Reverse This Curse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Bareri-San, May 21, 2009.

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  1. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly turned, a small smile on her face. "It isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself, not for things like that, okay?" She shuddered inwardly, but kept it hidden. She had sworn she would never again feel a vampire's fangs hurt her that way. "Everything changes with time." And yet here she was, comforting a vampire. Strange world.
  2. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    ooc: You know that idea we talked about on msn? Wanna ditch that?
    And it's also time to move to another area xD

    bic: Daisuke didn't say anything, he had hit another low again. He started regretting thinking back to that time. "I wish I could see her again... I miss her so much." he muttered, trying to hold back tears that had started developing. "Funny, you'd think that since I'm dead, I wouldn't bleed or cry or feel any pain in my heart, I always thought that in my early stages of life... I was so wrong about that."
    Daisuke looked out of the window again, a mental alert came into his mind straight away. The feeling that coursed through him immediately told him that something was wrong with Yuka. Something really bad. Daisuke stood up and looked at Aly. "Aly, I have to go back to the Resistance HQ, the leader is in trouble again. Would you like to come along?" he asked politely, he stretched his hand out to her.
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OOC: Sure XD

    BIC: Aly hesitated, her eyes got bigger. "Resistance?" She asked flatly, her heartbeat picking up speed. "You mean...with vampires?" She watched him, trying to slow down her heart. She didn't need him to know how freaked out they made her. He wasn't like them, he was human, even sunlight didn't bother him. She hadn't realized she was rubbing the scars on her arm faster and faster until her skin burned with the friction, but made herself stop. "You can't stop feeling things, even when you become a vampire..." she murmured.
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik kept going, not bothered if Cadence was still behind him as he approached the city once again. It was time for him to find a place to stay and eventually look for the teleporter, the book he took could be used as an advantage for ending Chiyon's life and removing the curses laid upon himself and others.
  5. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    ooc: Time to go into pervert mode- *shot*

    bic: "The resistance is made up of both humans and vampires. Basically anyone who is against Chiyon's movement." Daisuke noticed the increased speed of Aly's heart. "We better go." he murmured, he could here muffled foot steps from a distance and it sounded like they were heading for the house they were in. Daisuke grabbed Aly's hand and dragged her out of the house, he then swung her onto his back and started sprinting down the street. "Hold on tight, 'kay?"
    "I better get going, I don't want Chiyon's sub-ordinates getting suspicious of my prolonged disappearance..." Cadence muttered, she began to walk off.
  6. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She didn't have time to scream, not that she would have. Mentally trying to hold it together, she held on tight enough to choke him, her eyes tightly shut. She didn't care for this fast motion, and she didn't care for the fact she was powerless yet again.
  7. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Just calm down Aly Daisuke muttered to himself in his head. He kept running until he reached the huge wall of the Citadel and made a massive jump over to the other side of the wall. He kept on running afterwards, not being bothered by the fact that Aly was holding onto him so tight that if he were a human he would of suffocated from lack of air by now. "I guess there are some upsides to being a vampire right now." Daisuke yelled over the noise of the wind whipping past him as he ran, he pointed to Aly's arms tightly wrapped around his neck.
  8. Neko-Chiba Twilight Town Denizen

    Username: Neko-Chiba
    Name: Miela Lavri
    Age: 18
    Side: neutral
    Race: Vampire
    Appearance: girl/lustful_intoxication/Vampires/Tammy82.jpg?o=118
    Power/s: She has the ability to persuade anyone.
    Personality: She is shy, very shy. But has out bursts here and there. She always means well and would do anything for anyone. But if they cross her there will be hell to pay for them.
    Bio: She has no family and is not too sure of her back ground, but she lived on the streets and is really tough for her size.
    Weapon: Her physical strength.
    Other: Bloodlust
    Preview Post:
    She is wondering around quite unaware of where she is or why she is there. "Hmm...where am I, how did I get her?" She muttered to herself. "What's going on? Hello? Anyone around?" She continued to walk on.
  9. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly managed a small laugh, her arms still wound tightly arond his neck. "Are there ever any other bonuses?" she strugged to say this above a whisper. She held tighter, biting down on her lower lip, hard enough to taste the blood as she bit through her lip.
  10. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    ooc: Neko-Chiba, you're in.
    And sorry I've been inactive guys, prepaid internet has its downsides... especially when it runs out. >>;

    Daisuke couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure there are but I don't think I'll point them out now." he yelled again, he felt Aly's arms wind ever tighter around his neck and a smell of fresh blood started to linger. "Aly, don't bite your lip so hard, I can smell the blood."
    Daisuke slowed down to a more reasonable pace as he entered the forest, right down to a walking pace.
  11. Neko-Chiba Twilight Town Denizen

    OCC: Thanks! :)
  12. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OOC: ; ;

    BIC: Aly slowly opened her eyes, letting go of her lip. "Sorry." she murmured, trying to unwind her arms. Too late she realized they were stiff as she fell on her butt with a plunk. She yelped, then stretched, wincing at the stiff muscles.
  13. Neko-Chiba Twilight Town Denizen

    BIC: As Miela Lavri walked on she hoped to stumble upon someone.
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "No need to apologize, Aly." Daisuke chuckled. He scanned the area and found the sewer cap that was the entrance to the underground city. Hegrabbed the rim with one hand and dragged it along the ground until the hole was fully visible. "Ladies first." He chuckled again, pointing at the hole.

    Yuka massaged the temples of her head as a persistant migrane lingered in her head. She had not eaten in quite a while and she was starting to get short-fused. She had been so busy preparing troops and training them for the possible oncoming battle if they invaded Chiyon's base of operation that she just didn't have time to eat. "I might as well go out and hunt something." she muttered to herself. Yuka got up from her desk and went to the window, which was several floors up from the ground. She jumped out, armour formed on her feet and she landed on the ground with a soft thud. So much for keeping things under control. With a heavy sigh she straightened herself out and made her way to the ladder that lead up to the surface where she would begin hunting for her first meal.
  15. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly rubbed her arms, warming them, then glared. "Of course." She slowly gripped the outside rim, then lowered herself, her arm muscles screaming for release. Only when she was hanging by her finger tips did she drop, lightly hitting the bottom. Looking up, she stood out of the way, in the darkness. "Okay."

    OOC: Fayt better not quit or I'm cooking his ass over a fire >|
  16. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    ooc: Oh dear. :/gasp:

    bic:Daisuke grabbed the heavy metal lid and pulled it back onto the hole as he climbed down the ladder and landed next to Aly. "The leader of the Resistance is a great woman, she's been through a lot as well, considering that her family was slaughtered a few centuries ago and her fiance was murdered not long after that. At first she might seem a bit uptight and weird but give her a chance and you'll get to know her." Daisuke told Aly. He looked over her shoulder and grinned, he saw Yuka walking towards them. Her face seemed troubled and in pain. What's the matter Yuka? You don't seem alright... he said to her through his thoughts.

    Yuka through a glare at Daisuke, a little more harsh than she intended it to be. She straightened herself out when she noticed a woman standing beside him. The hunger was going to her head... that wasn't good. I haven't eaten in the last six weeks, of course I'm not okay Yuka snapped through her thoughts. She sighed heavily and rubbed her temples with her hands again. The number of animals living around here has dropped as well, I sometimes wish those humans would just turn into vegetarians.

  17. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly shivered, feeling the sunlight leave, then turned slowly, following Daisuke's gaze. So she was a vampire. There was a slight menace to her, something that came from the hungry ones. Aly instinctlively reached for her weapons, then tightened her hand. She hadnt brought hers. Biting down on her lip again, tryign to stop the bleeding, she slowly inched behind Daisuke.
  18. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "Careful Yuka, you're making Aly nervous." Daisuke said flatly. Her condition both physically and mentally was deteriorating at a rapid rate. He thought, maybe he could make her drink a bit of his blood to help her a bit, but then again, Yuka didn't trust biting another of her kind, particularly after she bit Kaji. "Aly, just relax. We'll go to the main building where it's not" he muttered. He grabbed her hand and gently pulled her past Yuka down a widened dirt path that wound around a downwards spiral deeper underground at the end of the short spiral was a set of cobblestone stairs that then faded into another wide road. This road had tall buildings lining both side as far as the eye could seem, despite the distance that the road stretched along, the main headquarters could be seen clearly in the distance.

    Unconsciously, Daisuke entwined his fingers with Aly's as he walked down the road at a casual walking speed. "You should see the inside of HQ, it's something that even Chiyon would envy." he said with a wide grin.

    Yuka stared at the road that Daisuke and the human girl Aly walked down. When she was sure that they were well away from her, she let her guard down. Yuka fell against a nearby rock wall with her hand clinging to her chest, her breath was laboured.
    Putting more pressure on her body, Yuka pressed on down the path that lead to the exit, she could already smell the scent of her potential prey lingering around the front. Her mouth was covered slick with venom at the though of her fangs piercing the neck of her prey.
  19. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OOC: Your avvi makes me feel a little sick @_@ Every. single. time.

    BIC: Twisting her head slightly Aly glanced back at the female vampire. She looked so much like.....shaking her head, and abandoning her thoughts, she held tightly to Daisuke's hand. "So you guys have a lot of spare time?" she asked shakily, trying to smile back.
  20. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    ooc: it be changed. Should be sexy now.
    bic: "Having extra abilities does help speed things up." he said in a light tone. He could feel people giving him uneasy stares. He couldn't argue with them for doing that either, since he almost completely betrayed the Resistance.
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