Return of the Keyblade

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Josephmahon1, Jan 29, 2011.

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  1. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    roaringflames accepted sorry i took so long i did see your post my bad
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When he got home nothing was right, everything was dark and no one was home. "Mom I'm home" he called but nobody answer. Suddenly a figure in dark appear in one of the chairs. "Who are you" he asked but all it said was "I am you". The figure rose the chair and summon a sword made of pure darkness. Seo took a step back when he saw the sword. The figure kept comming closer to him. Then a voice in Seo's head said " Do not fear, look indside yourself and summon the light within". The figure charge at him with his sword. "Look within my self" Seo repeated then a flash of light appeared in his hand revealing a keyshaped sword."Use the keyblade" the voice said "Keyblade" Seo said slicing the figure in two before he got to him.
  3. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    "A keyblade...", said Danny. "So---" "LOOK OUT!!!" Nathalia blocked the Heartless hurling itself at Danny. "You HAVE to be more alert!" said Nathalia. "I... I know. Just give me some time." Heartless after Heartless, Danny and Nathalia fought their way out of the huge mess.
  4. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    Cathrine woke up to find herself on a platform which had the picture of a 15 year old girl, with lots of shadow like creatures moving about. She started to slash her hands at them trying to destroy them but it failed and the platform she was on broke in to pieces and found herself on a platform that had a picture of her on it with 3 colums standing out from it. "Choose your choice wisely between a sword, shield,and staff choose wisely" said a voice in the distance. "okay I will try with the sword of course" she said running up to the colum that held the sword and took it and the colum collapsed and the platform broke. She woke to find herself on a platform with a darker blacker version of her painted on it with a ray of light shinning down as she ran like a wolf towards it her shadow grew bigger and picked itself out of the ground and right behind her.

    "Damn have to fight this monster now well take this" she said using the sword like she did with her hands and made it jump back and run and charge like a wolf, which she blocked but did not expect a kick to come up. "Well a clever thing you are now take this "she said throwing the sword at the shadow which made it stand up and her sword dissapered at that. She was shocked no way could a sword just dissaper but it did and she ran towards the other end but was caught in some sort of trap of sticky black liquids and was sinking in it. When her face was partly covered she heard the voice say don't give up yet you may just have another chance at this and with that she awoke in the twilight town hospital where she saw a doctor and her pack of wolves and then wolves took the shape of those shadow creatures she saw."God not now"she said as the shadows moved over to her they were blocked a bright light and Cathrine had guns in her hands that looked like a sorta weird gun but it had to do and she shot them and they dissapered. She got out of the bed to look around twilight town see what it had and with that she headed for a train station when she saw some people holding passes to a place that was destiny islands and she took them and hid them In her skirt.

    OOC: kinda rushed but my character is already heading towards destiny islands because she stole tickets or passes whatever you call them from people and in my next post she will board and toto the islands
  5. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    awsome i love web RPG ok heres mine

    set up for light
    Keyblade:wooden sword[​IMG](hoping to change it to a keyblade)
    Home world: twilight town
    Appearence:hair-shagy/height-1,34m/he whers small glasses/long sleve shirt/skinny jeans/small backpack
    Bio:gabriel has always wonderd if all that there is is just his town he tryed talking to his class mates ,but they just ignored him he caries around his wooden sword with him in his backpack he lives whith his mom and his dad is doing some reaserch on the other side of town so they barely see each other he has no friends
  6. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia turned back to the computer, seeing a name on the screen. "Sora. That's who I've been seeing?" She quickly reached for her black key, but it had disapeared. "I'm probably daydreaming again." She told herself, typing in Keyblade.

    Not even two seconds later, a screen popped up, saying Keyblade in big letters across the top. "Okay, let's see here.....In between the battle of Light and Darkness, homing devices for the Heartless, or creatures without hearts, Um, weilded by people with strong the weilder impeccable capabilities." She looked up from the screen, grabbing Winnie the Pooh out of her hoodie. Examining it, she flicked quietly through it, summarizing the book along the way.

    "I wonder how he got in here?" On every single page, Sora was there, talking to Pooh or his friends, or helping them do things. "Oh well, I must be getting home. It's kinda late." She yawned, picking the book back up. Once she was in the other room, she spotted two books saying Heartless forms and Keyblade survival skills. She grabbed them and walked out, a small sly smile on her face.

    "Today was a good day for stealing." She said, running back home.
  7. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    Cathrine was walking along the streets of twilight town looking for a fun thing to do until she bumped into some more of the those shado things that were attacking a few teens. "I'll deal with you" she said summoning her guns and started to shot at them. "Hey um thanks Cathrine" said one of the teens running off when sh finished shoting, she found it was five pm and the train for destiny islands was leaving in 35 minutes. She hurried along to the station running like a wolf and got there five minutes before the train left and boarded with the tickets she stole from a couple.

    The train wasn't very crowed only three people were aboard, two were kids, and one was herself she sat down in an open seat away from the kids and began to sleep. In her dream she was on the same platform as last time, a whole bunch of shadows were there, grabbing her and dragging her towards a hall. In the hall colums were stacked up on top of each other and lots of shadows covered the ground making sure she could not escape. The shadows dragged her to a door and threw her in locking it shut, trapping her inside. The two kids on the outside shock her and to their supprise woke up but chains were around her legs, chains of darkness that prevented her from moving. She tried to move but it was no use and she then summoned her guns and shot at the darkness and it went away for some reason and then she got off the train and was at the destiny islands station and the two boys were hidden keeping they're eyes on Cathrine.

    OOC: again this is rushed and not that great but detailed so enjoy it and watch for my next action with the boys and Cathrine.
  8. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    gabr accepted

    joe walked around the island in the morning looking for his granddad then found him down by the beach "well its about time you got down here Joseph" "sorry granddad but i wasnt shore where you are o looked all over the island before i came here" "well then you can count that as one lap then now give me 20 more around the island fast now go" joe began to run "owe man i hate doing laps"
  9. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    The next morning, Nathalia sleepily crawled out of bed, and started packing things into a backpack. "Okay, four outfits, spell book, Winnie the pooh, Heartless Species, Secret Ansem Report. Check!" She slung the backpack over her shoulder as she headed out, and then turning, went back in. "I forgot food!" Seconds later, she had a purse filled with recipes, cans, a bowl, a cup and spices. She knew she could cook using these tools, and was ready to leave Hollow Bastion.

    Quickly, she made her way to the newly built train station, buying a one way ticket for..."Hmm, what do you recommend for training?" She asked the guy at the front desk. "You wanna go to Coliseum? Sure, 250 Mummy please."

    A minute later, she was holding her ticket and getting on board. "This'll be fun...." She murmered before falling asleep.
  10. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    Cathrine got off the train and was headed for the islands when she bumped into blue monsters which had red eyes. "God how many creatures like this exist" she said shooting her guns at them when 3 teens come and destroy them with a key like sword, one had red hair, one had sliver, and on had brown hair. "Hello who are you" said the red haired girl "I'm Cathrine Salvos and you three are?" she asking for their names. "I'm Sora this is Kairi and Riku" said the brown haired boy "Well I think I have seen Kairi before in a dream maybe but old are you guys and what are those swords called" said Cathrine asking them what their swords are. "Well to tell the truth we are immortal granted by the worlds and these are Keyblades but a question raises to my mind, what was the dream like?" said Kairi asking Cathrine what her dream was like. "Well i was on a platform with a picture of you on it and those shadow creatures attacked and I had to defend myself but it cracked and I was sent down to a platform with a picture of me on it and three colums, a voice telling me to chose my weapon wisely. Then that platform cracked and I was on a darker version of myself picture painted and had to fight a dark side of myself and my sword dissapered and I was sucked into dark liquids and the same voice told me not to give up. A question for you how do I get to worlds and why are there more than 1 world out there?" said Cathrine asking them some questions.

    OOC: Well Sora,Riku, and Kairi are immortal so
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: Yo! Hope you will allow me to join :P I love Kingdom Hearts :D

    set up for light
    Name: Suki Amera
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female
    Keyblade: Awakened Focus -
    Home world: Twilight Town
    Emerald Green eyes, faint freckles, long black hair that goes down to her knees (tied in two ponytails -think kinda like Miku Hatsune hair-), a blue and white flower in her hair, wears white loose jeans (kinda like Roxas's jeans) and a red and white loose fitting top.
    Bio: An orphan girl who has grown up in twilight town, she doesn't know to this day what happened to her parents and why she became an orphan. She is a sensitive, caring young girl, but has always been regarded as different by everyone and is often ignored like she doesn't belong. With no one around her, she dreams of other worlds where she might find a purpose for her life and a place she can belong.
  12. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?

    Looking around, Nathalia saw the many obvious greek features of the coliseum. "Wow," She kept walking until she saw a small reddish pig thing talking to a man. "So Phil, now that you're through training me, why not train someone else?" The man asked, his orange hair waving in the wind. "I'd love to! But, who I gonna train, I dont know!"

    Now was her chance. Nathalia stepped up, startling the two. "I'd love to train!" She told them as Phil turned. "Ahh, a girl. Listen sweetie, we don't very much often train the ladies. But, if you can, uh, prove to me you're special, I'll thinka bout it."

    Nathalia nodded, offering her hand for a shake. "I'm Nathalia, and I won't let you down!" The two shared a look. "Reminds me of captain Eager." Phil laughed, shaking his head. "Meet me in the vestibule in ten, 'Kay, sweet cheeks?" He started to walk off.

    "So, you're new here? I'm Hercules, I trained with Phil all my life." Hercules said, shaking her hand. Nathalia's eyes widened as she was pulled up and down by his shake. "Yeah. I am. So, you're a god, right?" Hercules nodded, leading Nathalia to the Coliseum. "Yeah. Just one word of advice-"

    "Don't listen to MuscleHead." A new voice called, laughing. Nathalia grabbed her keyblade, getting into her gaurd. "Who's there?!"
  13. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    Bushy-Brow-1992 accepted dam this think is starting to get move people then i exspected this is going to be great

    joe finished running his laps then arrived back at the beach beside his granddad out of breath "okay granddad did all the laps" "Good now back to the house i need to show you something" joe looked at his granddad "Okay" the two then walked to joes granddads house
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: Thanks :D Yeah, I think it'll be good too.

    Suki Amera sat alone in the Sandlot, hugging her knees as she watched the other kids play in mock Struggle fights.
    It's not like she liked to play Struggle games, but she wished that she could play with them. She was used to feeling alone by now... but she didn't have to like it.
    She looked up at the sky as she often did, wondering if things would ever change or if she would have to go through days like this forever.
    It had been the same ever since she could remember, she had been told that her parents had died just after she had been born. She had been taken into the orphanage, but everyone, including the adults treated her differently... once when she asked, they had said that it was like she has some sort of aura around her, a really strong presence, almost like a strange power.
    "If I'm so different... then why did I end up here, and not in a world where people would accept me?" she thought to herself.
    "I wonder, if my parents died looking for a similar answer... if they were like me... although they had each other...
    As for me... I have nobody..."
    She sighed deeply. "Will things ever change I wonder?" she whispered to herself almost as if she was hoping for somebody to respond to her.
  15. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    "You don't know who I am?!" A thick, dark smoke appeared in front of Nathalia, revealing a blue man with a black robe. "It's Me, King of the Underworld, Lord of the Dead, Hades himself. Nice to see ya, Beautiful." He looked at Hercules, who looked back at him with an angry expression. "What? Angry at your old uncle? Well, I don't care. I got my own little thing going on in the Underdrome."

    "Don't you try to possess Nathalia like you did to Meg and Terra!" Hercules shot back, putting a protective arm over Nathalia.

    "Hey, it's like that Old goat says: Rule number 11: It's all just a game! So, let loose, have fun with it! I mean, a casualty or two along the way is no big deal right?" Hades walked over to Nathalia and put an arm around her. "Ya see Beautiful, If you let me show you your Inner Darkness, You could prove you're special enough to train with Phil. M'kay?" He disapeared, Nathalia waving the air around her.

    "What are you doing that for?" Hercules asked, watching her. "Hades' breath is Stanky!" Nathalia laughed, sending the two into bursts of laughter.

    OOC: Yes, I used some Kh quotes but only One!
  16. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    joe walked into his granddads house even as far back as he could remember joe had never been inside the house before "so granddad what did you want me to come here for" "joe show you this" joes granddad then pulls out a strange key shaped sword "whats that" "its your ansister Soras keyblade the kingdom key" "keyblade?"
  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    A voice rung out to her from nowhere... "Things will change." it said.
    "But only if you can open the door."
    Suki looked around in a panic trying to determine where the voice had come from. It quickly occurred to her that there were no longer any children in the area, that she was alone.
    She was just about to ask "W... what doo-" but she was cut off by the stretching of shadows from the tall buildings in the area. From the shadows emerged more shadows, but... these shadows where above the ground, they... were physical.
    "W-what the?" she said in fear... she could tell these things were dangerous, and they were quickly approaching her.
  18. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia walked in the vestibule as Hercules carried her things with a hand. "So, um where's Phil?" She asked, looking around. "Right here, sweet Cheeks." He walked up to Nathalia and led her back to the opening. "I just got two words for ya: Eat, sleep, Train!"

    "Uh? Isn't that three-" Nathalia started, letting her hand get pulled along. "Nope, now two things to remember: Attack!" He pushed her out of the dark hallway, and into a large, open area with stands and four pillars in the corner. "Wow, this day keeps getting better..." She sighed, walking to the center of the ring. "Okay, so what do I do?!" She yelled to no one.

    Suddenly, Three large Heartless appeared, Nathalia getting into her guard with her Keyblade. "Hi-Yah!" She cried, slicing through one while jumping in the air. Doing a cartwheel, she dodged a near-by attack. "Blizzard!" She yelled, pointing at another Heartless. It froze and then disentagrated when she threw her keyblade at it. "One more!" She then jumped in the air, spinning side ways as she sliced through it.

    As she walked back into the Vestibule, she heard Phil Whistle. "She attacks like the real Sweet Cheeks." Hercules looked at him. "Aqua?" Phil nodded and walked up to Nathalia. "You don't need this old goat to train, Sugarcakes. Your already strong."

    Nathalia shook her head. "No, I've barely even had the Keyblade. I'm not a hero, much less strong." Phil looked up at Hercules. "Yup, a descendant of Aqua's. Look, Sugar, We need to tell you where your keyblade came from. Meet us in the town later."
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When the smoke cleared a figure was shown standing. "Well done" the figure said "But the darkness still live within you". he said "What do you mean" Seo asked "The keyblade knows the way" the figure said before he vanished. When Seo got outside he went to the train station to see were to go next. "Oylimpus clolisum, the best place to train" He read."I might as well if i'm going to learn how to use this" He then hop on the train headed for the colosium

    OCC-When do the keyblade weilders meet each other
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Suki backed away as far as she could, only to feel her back up against a wall.
    She began to panic even more... "Is this how it ends? Before I've even had a chance to begin?"
    The shadows crawled closer and closer. A soundless voice boomed out from nowhere again.
    "It's okay, only you can open the door."
    Suki was about to yell out for it to explain, for it to help her, but she felt the surface behind her change. She turned around to see a huge smooth white door.
    "A door? Is this what the voice meant?" She no longer had time to think things through, the shadows had nearly reached her. She clutched the handle, felt a burning light sensation travel through her body, and she opened it.
    Suki was falling, she felt as if she was drifting along a sea and that the tide was carrying her body to it's destination. She closed her eyes as she let herself drift away.
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