Reverse This Curse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Bareri-San, May 21, 2009.

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  1. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka got up and brushed the mud off the knees of her leather jeans and continued walking down the path, she was still feeling confused to what on earth happened but for now she pushed it aside and concentrated on the task at hand. She had to organize the next meeting for the Resistance to see what their next move was going to be, they had been inactive for so long that she had decided that it was time to do something. And possibly recruit some new members as well.

    Chiyon lurked around the outskirts of the citadel, patrolling the area to make sure that there no members of any rebellious groups of any kind lurking about, especially Resistance members. As she walked along, she started to ponder on who the leader might possibly be. And already she had figured that Yuka must of been connected to them in some way because of how she talked about them.
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Munching on a slice of bread, she sighed, looking out the window. Today her life had begun as semi normal, as usual. Then it had just turned to weird, and she didn't know if she liked it or not.
  3. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    As Yuka walked up to the old main building, the automatic doors opened up, letting her in. As she walked down the hallway to her office where she presumed the 'inner circle' was waiting she started receiving gawking stares from the people she passed. A stunned look crossed her face when she curiously looked into someone's mind to see what she looked like to them. And the her shock, she looked exactly like her late cousin Azusa.
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik continued to move on, he was here for the one thing that might enable him to defeat Chiyon. Before his death he wrote a journal of his lifes details, he had no idea it would of been so handy but now that he had regained most of his memory it was clear that this book may hold the secrets needed for him to access the last bit of power needed to breach Chiyon's strength and release him and his fallen comrade Daisuke from their curses.

    Kraine chuckled, "So while we get what your here for do you mind if I get what I want?", he asked, his intentions where towards a map book in Rik's sealed possesions. The book would give him enough information to expand his business. Rumour had it that this map book even lead to forgotten places.

    "Knock yourself out", Rik replied as he continued with Kraine behind him into the tomb.
  5. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly stopped, then grinned. Stupid stupid vampire. she thought, looking down at her wrist. Grinning bigger, she went into the kitchen and went through the fridge, looking for the item in question.
  6. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka reached the front door of her office, where she found a small man standing there looking rather nervous to be among a whole heap of vampires. Yuka started to get slightly confused. "What is the meaning of this?" Yuka snapped, not that she meant to. The man flinched at the tone of Yuka's voice but proceeded to speak anyway.
    "There is a man that just walked into your office without any appointment, he just kept sayin' that he knew you from long ago. I tried to stop him, I really tried Master Yuka." he babbled.
    Yuka rolled her eyes, she hated it when people treated her with such high respect as this man did but she chose to ignore it. "You may continue with the work you have been assigned, please move along now and I will deal with this man." Yuka entered her office after the man scarmbled away, and she stood frozen at the door when she saw who her subordinate was talking about. She couldn't help but let a grin spread right across her face. "Long time no see." she simply said.

    Daisuke spun around in Yuka's chair and stopped when she spoke. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and smirked. "Same to you, young lady." He flipped out of his chair and in front of Yuka, a worried expression playing across his face. "You're condition has gotten worse. A lot worse." he wasn't assuming, he was stating it.

    Yuka didn't say anything, she just looked down at the ground and twisted the ball of her foot into the ground, her conditionw was getting worse but she never admitted it.
  7. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Grabbing the cleaner solution, she pressed the unscrewed top into a cloth, then to her wrist, wincing as it stung. The fire raced through her veins, making her want to scream. Then it stopped. She sighed, putting the bottle back and washing the cloth off in some water. Humming gently, she set it out to dry. It was like this morning never happened.
  8. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka scowled at Daisuke, he couldn't of just barged into her office just to say that her mental and physical condition was deteriorating. She entered his mind to see if she could get a glimpse of what he was actually here for, unsurprisingly he had put up a barrier to stop her from trying. She pouted at Daisuke. That's not fair she grumbled mentally, she didn't want any nearby ears to be listening in onto the next part of the convo, it was too much of a private matter to be discussed out aloud.

    Well you should learn some paitence young one, you're going to need it if you want to live as long as Chiyon or I, have. Daisuke said sternly. He stepped right up to her and knelt down on one leg, getting Yuka to sit down on the floor as he rested both his hands on either side of Yuka's temples. He threaded his mind into her own and searched around, finding a loose thread of her conscience that would help reverse what had happened to her. You really should not of drunken Kaji's blood, it's really messed with your system. Do you realize how muddled it is in here?

    Yuka sat in her place, her eyes now closed. It felt really weird having someone prodding around at her very conscience, like someone was constantly poking you in the stomach with on oversized blow-up club but she was used to it. It was either bite Kaji, or turn into a big pile of dust. I prefer not to be a pile of dust thank you very much.
  9. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Going about her chores, Aly hummed an old lullaby her mom had sung to her. It made her heart ache, but she sang it anyway. She needed to keep even the sad memories alive, because it made up who she was. Her mom was never coming back, but that didn't mean she couldn't remember the person she was, and the things she had done. She had almost forgotten her mom's face, and cursed her slow mind. If there was one thing she wanted to remember of her mother's, it was her voice and her face.
  10. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "Yuka... do you remember anything about Rik being revived?" Daisuke asked, being careful with how he worded his question. He finally stopped searching through Yuka's conscience as he found the loose strand he was looking for, he grabbed the strand and quickly connected it with the other loose strand. As soon as the two were connected Yuka started changing back in front of his eyes.

    "What are you talking about Daisuke? I mean, I know he's alive and all but nothing about that." Yuka started to feel confused, she kept getting a feeling that she knew what he was talking about but she just simply couldn't remember what it was. "I just can't remember." she muttered.

    ooc: holy shi- Fayt, you got a name change. That's surprising XD
  11. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OOC: I said much worse then that when I found out XD

    BIC: Feeling tears come to her eyes, she sat and just let them fall, watching as they spilled to the floor. So much had been lost, and she still had things to lose. Why did everything have to become a memory....Stupid vampires. She hated them all. A gentle reminder, her old scar on her wrist. She sighed, rubbing it with her other hand, her eyes distant, tears still falling down her cheeks.
  12. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    ooc: new OC for confusions and possible mindfuck

    Username: Ritsuka
    Name: Cadence
    Age: n/a
    Side: Neutral
    Race: Hybrid
    Appearance: Looks the same as Chiyon. She tends to have people mistake her for Chiyon.
    Power/s: Speed, has the ability to heal people with a white light but it can also be reversed and used as a weapon.
    Personality: Cocky, cheeky and sometimes a bit twisted. Can also be slightly perverted.
    Bio: Not much is known about Cadence, apart from the fact that she has a striking resemblance of Chiyon in almost every way, including personality traits. Only 2 people know of her heritage, those two are Chiyon and Daisuke.
    Weapon: Claymore and a dagger that she keeps in a pouch on her hip.

    bic: Cadence lurked around the abandoned graveyard silently, her hand was on the hilt of her claymore. Even though the possibility of someone or something was pretty much close to zero, she was on alert. She found it rather annoying when people mistook her for Chiyon, someone she'd rather not think about right now. Chiyon had already done enough damage to her life as it is, by bringing her into this world and now she had to wonder the earth for an eternity, never being able to be killed by any mortal or immortal hand. She cursed Chiyon with a string of profanities quietly under her breath.
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Sighing, she got to her feet. Time to go upstairs. Walking up those stairs was always hard, for what they stood for. She leaned against the wall, taking a few deep breaths, before continuing. Though it was never physically hard before now, everytime she walked up those steps to her bedroom she remembered. Rembered the blood, the screaming....shaking her head, she tripped, and caught herself by the railing. See what happens? You start thinking, and you get in trouble.
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Daisuke exhaled a heavy sigh, he backed away from Yuka and scanned over her. She looked fine physically. At the moment that was. He knew that psychologically she was suffering more than anyone in the world. That's all he could guess because like him, she had an extremely strong mental barrier put up. It was stronger than his in fact, which was surprising. What have you become, Yuka? "Just go for a walk to clear your senses. Trust me, you need it."

    Yuka poked a tongue out at Daisuke, she hated being ordered around by him like he owned the bloody place or something. But what stopped her from arguing was that he was right, she just needed to get out for a walk to let off some steam. Being lazy, she walked over to the window and jumped out, clinging onto the window sill, she started to climb upwards until she got to the rooftop. A place she used to regularly come to when Kaji was still around. Kaji... she missed him. He was a good friend and in some ways, she was grateful towards him.
    As she went to swing herself up onto the ledge to sit down, her legs gave way and she was left hanging onto the edge, hundreds of metres from the ground. Crap.... She tried getting back up but her legs just wouldn't respond.

  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik entered his tomb, the place he was laid to rest after his defeat. In here was seven rooms, one with the empty coffin Rik once lay and the rest full of his belongings. The 7th room held his books from the ruined castle he was lay refuge in.
    Out of the many books on the shelves was the one he sought, his journal. It was a large book that held the years of his life in enough detail to get the point across. Upon entering the room he began searching allowing Kraine to do as he pleased.
  16. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Cadence wondered into the tomb, curiosity biting at her. On purpose, she let her sword drag across the ground, making a loud scraping and scratching sound that echoed throughout the area. She knew there were people in here, just not where their exact location was. She wasn't really itching for a fight like she usually did but she wasn't wanting to not have a fight either.
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik sat reading through the books he had pulled off the shelves. Upon hearing the sound he ignored it not caring what was coming his way. His eyes swiftly scanning page after page of the books looking for the part he requires while slowly taking in information.

    Raine searched the shelves for the map book, teleporting to another shelf everytime he reached the end of a shelf with no findings. The book was small and none of the shelves where ordered.
  18. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Finally making it up the stairs, she walked down the hallway, her eyes staring straight ahead. Blood splashed on the walls, making the wood on the floor slippery. She took a deep breath, then opened the door, looking around. It was just as she remembered.
  19. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Cadence exhaled a deep breath she came to a set of seven rooms, closing her eyes she started waving her finger pass every doorway back and forth until she stopped it in front of one of them. The seventh door. "So my wild adventure continues." she muttered with much sarcasm. She sheathed her sword once again, the scraping was starting to annoy her.
  20. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik waited after hearing the ever closing in sound of scrapping stop. From instinct and experience he knew that he had been found in the correct room. He raised his head from his books and looked to the door awaiting whoever entered the tomb other than the himself and his companion to step through the door between them. Friend or foe it didn't matter, he would either talk or fight depending on what happens.
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