
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, May 31, 2009.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon moved out of the way of the Unknown that was flung towards him as it died and turned to dust when it hit the floor. He began walking down one of the alleys a Unknown came from. It was his chance to leave the scene, seeing one of the new Police Riders compared to the first ones who died he knew he wouldn't be needed again just yet, at least not until those Riders made by Unknown technology appeared.
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Bringing his arms to hi side, Tai only willed it and his transformation faded, breaking into pieces and he himself returning to normal.That was a refreshing fight. Noticing Leon walking off again, Tai moved after him. "..That's all?..You could at least give me a name." he narrowed his eyes at Leon, pulling out his cell phone.
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon stopped and turned around, "Names Leon, i'll see ya later Mr. Officer", he answered sounding childish again. He continued walking, now he knew who one of them was he could find the others while searching for the Unknown Riders trying to discovered why the original Police where beaten. From the way the news reported it, it sounded like they where picked off and surprised.

    Max sat with his head down leaning forward sitting on a bench. He felt as if he blacked out, he was probably right, he was sat in a cafe in the town and when he came around he was in the park with that belt on again. The belt frightened him, he had no idea of its effect but he remembers who, or tecnically what, gave it too him and everytime he blacked out he was sure to be dreaming he was in a strange inhuman suit performing inhuman tasks. As he thought over things he was sat looking intensly at the floor until he regained focus then he could get back to his job at the restaurant.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly walked through the park, humming to herself. She smiled as a bird flitted across her path, then flew into a tree. She yelped as her back smacked into the trunk, then slid to the ground, gasping. Struggling to stand, she heard somethng rustling behind her, and crouched, trying to get her breath back.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Knowing he'd not get any further with him, Tai allowed him to walk off and be his own man.No point interrogating him..but a background check might fit. And it was obvious, really, that he'd never give his last name if he just asked.Turning around, Tai jogged out of the alleyway and headed for the bar from before, hoping that barmaid was still there.

    He passed by the park, pondering his next move. His teammates weren't exactly around, and they weren't much of a team to begin with.
  6. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly whipped through the air, kicking where she thought the enemy was. Unfortunately she was wrong. She spun towards a tree, yanking her arm out and spinning around it at the last second. Pulling herself back, she winced at her bleeding hands, then launched toward the creature again.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Hearing a disturbance, Tai looked towards the park area and listened closely."Hello?" he called, running into the park.Following the noise, he soon found a creature, an Unknown, attacking the barmaid from before. "No!" he quickly got in front of her, stopping her from proceeding.Transforming in front of her wasn't what he had in mind, but if her life was on the line, he had to.
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon kept his distance from the Police Rider, but followed him to the park. Leon was interested to see the others but his interest was cut short when Tai engaged a Unknown but it looked like he' have trouble with the barmaid to protect.
    He reached to the belt buckle which transformed him and waved his hand infront of it quickly, it scanned his DNA and allowed him to transform. No ones around, might as well copy TV, he thought, "Henshin!", he chuckled mimicing Japanese super heroes he saw as a flash of light tranformed him into his dark red suit (ooc: looks like a red Kamen Rider Black).
    He then ran towards the Unknown, Tai and Aly.
  9. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly rolled backwards, tumbling into a bush, then got up, wincing as it pulled at her clothing. "'the hell, man?" she yelled. "It's not like you can take it on either!" then she spotted someone else, her eyes widening. Today was just full of surprises.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "That's what you think..and why the hell are you stalking me?..should've known you were just another show off." Tai muttered, not surprised by the little transformation he pulled.He looked around toward Aly and moved to her, making sure she was free from the bush before looking back at the creature."Well, show off, get him.."
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon chuckled under his helmet before turning to the Unknown and punching it square in the chest knocking it back. This gave him time to draw his sword which formed by the red light from his belt. "Time for something flashy", he jested as he swung his blade around his head and slashed the Unknown as it tried to get up killing it and turning it to dust as they do when they die.
    Straight afterwards he started to walk off still in his Rider suit.

    Max watched the events from the bench he was on, his head began to hurt and he felt as if the Rider System around his waist was calling to him. It wanted to transform.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Shrugging as he walked off, Tai looked back towards the barmaid."I've got a favor to ask of you..can I explain while taking you home..or back to the bar?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly watched the other guy walk off and shrugged. He didn't seem like the stop anc chat type. She turned to Tai, then slowly nodded. "My home is across the park." she murmured, slowly walking in that direction.
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Keeping pace beside her, Tai followed."..That show off that just came by..did you interact with him at all in the bar? He left pretty quickly." he questioned, putting his hands in his pockets and continuing along.
  15. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly glanced over at him, her eyes curious. "I gave him a drink, and he paid me. That's about it." she answered, then looking straight ahead. Tonight's encounter had made her wary, she didn't want to be caught off guard again. "I just assumed he didn't like me for some reason. People usually don't." she flashed a grin.
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Hm?..why not, you seem like a nice woman to me." Tai placed his hands behind his head and continued along.He felt as if she wasn't telling him something, but he couldn't prove it and he didn't want to pester her.
  17. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    Jude continued walking through the crowd of people, as she passed an electronics store. It had the televisions set to the news, which was displaying some fighting in the near park. It was saying it was about some sort of fighting made a group of men and women change to a suit.
    "God, I miss everything!" Jude said childishly, as she ran through the crowd, nearing a corner. She almost hit someone and knocked over another, when she saw the entrance. She heard someone say something like "Watch it, girl!" But Jude had no time to respond. She soon enough made it to the Park entrance, where people were trying to get out. It was impossible for her to get in, let alone step near. She decided to go around, and maybe climb the fence.
  18. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly grinned again. "Wait till you get to know me. If you last that long." she looked up at the sky, counting the stars as she walked. "I'm the type of person people try to avoid, for their own personal safety."
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Tai slowly cracked a smile at her, then laughed in response to her. "Hah..why is that?..you seem harmless..when your not provoked, that is." he looked around, wondering if they were close or not.
  20. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Leon continued to walk forward in his suit as more Unknowns appeared around him, Are they targeting us one by one? he thought preparing his weapon for the next attack. The Unknowns rushed him, about 15 of them, swinging his sword anyway he chose he was able to hit them back. Last time he was able to defeat that one easily due to it being exposed, these ones would be a hassle unless he could prepare a charged attack from his belt to his sword.

    Out of everones sight Max had transformed, his suit took over his mind and forced him to fight. He began searching for a Rider when he heard someone climbing over a fence near him, no matter who it was he was intent on killing.
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