Reverse This Curse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Bareri-San, May 21, 2009.

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  1. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Quietly and gently resting her hand on the door, Cadence slowly pushed it open. She opened the door halfway, she then saw that someone was already in there. A man she had seen before but never really talked or been near. She only remembered having glances of him when she was a lot smaller. But she knew that he was well-acquainted with Chiyon. Cadence slipped through the space of the now open door and stood a few feet away from the man, scanning over him.
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    "Chiyon?", Rik asked in surprise prepared to reach for his sword, "...something seems off", he continued, i've never seen Chiyon with a sword like that, he added in his head. His right hand was fully ready to spring up from the first sign of hostility and arm himself with his sword.
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Kaji
    Age: unknown
    Side: resistance
    Race: vampire
    Power/s: I'm sure that you can all remember his powers. Ritsuka said i didn have to, but if there are people that want to know, then I'll put it down
    Personality: Very serious, dark, cold natured. He tends not to open up to many, thoug hwill do anything to protect his people. He tends to be rash in some decisious and bears most things on his own shoulders, trying to ensure that others dont have to do much.
    Bio: Leader of the vampire race, and a mystery to most, he ended up leaving his own people quite some time ago to go find some peace from the burduns of society, and is now returning after all of these years, to find things in chaos...
    Weapon: His own body
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post: Technicly this bio exsisted in the other one, so im assuming i should have to use this >.>

    ((More bio's to come. they'll be new OC's so they wont be as short as this recreated one))

    Username: deathsight44
    Side: (Resistance, neutral or Evil?)
    Race: (human, vampire or hybrid)
    Appearance: (If you use a pic, just put the link down.)
    Preview Post:

    Username: deathsight44
    Side: (Resistance, neutral or Evil?)
    Race: (human, vampire or hybrid)
    Appearance: (If you use a pic, just put the link down.)
    Preview Post:

    Username: deathsight44
    Side: (Resistance, neutral or Evil?)
    Race: (human, vampire or hybrid)
    Appearance: (If you use a pic, just put the link down.)
    Preview Post:
  4. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Cadence's eye twitched, she really hated it when people mistook her for Chiyon. It bothered her to no end at all. "What makes you think I am Chiyon?" Cadence merely asked, wanting to see what his reaction would be. She grasped the hilt of her sword, ready if he decided to lash out at her.
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik showed no facial movement, only his eyes showed that he was surprised when he squinted. "You do look alot like her, but your dress sense and weapon aren't something she would have", he stated, his intellegence prior to his death improved from regained memories of his journal. "If your not Chiyon then who are you?", he asked, his arrogant yet noble voice asked sharply.
  6. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "Sometimes I wonder myself..." Cadence muttered. "But if you must know, I am Chiyon's so called 'daughter'." She said it with a tone of so much disgust that she was even making herself feel sick. For a moment, she let go of her sword and focused on not punching a nearby wall out of anger.
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    "So Chiyon had a spawn in my absense, wonder why no one told me this, they probably didn't know", Rik muttered to himself as he stood up behind his desk. "I do hope your not the mother loving kind", he said half joking while remaining serious.
  8. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Cadence laughed darkly, understanding at what he was getting at. "I would of rather this world be rid of her than have to live this life that couldn't even be called an existence." she made it clear that she wasn't particularly fond of Chiyon. "Hell, my father was a better parent and I hardly ever saw him."
  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    "Don't tell me Daisuke is your father?", Rik said, a sound that made the though 'oh god, he's a father' run through the mind. Kraine couldn't be seen anywhere, he was in the back of the shelves.
  10. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "What makes you think he's my father?" she wore a grin that she had seen Daisuke grin countless times before. Funnily enough, he only ever grinned like that when Chiyon was not in the area. "Well I guess he is technically my 'father'."
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    "Oh dear lord- I mean I see now", Rik said almost slapping himself square on the face. Daisuke, that old man is a father? Rik shivered from the thought. "Well, if your not on your mothers side then I guess I have no quarrel with you", he stated before sitting back down and reading his books.
  12. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Cadence scowled at Rik. "If you are thinking what I am thinking you are thinking then please stop. If my 'father' ever did that with Chiyon he would had to of been drugged with something really strong. I'm the result of an experiment Chiyon made a while back." She started to get disturbing images of Daisuke and Chiyon doing things she'd rather not think about.
  13. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    "Oh, well Daisuke was possessed in a way so it did seem likely...", Rik trailed off. "I wonder, do you share the same abilities as your parents?", he then went onto ask looking up from his books.
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Cadence rolled her eyes. "Pfft. Of course I do. Look, gimme your arm for a sec." She cracked her knuckles and stretched her arms. She was curious at how much he knew about her parents.
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik held his arm out towards hers, guessing what she would do. It would also prove to be a demonstraition of how much strength has been given to her, if it was exactly the same powers or a weaker version.
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Username: Deathsight44
    Name: Kaji
    Age: unknown
    Side: neutral
    Race: vampire
    Power/s: I'm sure that you can all remember his powers. Ritsuka said i didn have to, but if there are people that want to know, then I'll put it down
    Personality: Very serious, dark, cold natured. He tends not to open up to many, thoug hwill do anything to protect his people. He tends to be rash in some decisious and bears most things on his own shoulders, trying to ensure that others dont have to do much.
    Bio: Leader of the vampire race, and a mystery to most, he ended up leaving his own people quite some time ago to go find some peace from the burduns of society, and is now returning after all of these years, to find things in chaos...
    Weapon: His own body
    Other: Bloodsucker oh ya, and his appearance is difference from before. since he can change it at will, he now has a new basic form
    Preview Post: Kaji looked at the others inside of the operation room where these freaks were being made in slight disbelief. Some slightly confused, some not even paying attention, and one of them freaking out as if it was impossible that they had the chance to escape now. It seemed obvious that these people had been trapped within the experimental facility for too long a period of time. Kaji glared at one of the scientists, as he began to approach him. It seemed apparent that he would have to do to these people what he had done to the ones that had changed him oh so long ago...

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Prometheus
    Age: 18
    Side: neutral
    Race: hybrid
    Power/s: He has control of all things fire and fire related, including heat and lava (though for those 2 certain conditions must be met). His own body, though it is not noticible, is actually made up of fire.
    Personality: He LOVES to fight. Though his intentions are good, and he'll hold back on fighting with most people, the minute someone gives him full permission to fight, then he'll go full out with the only intention being to bring death. He is loyal to Kaji though, and tends to be extremely difficult to work with. He never follows plans most of the time.
    Bio: He was found with a group of other hybrids who had been tormented and experimented on by a group of scientists. Code name: Prometheus, due to his human and vapire like charecteristics, it allowed them to infuse his body with what is a pure piece of energy from fire, and by using research similure to stem cell, creating a single cell that was infused with fire. By taking that one cell and exposing it to a virus, it was used to infect Prometheus, the virus spreading through his body, and effecting his very DNA, causing his body to undergo a dramatic change while experimented on with other things, causing his body to become fire like. Not too long after, Kaji infiltrated the area, destroying it, and freeing Prometheus, as well as other 'freaks', or so they were refered to as. Out of gratitude, Prometheus decided to follow Kaji. As a result of his fire like attributes though, his personality seemed to change to it, and like fire, his talents lye in destroying everything he can...
    Weapon: as seen in the picture. He carries that giant sword which is able to absorb his heat, allowing him to slash through almost anything that can be melted by heat, and has a chain wrapped around his arm that he uses as well.
    Preview Post:

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Seth
    Age: 16
    Side: neutral
    Race: hybrid
    Power/s: His body is able to heal at in-human speeds, even unmatched by vampires. an arm could even grow back within a day or less. He also is not able to feel anything at all. He basicly lacks the ability to feel the world around him now, with extreme strength to boot.
    Personality: Extremely quiet, unpredictable. Quite frankly, it is almost impossible to tell what his personality is. all that is knowable is that he seems to act as Kaji's bodyguard in some ways
    Bio: Just like Prometheus, he is anouther 'freak' who got experimented on. By taking away his ability to feel, they found that they could replace it with other traits instead, allowing his brain to function differently now that he cannot feel.
    Weapon: On his hands he wears a special type of machine which is connected to his nerves, and trails down to his finger tips, in the form of claws. He can extend them to whatever length he wishes.
    Preview Post:

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Raven
    Age: unknown
    Side: evil
    Race: hybrid
    Power/s: He is able to generate an aura around himself. This is an aura though which he can manipulate at will, using it in physical form. Strangely enouph though, it carries a deathly feeling, draining life out of whatever it touches...
    coincidentally, he can also think faster and in more complex ways then most others
    Personality: Very sadistic, clever, and manipulative. He prefers not to fight, and would rather use others.
    Bio: Anouther one of the 'freaks' that was saved by Kaji. He was not the same as the others though. He had his own cell, secluded from all the other freaks. All information on him though is completely unknown
    Weapon: His aura
    Preview Post:

    ((I only did the preveiw post for one of them if that's alrite. thought i'd repost it since your offline atm. might be easier if its closer towards the front of the thread...))
  17. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She sat down on the bed, the exact same one, taking a deep breath. She could almost smell the blood that had been everywhere. How could one person bleed so much? She shuddered, then lay on her back, looking up at the ceiling. "Poison....poison running through my veins, you're poison." she sang quietly.
  18. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Cadence concentrated on channeling her power, she only wanted to do a demonstration, not rot his arm off. "I'm going to have to hold back a bit... I haven't got very good control on the reversed part yet." She put both of her hands on his arm and closed her eyes. At first the white glow was very faint but within a second it was so bright that it looked like it was a solid object. She moved her hands around slightly and the glow got slowly darker, as it did that the flesh on Rik's arm began to decay rapidly.

    Chiyon walked around the room with her hands behind her back, she was in the conference room with her 'inner circle', discussing what their next move was going to be. She looked at the faces of each of the members, all of them - including herself - were in deep thought. Chiyon walked over to her chair again and sat down. She took in all of their faces before she continued. "I think it's time we lured the resistance out of hiding. We will set up a trap." She got up out of her chair again and walked out of the room, she stopped at the doorway and added to her statement: "Tonight."

    ooc: Deathsight, you're in.
  19. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Curling up in the blood red sheets, Aly kept singing gently, slowly lulling herself to sleep. "I call your name but hear only echoes. I search for you but see only shadows. Please show your face to me..." her eyelids slowly closed, and she gladly fell into the blackness, away from the pain and memories.
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Need a hand? Or are you just hangen around on purpose?" a familiar voice said, as a figure approached the ledge of the roof top. It was unfamiliar, certainly no one that Yuka would have never met before. His scent and voice though may be different to her though, being the same of a certain someone. "It's been awhile, ay?" Kaji asked her, as he bent over and reached his hand to her so that she could grab onto it, standing their with a cool grin on his face.
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