Reverse This Curse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Bareri-San, May 21, 2009.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik pulled his arm back. "I get the picture", he said scanning his arm for damage with his eyes. If left alone it would heal in a short time compared to a human if they recieved the same damage.
  2. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka's eyes widened, without hesitation she grabbed Kaji's hand and pulled herself back onto the rooftop. She ended up having to sit on the floor because her legs were still not wanting to respond. She couldn't help but let a smile spread across her face.
    "It's been a while hasn't it Kaji?" Yuka said, holding back the urge to laugh. "I seriously thought you were dead."
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly started awake, then sighed. Time to go. She opened the window, not bothering with the front door, and jumped down, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her stomach rumbled,reminding her of her task. She sighed, then headed down the street, her eyes already wary.
  4. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Ya, that was kind of the point." Kaji said, letting out a sigh. Behind him were two other figures, but for the time being, they were quiet. "Sometimes I honostly have to wonder. I leave for a moment, just to see the world in total chaos. This is what happens when i leave it up to kids..." Kaji said, walking over by a near by wall, and leaning on it. "But enouph of that. Tell me, how have you been handling yourself? I trust that you have things under control?" Kaji asked Yuka. He seemed to be getting to buissness first before actually catching up on more friendly terms.
  5. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    A weak smile spread across Yuka's face. "My condition has been getting slightly worse over the last few weeks." Yuka muttered, knowing Kaji would catch onto what she was talking about. A vibrating feeling started to ripple out across her right arm as she walked over to Kaji.
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "You should get used to it. I'm shocked though. If you've kept your original form, then I take it that you havn't been very active with your abilities?" Kaji asked Yuka, not buding as she moved closer. "Or is it that you still feed like a normal vampire, instead of what you are now?" Kaji asked her. Though indeed they were vampires, he never considered himself as one due to his form.
  7. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "Oh trust me, I've had my appearance changed quiet a bit over the last century. Daisuke has been helping me get back to my original form. It's just... I got caught in one of Chiyon's experiments a couple of years ago when I was saving a comrade from that lab of hers and since then its been playing up." With her normal arm she started rubbing the other arm that was acting up, with false hopes that it would calm down. She stopped a couple of feet away from Kaji, not wanting him to be in the way if her arm did decided to play up even worse than before.

    Cadence snickered and raised her hand up in the air, she clicked her fingers and a white light engulfed Rik's arm for a second and then disappeared. The wound was fully healed with not even a single trace of evidence that there had been one there. "Daisuke has to be near someone to be able to heal them, I don't." she muttered.
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik looked at his arm then at Cadence, "So, your like a fusion and an upgrade, interesting", he said closing the book before him and putting it in a pocket. He hadn't heard Kraine anywhere near them for a while, he figured he must of left with the book he was after.
  9. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Chiyon stalked towards the tomb, the ground was crunching beneath the soles of her boots. As she neared the entrance a current of some sorts coursed through her, which always happened whenever Cadence was in the area. Well well, didn't expect you here...

    The hair on the back of Cadence's neck began to prickle. "Crap..." she muttered darkly.
  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly rummaged through the goods at the back of the store, thinking absently as she chose some more food. She was almost out of money, time to either get another job or steal. Stealiing was a last resort, she didn't need prison time with vampires at this point, but where could she get a job here? Ah well. She would find a way. In the mean time.....maybe she should go in the woods, and see what was new. Her eyes brightened grimly.
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik walked down to the furthest back of the room seeking Kraine. He found the shelf where the book was but no Kraine could be seen or heard. Noticing a page of the book on the ground he picked it up realising the book he was after was much more troublesome than he first thought. Rik turned back and looked at Cadence as she muttered something.
  12. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OOC: Bored. As. Hell.

    BIC: Aly carried her things home, still thinking. She swore as she tripped, but managed to save the food. Sighing, she concentrated more on where she was going, and stopped. This wasn't close to where she lived. She had never been here before. What the hell?
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Ah, it is to be expected. From what I have come to understand, those like us are refred to as Freaks now. It's a shame. Maybe if the right amount of time was provided, then you could have cut it off and have grown in a new one, but by now, whatever she did has probably connected itself to your brain, so the arm will remain the same no matter what..." Kaji said, slightly troubled that something like that was even possible to do to a person. He lately seemed to grow accustomed to such things, and quickly accepted it.

    "You ever think of burning it off?" one of the men behind Kaji suggested. "If you burn it the right way, then it can prevent it from growing back." He said, a dark grin on his face.

    "Quiet Prometheus. She's an ally, so you don't put your hands on her, alrite? You know the rules." Kaji snapped. He then turned his attention back to Yuka. "If anything, I take it that Chiyon has been keeping everyone busy, am I right? And I suppose that there is a resistance of some sort?" Kaji asked her. He had already heard things of a resistance, and knew that if anything, vampires would never stand for this sort of thing.
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "Yes there is a Resistance." Yuka interjected. Her arm calmed down now, she started to relax a bit. She looked down at the ground for several minutes and then back up at Kaji, a heavy sigh escaped her lips. "I am the leader of that Resistance."

    "Get your sword out," Cadence said in a louder voice, she should of asked the man's name before when she had the chance. She took out her own sword again, it glowed in an unnatural blue light. "We have company, Chiyon is here."
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    "Good, I want to test how much my brain has told my body to remember", Rik said drawing his weapon casually smiling darkly, it was almost sinister. His blood pulsed with anticipation as he walked next to Cadence. Seems i'm slowly regaining strength from remembering from the book, he thought as he felt his power recover slowly.
  16. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "You haven't changed one bit old comrade," Chiyon mimicked Rik's dark smile as she walked into plain sight of the two people standing in the room, she noticed Cadence standing beside Rik. "I'm not surprised to see you here either, after what you did."

    "What the hell are you talking about?" Cadence spat out venomously, "Just shut up woman, you're the reason why I am living this cursed existence-", before she could finish off her sentence Chiyon had her pinned up against the wall by her neck, her grip was getting tighter by each second that passed. She had to admit, Chiyon - her mother - was fast.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Good..." Kaji said, a slight smile appearing on his face. "I should have guessed though. Seeing as your probably the most appropriate of our race." he said. "But, since that's all well and done, I have a favor to ask..." Kaji said, as he looked back at the two men. "The roudy one is Prometheus, and the other is Seth. They're Freaks, like us, cept different. Ya think you can keep em busy for a bit? I'm gonna go pay Chiyon a visit." Kaji said with a grin on his face, and walked towards the ledge of the building. "Luckily enouph, I suppose that it hasn't completely taken over your body since heights like these seem to be such an issue. But anyways, thanks." Kaji said, and before Yuka might be able to deny, he jumped over the ledge of the building, fall to the ground, as his dark, skeletal like armor appeared around his body, as he fell into the depths of civilization...

    "Great, we're stuck with the old hag." Prometheus muttered. At the time, he would have loved to leave, given the fact that he didnt want to be around Yuka, nor Seth who was worse conversation then a piece of rock, but would not due to Kaji's orders.
  18. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She sighed, trying to backtrack. There had been that street..but she took that one all the time. No, this was different. She had never been to this part, and for good reason. It was one of the more run down places, where vampires weren't so civilized and humans weren't any better. She backed into an alley as some of said people walked by, though they were all human. Another bad sign. She grimaced, then made sure she could reach her hidden knives.
  19. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik shot a black mimic lightning bolt from his hand without any warning, it soared through the air towards Chiyon quickly. Rik's abilities and tactics where growing stronger as the memories he recovered from his journal sunk in. Soon he believed he'd be able to hold his own against Chiyon, not over power her but not be over powered himself. Although, he didn't want a stalemate he wanted to win.
  20. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    "You don't want to do that at the moment, she's searching the entire citadel for resistance members. The place is completely shut off from humans and vampires." Yuka pinched the bridge of her nose between her index and middle finger, something that she picked up from Daisuke a few years back.
    At the sound of Prometheus's comment her left eye twitched, then her mouth twisted up into a dark smile. She hated being called 'old'. That was it. And she guessed that he didn't know that she could read minds. "Hey Prometheus, how would you like to be embedded into a rock wall?" she said with a sweet innocent smile that would give anyone the chills, especially if they knew how she acted when she was violent.

    "Idiot! She wants you to do that!" Cadence screamed out, she was soon cut off when she felt a sharp and extremely burning pain emanating from her stomach, she looked down to find that Chiyon had stabbed her. Not that it mattered. She wouldn't die, it would merely incapacitate her for the duration of the fight. As her heart began to slow from the blood loss, she fell into a crumpled heap on the ground.

    Chiyon rolled her eyes in annoyance, she had plans to carry out, so she didn't want this to last long. "Remember last time we fought a few days ago? Well, I was holding back well over half of my power." She drew out her sword and absorbed the lightning again and darted towards Rik, the power she was holding back was returning with such force that it was radiating off of her.
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