Revenge - Is it ever justified?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by What?, May 2, 2010.


Is the concept of revenge ever justified?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. It depends on the context.

  1. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    Goddammit I was going to quote that.

    But yeah. We all feel inclined to take revenge on someone who's done harm to us at some point, but a lot of the time it just ends up spreading more harm to others, initiating more cycles of revenge, and overall just not getting anyone anywhere. I don't believe in an absolute justice, but even then I'd be inclined to separate ideas of justice from revenge.
  2. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Revenge is the natural instinct of getting back at someone, whether they did something to's a simple game that you lost and want to get back at them for.

    Revenge is never justified, it's a simple instinct that people tend to lose control over once it's in effect. It's better to admit defeat rather than try harder the next time with vengeance in your head.
    Now what I said doesn't really revolve around all things, only particularly the fact someone did something bad to you and you want to get back at them with pure vengeance and rage.

    If it's a team against another team and perhaps one of them lost a game, it isn't revenge but it is competition.