Ride. Maximum Ride.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destiny's hand, Mar 11, 2011.

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  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kate's eyes widened as she heard Iggy's cries, "No" She flipped in midair and swooped downwards towards her friend, this time they were all getting out - no one gets left behind. She may not have been the fastest or most agile but she could certainly do her best. She dodged bullets and grabbed her friend, swinging round to kick the eraser in the head with force, it would certainly have a headache later. She just hoped it was enough for the eraser to let go, "You're gonna be okay" She shouted and pulled her friend up, her wings beating powerfully.
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    The blow knocked the Eraser back, it's grip weakened until it finally slipped, it's claws slashing along Ignelia's leg, cutting it open slightly and letting blood drip down into the mouths of the forever seemingly hungry hoard of Erasers. A clicking sound in her ankle also occurred. It wasn't a break. But it was at least a fracture.
    Ignelia held back her tears as she looked at and nodded to Kate, exceedingly grateful. She knew that once they got out, she would definitely be hugging her and not be letting go for at least a few minutes.
    Holding onto Kate's hand they both were able to fly to the window.
  3. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kate held onto Ignelia tight as they quickly flew up out of reach of the creatures and away from the bullets. "Come on, nearly there" She looked up at the hole Leilani had made and kept her eye on it, they were getting out this time. And then they were out, bursting though the hole. Kate squinted as sunlight hit her, almost forgetting to keep flying as she was momentarily blinded. She couldn't believe it, they were out. It had been years since she'd last been in the sun it's warmth felt so good. "We're out, Iggy" She whispered, not fully comprehensing her words before shouting, "We're free! And we're never going back there ever again! Fly like the wind!"
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Ignelia felt the sun wash over her face and the fresh air pump into her lungs. She had never once been outside the school. Born and raised there... and her being the first caught during the last escape attempt... this was her first time outside in the open, ever.
    Her eyes stung slightly, from the light and from her still holding back tears, tears of pain, and happiness.
    "We're really out, we really made it this time!"
    She hugged Kate tightly, burying her face into her. "Kate... thank you so much... in there... I thought..." she trailed off. "But now we're out here and..." she trailed off again.

    She was 2 years younger than the other three members off her flock, she had grown up with them, being the only friends and family she had, and at last, they were free.
    She was smaller than the others, not just because of her being younger, but she was rather petite for her age anyway. Her wings were the exception, her wings were probably the same size as the other's despite her smaller demeanour. She felt the natural breeze going through her feathers, fanning her wings as she hugged Kate.
    Despite the pain in her ankle, she truly felt like she was in heaven.
  5. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kate laughed, she felt so happy to be out, "Yeah, we're fine. Actually no, we're not fine, we're completely amazing. But don't stop flying we've got to get somewhere safe and warm." She smiled at Iggy but even now as she felt so good, somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered where would they go, where they would actually be safe and what legnth would they go to to get them back. But for now, she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind and just enjoyed the moment.

    Kate, like Ignelia, was fairly petite and small for her age, still bigger than Iggy but unlike Iggy, she'd stopped growing and doubted she'd get any bigger. Her wings were a fair size, mottled white and brown like the owl her DNA had come from, matching her light brown hair that currently flew out behind her. She smiled in Iggy's embrace, adreniline pumping through her body. Looking round at her make-shift family she felt when they were together, they could do anything.

    OOC: I'm gonna use all you nicknames other wise I have to keep looking back at your posts to check spelling. Can we have a nickname for Leilani that I can spell please?
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: Iggy, not Izzy :P

    "Yeah" Ignelia said to Kate, finally letting her go.
    "We best get after Leilani! We aren't safe yet... the Erasers will be sent after us."
    She started climbing in the air, getting higher as she went after their flock leader.
    She looked back at Kate to see if she was following. She noticed the blood still dripping from her ankle... blood that would lead followers directly to them.
    She ripped part of her scraggy, horrible 'school provided' shirt, revealing a fair bit of her lower bare torso, and with great difficulty tied it around her painful ankle. (Focusing on tying and flying at the same time is not easy...) at least it would stop her from losing any more blood, which she figured could not be good anyway... and also not give the Erasers something they could easily follow.
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: Opps, sorry.

    BIC: "Yeah, we can't be left behind" Kate agreed and flew faster up with Iggy to catch up. Although she hesitated as she saw her friend struggling with her ankle, "Are you alright?" She called over, her voice frought with concern, "Do you need any help?" She flew faster around Iggy, annoyed with herself for not noticing she was hurt earlier, "We need to get to the safe house and sort your ankle out"
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Ignelia smiled through the pain so as not to worry Kate any further.
    "I'm alright." she lied, well... she sorta lied. Truth was, yes her ankle hurt like hell, but she didn't really care. It was a small price to pay for this freedom. "But yeah, A safe house or something would be good. But it's not like people are advertising them for all to see saying; 'Safe house for mutant bird-kids, Eraser proof, buy it now'... I mean, how will we find such a place?" she asked, while flying upwards with Kate again.
  9. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "I don't know, but we will do. We'll get your ankle sorted and everything will be great, you'll see. As long as our flock is together, we can do anything. But for now I say we catch up to the others, Leilani seems to have an idea where we're going and I trust her. Stay strong and hey, we're free. Enjoy it." She smiled at Iggy and flew faster to catch up to the others but the enormity of what Ignelia had said weighed heavy on her mind though she tried her best not to show it.
  10. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    OOC: As for the nickname for Leilani, you can call her Leila, Lela, Lani, anything else you can get from that.

    As Leilani soared over trees, she spotted a couple of hawks flying underneath them. They flew magestically, swooping down with ease and agility. "Iggy, how are you holding up?" She shouted, liking the way the wind pulsed through her hair. Yes, she had seen it when Iggy had gotten hurt, but she couldn't do anything about since she had tried to get the scientists not to shoot at them. "I'm sorry I didn't help you. But, I'm really glad that Kate did." She looked back at Kate and smiled, closing her eyes a little.

    Leila kept beating her wings, wondering where the heck a safe house could be. "You guys, I think we gotta sleep in the forest." They had traveled a long way-about 400 miles. But, that didn't mean they were hot, tired and probably hungry. "Let's find a place to eat, shall we?"
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Ignelia suddenly shot up and tackle hugged/glomped Leilani in mid-air, evidentially; tackle hugging/glomping is something Ignelia loved to do.
    "It's okay" She said smiling.
    "You're still the best leader ever!" she said, so Leilani wouldn't feel bad.
    "You have such a nice smile, you need to smile more."
  12. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: Okay and 'Sleep in the forest again'? It's their first time out in years or ever for some of them. Sorry, just saying.

    BIC: Kate laughed as she watched Iggy tackle Leilani, it was great to see everyone so happy, her fears forgotten momentarily. "Forest is fine by me" She called, enjoying the veiw and admiring the hawks, they knew what is was like to be free. She looped round the others as she flew, having a little bit of fun. With out warning she yawned and raised her eyebrows in suprise, she hadn't even realised she was slightly tired but they had been flying for a while.
  13. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    OOC: Oops, just forgot about that, Edited.

    Leilani held on to Ignelia for a little while longer, smiling. "What do you mean I have to smile more? Don't I smile enough?" She teased, knowing that it was rare when she smiled. But, if Iggy had said she needed to, she would try to do it more often. Leila beat her wings a little, trying to stay aloft. "Okay, you can let go now."
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "I don't wanna..." Ignelia said a little childishly...
    She none the less, reluctantly let go.
    She beat her long wings, then suddenly stopped them and let herself drop. Twisting and twirling in mid-air. She opened them suddenly catching a huge gust of wind in her wings, carrying her back up and stopping her fall.
    "I love flying out here like this... my wings are burning... but it feels good." She said dreamily loving how the wind felt between her feathers and in her hair.
    She winced suddenly though at making a sudden movement in her ankle, but it was no big deal, she forgot that she should be more careful until her injury healed.
  15. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Leilani laughed as Ignelia swooped down like a ballerina in air. "Watch that ankle, missy. Just because we heal fast doesn't mean you can break it somemore." She teased, folding her wings in and dropping to the ground like she did. But, instead of letting her wings up as she got closer to the ground, she pulled up, shooting back into the sky and hearing a shrill sound behind her. Flying this fast, Erasers would need heat sensors to find her.
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    "I want to try" Kate called, also folding her wings in and dropping down quickly. She fell for a few seconds before opening her wings out and swooping back up, much slower but smoother and more graceful than Leilani. She laughed, feeling the adreniline pump through her body.
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "You're both awesome!" she called out.
    She looked to Sora who had been silent so far,
    "Come on, you try too!" She said smiling.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Okay,then" He said folding in his wings and dropping like a rock. When he was a few feet from the ground, he unfolded his wings and pulled up and shot up back into the sky. "You're right,that was fun" He said smiling.
  19. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    "Okay, let's stop before one my wings falls off." Leilani laughed, settling in a tree top. "Now, if you guys are hungry, we can go get something to eat later." She sighed, yawning.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Ignelia swooped down to land in a tree top too, she misplaced her footing though thanks to her bad ankle and went tumbling to the ground.
    "Ouchies..." she said from her position on the floor.
    "Yeah... food later... would be good.."
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