!!!

    so to assure i'm not going to get shot again i'm going to post a first half! hopefully it will satisfy for taste buds till i get the next part done!!! k? k. I'm going to shut up now!
    On a cool afternoon, Roxas and Axel sat on a porch swing. A cool breeze gently rocked then. Axel silently laced his fingers with Roxas’. Roxas smiled and set his head on Axel’s shoulder.
    “We’ve been together for a long time haven’t we?†Axel said.

    “Yeah about…,†Roxas squeezed Axel’s hand lightly,†4 years I think.â€

    “Well since we have gone out for a long time, can I ask you a question?â€

    “Sure. Ask me anything,†Roxas said, still clueless what was about to happen.

    “Well what do you think about this?†He then pulled out a small diamond ring from his pocket. A startled Roxas sat up and flickered his, now glassy blue eyes, to the ring, then back to Axel. “We have known each other for quite a while. And it may have taken a while for me to realize it but, I always knew I loved you. You always are there for me and I want to do the same for you. So Roxas, will you be mine?â€

    “Oh my gosh Axel that was the corniest thing I ever heard you say!†Axel chuckled at the comment. Roxas wiped his eyes that had suddenly became wet.

    “So is that a yes?â€

    “Of course it is!â€
    that was really short! I hate it!!! but I think I did an awful job on Axel’s proposal. I hate this!!! BLAH!!! Just FYI I’m not done with Axel and Roxas!! I think I’ll post the Namine part I have done next. But that will be in like a day or two. I need to perfect it!! so for now adios!!
  18. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    Awww.....thank you kitty! *nuzzles back*

    yeah i was thinking someone was about to shoot me...i think that was about the worst thing i have ever written i hate it. i feel like some crazy fan-girl!!! *pulls hair* but then again i think it's the cutest thing i have written. i'm a very confused and weird person... but anyways...so yeah the Namine part is coming around soon. be patient with me!!!

  19. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    okay okay i guess i lied a little *shot* i guess i deserved that...i'm sooo sorry. it's been crazy in my house for the last couple days!! i won't keep you waiting!!!~~~

    In the morning of a crisp winter morning Namine was walking her dog.
    ‘Why am I not married yet!?’ Namine thought and then sat on a bench. She sighed at her dog. Which it then tilted it’s head to the side.
    “I guess it’s just me and you pup.” Almost in response the dog whimpered. “Oh don’t give me that. I’m not happy about it either.” Staring into some trees she wished things could do, as she wanted for once. “What are we going to do? We are both single and depressed.” Propping her head on her fisted hand, she looked at her dog. After a few moments of silence Namine’s German Shepherd began to whimper.
    “What is it girl?” tilting her head toward where her dog was looking, she groaned. A figure with a dog was heading their way. “Don’t tell me. You got something for that dog?” her dog looked up at her with pleading eyes,” Wow, you fall in love fast.” The Sun that was staring to appear caught her attention. She felt the warmth of the sun on her face. Orange and light stripes of pink came into view. She took in a deep breath and looked down at her dog. “Now that’s something to fall in love with.” She said matter-of-factly. Again her dog began to whimper. “That dog can’t….” she turned her gaze to the direction of the other dog. Now the face of the dog’s owner could be seen. “Be…that…” The stranger was now only a few feet away.

    “I’m sorry to bother you, but my dog seems to be infatuated with your dog.” Namine blushed at how good looking this man was. His jet-black hair shined in the morning sun. Obviously he spent a lot of time in the sun, because his skin very quite dark. Namine then decided after looking at this man, he was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome.

    “Oh…I was just going to say the same thing…” Namine said shyly. The dogs greeted each other smelling the other’s scent.

    “By the way my name’s Kisho,” he gave out his hand for her to shake.

    “I’m Namine,” she gave a simple smile and timidly shook his hand. “What’s your dog’s name?”

    “It’s Yang.” She laughed, “What so funny?”

    “My dog’s name is Yin.”

    “Wow that is quite a coincidence.”
    yes it's short but i've decided that i'm going to make a big chapter with everything in it. i should have it done pretty soon. i'm very sorry about not posting when i said i would. so please please please please PLEASE forgive me!

    ~ILA( i love people gave me another nickname!! :D ~<333333
  20. i love axel ^^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 3, 2007
    playing DDR with Roxas and Axel
    thanks!!! i thought it would be a cute little bit.

    umm....he's japanese but the whole yin yang thing is chinese. i thought it was yin yang but i might be wrong. *shrugs*

    ^.^ i will definitely make more!

    yes, yes it does....