Too much kissing without enough nudity. Too much nudity which was not females. One fight scene being built up over 2 hours is not worth it. Vampires DO NOT ****ING SHINE IN THE SUNLIGHT AND ARE NOT MADE OF GLASS WHEN YOU HIT THEM. Wolves still look cool. P.S Edward has interesting hair, i wonder if mine would sit like that.
lol I lawled pretty much throughout the whole movie xD my best friend and I were joking around at this one scene where Jacob took Bella's hand and puts it on his heart and saying "do you feel that Bella? it's my heartbeat" I was like "Bring that hand lower!" LOLLLL Kellen Lutz is pretty sexy xD
Review of every Twilight movie so far from a male: It was fuсking dumb and a waste of my time. Review of the first half of the first Twilight book that I was able to get through: If I could use a time-traveling Delorean for one thing in the whole world, it would be to stop myself from reading the first half of that fuсking shіtty ass book.
Does Bella's face have a little more emotion in this film? So far, all I've seen is... Happy = Dx Sad = Dx Angry = Dx Trying to pull a sexy face = Dx
I was dragged to the cinema by my sister 2 c it. Most awkward movie iv ever seen. Half the time kissing the other half was shirtless werewolves rofl my sister once muttered "he is so hot" when Jacob was on the screen lol :D
FFFFFFFFFF my covers been blown! To the Batcave! Play me off Batman! Oh wait... that's Bruce Wayne's study...