Return of the Keyblade

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Josephmahon1, Jan 29, 2011.

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  1. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    IC: As Gexln is walking through the woods outside of the old mansion, one of his favourite places to hang out at, he hears a noise. It sounds mildly like a roar,and it sounded close. He turns his head at the sound of the roar. "Now,i wonder what could've made that?" he said out loud. He begins to walk towards the old mansion in the hopes of investigating.
  2. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    A man walked by as she talked about the keyblade with the three and he came running towards them. "You three how many beatings do you need to stop pulling this prank on tourists and sorry for any inconvence miss" said the pulling out hand cuffs and cuffing them. "Wait do you any place i might try my skills and test myself" Cathrine said and the man pulled a ticket. "One ticket to the Collisum miss umm" said the man asking for name "Cathrine Salvos" Cathrine said to his question. "Well here you go miss Salvos one ticket to the collsum and the train is leaving in 20 minutes so you have some time and for these three the village will beat common sense into you even though your related" said the man dragging the three away.

    Cathrine boarded the train headed towards the collsum with a boy ans went to sleep and awoke when they got to the collsum and rushed out to see it. Cathrine walked over towards some people talking ans goat noticed her and said "Hey sweetchecks wanna go on a date" and she smacked him and said "Pervert".
  3. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    (remember this is in twilight town)'' hey mom i´m going to the beach '' he said
    "but its 7pm ''
    ''i wont take long''
    when he gets there he sits down at shore and looks at the stars silently
    "maybe there´s more to it than just this town maybe...''
    ''hey there slacker'' a girl about his age interupts and sits down
    ''who are you?!''
    ''hi i´m sarah'' she extends a hand-shake
    ''and what are you doing here alone?'' she asked
    ''i just neded a walk ,hey sarah?"
    "you think theres more to it than just this town ?, you know other worlds''
    ''i dont know maybe,but if there are maybe there are people in other worlds thinking the excat same thing''
    ''yhea'' he said looking at the stars"
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Suki opened her eyes to find that she was drifting in the darkness upside down to a circular platform that was completely white.
    The moment she slowly turned upright and landed with a soft pat onto the platform, the white dissolved like thousands of butterflies fleeing from the ground.
    In place of the white that was there moments before, there was now a mosaic pattern of two boys, one spiky brown haired boy and another spiky blond haired boy who both looked quite similar to each other. "Who are they?" she thought to herself.
    "...and where am I?"
    At least, wherever she was, she was safe for now. But she could see no way off of the platform. She peered out through the darkness around her and she suddenly saw a small light, it seemed to grow and expand and another platform appeared not far from her connected with what looked like glass steps.

    The voice spoke again: "Yes, you must always look through the darkness to see the light.
    "The light..." Suki said to herself...
    She tried to cast her fear aside and began climbing the glass steps to the next platform, and towards that safe warm light that seemed to be guiding her.
  5. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
  6. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Suki reached the next platform, the mosaic pattern this time was of three girls.
    One had a warm red colour in her hair, one was blond wearing a white dress, and the last had black hair and was wearing a black cloak. Again they all looked similar to each other. Suki wondered who they were and what connection they had to each other and the boys from before.
    She became aware that the orb of light had vanished again so she peered out through the darkness like before, again, she quickly found the light which seemed to expand at her gaze and reveal yet another platform.

    "You must keep a strong heart when surrounded by the unknown."
    She moved along to the next platform, again there was a mosaic platform with some people she didn't know on it. She continued this pattern of seeking the light and crossed platform after platform, each of them with their own brightly coloured mosaic patterns of different people.
    She heard various terms such as "Keyblade" "Other worlds" "Heartless" "Nobody"
    At last when she looked out at the light and the next platform appeared, she noticed this one was pure white just like the very first platform had been that time, and the orb of light was much bigger than it had been before.

    "You must seek the light, even when surrounded by darkness."
    She crossed the stairs one last time, and as she approached the middle of the platform, the white again dissolved like thousands of butterflies flying away. She looked at the mosaic pattern and this time was taken back at what she saw.
    It was her. But why?

    "Remember... the closer you get to the light... the bigger your shadow becomes..."
    Suki looked down to indeed find her shadow had become much bigger in the blinding light. Her shadow seemed to stretch, and detach itself from her. It morphed in front of her eyes. A gigantic and formidable creature loomed over her.
    "But... don't be afraid... and remember... you aren't alone. You are one of the chosen, destined to open the door."
  7. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    As Gexln approaches the old mansion's gates, he has an odd feeling inside of himself, almost like the place is familiar,yet he had never been there before. He leans against a wall,satisfied that there is nothing worth noting. Just as he begins to get relaxed,a shadow heartless warps right in front of him. "Whoa...what IS that?" he asks to no one in particular.
  8. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    joe turned to his granddad "dark weilders?" "keyblade weilders who reside in darkness they want all world to fall to darkness" "not good" joe then ran off towards the explotion "no joseph wait" it was to late joe was gone
  9. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    713 long until Gexln can begin getting his memory back?
  10. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    Ooc: you could start now but they come back piece by peace not all at once ya know
  11. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC: Ok,i'll do that then lol but i gotta think of a way to trigger the memories inside of him
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    OCC: Okay

    "Welcome to the underworld" the annoucement said. Seo got out of the train and looked around, the feeling of death surrounded eveything".
    Suddenly he was surrounded by black shadows. "Guess I have to defeat them to" he said summoning his keyblade but using it backward. In an blink of an eye they were gone.

    "Alright, whose the one who destroyed all of my heartless" A voice boomed out of nowhere.
    Then a man wearing a black robe and hair of fire appaered out of the smoke.
    "Who are you" Seo asked
    "Who do you think, I'm Hades king of the underworld"
    After taking a good loook at him," No wonder everyone's afraid of dying" Seo said
    "Why you little!" Hades said as his body turned red and he sent one of his fire balls at Seo. Seo dodged them and summon his keyblade.
    "A keyblade, how do you have one?"
    "How the heck i'm suppose to know, I just wanted to learn how to use this thing"
    "Tell you what,I'll make a deal" Hades said with a smug smile
    "What kind of deal?" Seo asked
    "You do me a favor and i'll teach you how to use the keyblade"
    Seo thought about what hades said and remember the figure said"Stay on the path of light".
    "First tell me what I have to do and i'll consider it"
    "Okay, all you have to do is fight a man named Hercules to the death and i'll teach you"
    "So what does he look like"
    "Just follow these stair and head to the vesbutle and you'll find him"hades said showing Seo the way.
    "Okay See you when i get back" Seo said going up the stairs.
  13. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    OOC: Yay, we meet soon.

    Nathalia walked into town ten minutes later, waving at Phil and Hercules. "Alright, Sugar Cakes, you're here. Now we gotta say, your great-great grandma Aqua was a keyblade weilder herself. Modest too. Now, she beat Hades and his Ice titan all alone, nobody, And I mean Nobody to help her. And I believe that you got that stuff goin' on in your mind too." Phil walked up to her, pointing to the Coliseum. "That place has been trainin' all kinds of heroes since the begining. Now, do you get what I'm sayin, SweetCheeks?"

    Nathalia nodded. "Yeah, I do...but I just don't believe it. Aqua was a keyblade weilder? Has it been around that long?" She looked down, then summoned her keyblade. "Well, I guess maybe she passed it down?"

    "I dunno how all that keyblade mumbo-jumbo works, but I think that's how ya do it. So, you in for the games or what?" Phil motioned for Hercules to step in and convince her. So, he put a hand on her shoulder. "Come on, Nathalia. It'll be fun, it's a way to prove how strong your heart is."

    "Okay, since you're asking so nicely." She sighed, turning back to the coliseum. "So, I've got a question. Do you have a picture of Aqua?" She was hoping to get the excate answer she wanted. "Yeah, I got four." Phil pipped up, walking beside her. Nathalia smiled and bopped his head. "I knew you probably liked my Great-Great Grandma, if you call me SweetCheeks and SugarCakes." "Hey, she was flirting with me, what else is an old goat like me gonna do?" He asked, but Nathalia had already walked off, shaking her head.
  14. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln rolled to the right as the shadow attacked with its claws. The shadow then attempted to tackle Gexln. Instinctively, he slashed vertically down with his blade,slaying the shadow. "Hmph. Not even a challenge" he said. He then continued walking into the old mansion.

    OOC: XD i wanna go to the colisseum too! Time for Gexln to learn about his dark powers!!
  15. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    joe ran down to where the smoke from the expltion was coming he then saw some men attacking matt and the other islander "leave them alone" joe called out "why should we" one of the men smirked he then summoned a keyblade "no way how do you have a keyblade" "simple kid it choose me now get ready for a world of hurt" joe man ran at joe but joe dodged then elbowed the man in the back knocking him to the ground the other man looked and laughed "Your a fast one arent you now lets see just how fast you are" joe second man summoned a keyblade and ran at joe joe dodged again but then the second man turned fast kicking joe in the chest knocking him to the ground matt ran up beside joe "Joe you okay" "ya these guys are nothing compared to what granddad puts me throw" "owe we are are we then lets see what you think after this" both of the men run at the islanders ready to kill them joe turns and yells "NO" a spark of light appears in his hand then an Oathkeeper keyblade appears the two men stop "a light weilder and a bran new one at that this should be fun" joe looks at the keyblade "okay then" joe and the two men run at each other the islanders grab one of them and hold him down while joe fights the other
  16. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    "Hey sweetchecks i wanna introduce you to Nathalia our keyblade weilder" said Phil walking her over to Narhalia. "Hey i have a name you pervert and it's Cathrine Salvos" she saids and smacked him across the face and sent him flying into hercules and she walked over to Nathalia. "Hi i'm Cathrine Salvos and you are" Cathrine said asking for Nathalia's name.

    OOC: Just talked to DH's character oh and the people in DI can beat the crap out of the sora, kairi, and riku impersonators
  17. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia offered her hand to Cathrine, shaking warmly. "I'm Nathalia, and their keyblade weilder. Are you here for training?"
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    After walking up the steps Seo got to the vesbutle and walked in and saw a small goat man flying across the arena. "What just happened" he asked
  19. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    how about seing pictures, places or objets from his past to trigrer his memories like roxas
  20. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    As Gexln walked into the mansion,he heard a voice. "You are one of the darkness. Been a while since i saw you,Gexln" said the voice. Gexln spun around to see a man standing there, in an organisation cloak,much like himself. "Who are you? And how do you know me?" Gexln asked. The man pulled back the hood of his cloak,revealing black spiked up hair, and green eyes. He also,Gexln noticed, carried a weapon that looked like a giant key. "You really don't remember me?" the man asked. "No,i don't. Should i?" Gexln asked. "Yeah,you should. After all,it's your fault that i'm a nobody now.."the man said. "What's a nobody?" Gexln asked.

    OOC: For those who wish to know,the man is in fact a key character in a story i'm writing. The story is about Gexln's time in the organisation, his rebellion AGAINST the organisation, and what happens after it. For those who want to know more,you'll just have to wait until i've finished the story :P
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