Return of the Keyblade

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Josephmahon1, Jan 29, 2011.

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  1. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia stuffed the book in her warm, dark blue hoodie, zipping it up. Next, she moved to the next shelf, many things like wands and potions. "Hmmm....So this is magic? Mom sure does know how to make things pop out of her stories." She stepped to the side, seeing another large book titled, "Winnie the Pooh." "What the-what is this?" She asked no one, examining the contents.
  2. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    after finish talking to his parents in was 10 o'clock so joe decieded to head off to bed jouring the night while joe slept he had a strange dream he was standing on a circlur plateform with an image of him on it joe looked around "what whats going on" he ran to the edge of the platform and nearly fell off then a sword appeared in his hand "this isnt one of granddads new training setions" joe though
  3. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Creek! Nathalia spun around, the book in her hands. "Who's there?!" She hissed. No answer. "Just my imagination...." She sighed, hugging the book. Odd. She felt a strong connection to it and she hadn't known about it until now. "Well it's mine now. I wanna read it." She told herself, walking out the door of the small house. Not even two steps later, she stopped, not able to move. "Uh?" She felt a tug on her boot. Looking down, she could see nothing under or around her. "I must be-aahh!" She was being tugged through the ground! "Lemme go!" She screamed, her body getting tugged until the only thing left that was hers was the blue teardrop necklace her dad had gave her.

    Shivering, Nathalia awoke, the sky black above her. "Where am I?" She asked, sitting up. On the ground, a mosaic of a boy in red covered the stain glass features. "Who is he?" She saw "Winnie the Pooh" beside her and grabbed it, looking at the cover. It had the same guy, just a little older though. The ground started to rock, Nathalia bouncing up and down as three stone pillars rose from the ground. "This isn't happening." On one pillar, a sword with a yellow hilt, and a big ears insignia hovered. On the others were a blue and green wand and a black and red sheild with the same insignias. Dashing up to the sword, she grabbed it. "Of course I get the sword, I've taken defense and offense classes. I should be fine."
  4. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    joe looked at the sword in his hand "if this is granddad doing then hes gone full out this time" joe then looked to the middle of the platform a shadow emerged from it and it began to grow bigger and bigger "this is so not granddads work"
  5. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia put the sword in her right hand, slipping the book into her hoodie. "Alright, what's next?" She called out, looking around. "Hmm." Suddenly the whole tower crumbled, Nathalia screaming. The next thing she knew, she was on a different tower that was shaded a darker blue than the last, but it had the same image. "What-who is he?!" She demanded, looking around. Suddenly, small dark things came up from the platform. "What are those?" She asked, getting into a guard position. Slicing her sword through one of them, she saw more coming.

    'Behind you!' An unknown voice called out, Nathalia whirling around, her sword going through another shadow. "This is too easy!" She exclaimed, taking out the rest of the shadows. "Now what?"
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Seo was walking home when he saw an old man walking along the shoreline."Wonder what he's up to" He thought. Suddenly the old man collapsed on the sand.Running toward him Seo calls out "Are you okay"? The man shook his head in a yes fashion and held out his hand. When Seo took his hand the man muttered some," I can feel light and darkness". Confused Seo took his hand back and everything went black
  7. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia fell to the ground, darkness grabbing her legs. She struggled against it, kicking and punching, but everything disapeared.

    When she woke back up, she was lying on another pillar, this time it had 3 star shaped objects, one blue, another green, the last orange. There was an outside ring that was purple and these weird, purple insignias. "Wow, this must be a very magical and artful place." She looked up, and saw a large, blue and white door. "Hmm, let's open it!" She said, opening it. Then, a white light engulfed her.

    The next thing she knew, she was on another pillar, this time it was pink and had three silhouettes. There were stairs leading up to another pillar, but several shadows littered the way in between them. With a couple swipes, dodges and slices, Nathalia was running up the stairs. Turning, she saw that the stairs had disapeared. "Well, no turning back now."
  8. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC:Ok,so somebody reset his memories. In that case then..
    IC: Gexln watched the group of kids chasing each other around the base of the clock tower in Twilight Town. Why is it i can't do that? he wondered. Gexln had never really fit in with anyone. To begin with,people accepted him, but he didn't find things funny when other people found them funny, and he wasn't as easy to cheer up as most other people. He didn't know why he was like that,he just was. He'd been a bit of a loner all his life, and by now he was used to it. But that didn't mean that he enjoyed it. He was sitting on top of the clock tower,watching the kids. He looked down at his sword. I still can't remember where i got this....who gave it to me? Why is it that i don't fit in with anybody? he wondered. He stood up, and began to walk towards the many stairs that were the way down to the ground.

    OOC: There,good enough?
  9. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    Ooc: Ya its fine
    Bic: then huge shadow began to punch at joe with its huge firsts joe did his best to dodge each attack but it was hard this creature was fast
  10. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia looked at the pillar she was on. This time, it had all the previous objects on it, but in the middle was a girl with blue hair that slept soundly. "Uhn? Who's she?" She looked around, her sword reappearing in her hands.

    'Aqua....' The voice called, Nathalia quietly walking to see her face. 'Beware...the closer you get to the light, the bigger your shadow becomes.' Nathalia whirled around, seeing her shadow rise from the ground. "Ahh-What is that?!" She ran toward the edge, skidding at the side. Turning, she saw her shadow get bigger and bigger as Nathalia gasped in horror.

    The creature roared madly, Nathalia getting into a guard position. "Hi-yah!" She swiped at its hand, striking it. "Yeah! Score one for me!" Then, it brought its hand down quickly, Nathalia tripping as the pillar shook again. It reached in and grabbed a large, dark swirling ball. It raised its hands over its head as the dark ball exploded and started to rain down. "Agh!" Nathalia grunted, dodging everyone. "Um, the spell book!" She grabbed it out of her jacket and saw a spell that said, "Blizard." "Okay, sounds easy. Blizard!" She pointed her sword at the monster and it froze, arms suspended in the air. "Yes!" She ran toward it, hacking and slashing, hopefully wearing it down.

    Crack! A large crack appeared in the ice. A second later, ten more cracks appeared and shards of ice whipped themselves at Nathalia, who screamed and dodged. She ran closer to it and slashed it through its chest, the monster falling. "Yeah!" Nathalia pumped her arm up, her sword disappearing again. "Woah!" She fell for no apparent reason, the darkness grabbing her again. "No!"

    "No, no, let me go." She rolled around a bit on a soft, warm surface. She blinked her eyes open, seeing a poster of Sea-Salt ice cream on the ceiling. "When did I get here?"
  11. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
  12. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    Tedeum accepted start posting when ever you like
  13. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    Might be a little long but here's my character she on light side

    Name: Cathrine Salvos
    Gender: Female
    Keyblade( may I use key guns): Lost will: The keychain is. Line of teardrops, the handle is a teardrop, the base of the gun looks like a person's body and at the end a crying person and the bullet is. Teardrop.
    Home world: Twight Town
    Appearance: She stands at 5'8 tall, has beautiful brown hair and gleming yellow eyes. She wears a blue robe coming down her waist and another white one coming down as well,connected to a black skirt and white shoes.
    Bio: As a orphan she was thrown into the woods, only to be found and raised by wolves. After that she stole passing citizens food for them and herself.
  14. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia ran out of the small room, heading for the house she was in earlier. Looking around, she saw a door at the end of a corridor. She went through it, hoping if she could escape.

    "Woah." She gasped, looking around. On one wall, a portrait of the same boy she saw in her dream stood, holding hands with a girl with auburn hair. Slowly, she walked to another opening, seeing a clear, crystal hall. As she made her way to another room, she saw a large, red, white and blue circle thing on a wall. On the other side, a computer was running, dust collected on its screen.

    "Humn...maybe this can help me...." She curiously typed a letter and a pop-up came up, advertising the newest version of Sea Salt ice cream. She sighed, her brow furrowing. Advertisements never got any better.
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When Seo awaken he saw himself on a giant platform and on it show two kids facing opposite direction. "What is this place" He asked. Suddenly a voice bellows from out of nowhere saying "Grab the sword". then a sword on a pedistole appears before him. Seo grabs thesword and inspect it, the blade was a regular shortsword but the blade was split in half,one side was light the other was dark. "what's with this sword" Seo said then a door appears along with a voice. "You must face your inner darkness or it will grow stronger and consume you. "Fight my inner darkness" Seo looked around but he saw nothing so walked towards the door and left where ever he was

    (By the way i'm on the side of light)
  16. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    Danny looked around at the havoc that was taking place in his bedroom. Yes, his bedroom. He was about the size of a flea. "WATCH OUT, MAN!", yelled Nathalia. Nathalia was a good friend of Danny, and apparently knew what was going on. "Uhhh.... Nathalia? What's going on???", Danny yelled. "The Heartless...", Nathalia said breathlessly, "The Heartless have arrived." "Uhhh... what are Heartless?", Danny asked. "That's right. Your new to this." Nathalia said. "Check your back pocket." As told, Danny checked his back pocket. What he found was nothing he had expected. A small little container the size of a bar of soap was what Danny saw in his hand. When he opened it, there was a blinding flash of light, and the next thing he knew, he was holding some sort of laser sword in the shape of a key. "Nat, what's this?", asked Danny. "That, my friend is a keyblade."
  17. Josephmahon1 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2011
    joe dodges the creature one last time then jumps on its arm and runs to its head joe puts all his force behind his sword and swung the creature then feel to the ground and darkness covered the floor joe was then swolled by it then woke up in his room "woo that was some dream"
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When Seo came to he was lying on the beach. "What just happened" he thought. When he got up he walked off the beach and headed home after the events that had happen today
  19. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Nathalia kept typing on the keyboard. "Come on....Um, boy in Black? No, that won't work.....I got it!" She licked her tongue out, typing in "Winnie the Pooh" in three easy key strokes. An image popped up of a yellow bear, a pink pig and a yellow rabbit. Clicking around, she saw the guy she'd seen in her dream and on the painting. Shish! She heard something behind her. Turning, she saw the shadows she had battled in her dream. But this time, her sword didn't come in her hands. "Oh, man! What am I gonna do?!" A flash of light blinded her, as a large, black key with elegant designs appeared in her right hand.

    'Keyblade' The same voice that was in her dream spoke quietly. "I gotta defeat them!" She twirled around, doing cartwheels in between swipes. She kept saying Blizzard, freezing enemies and striking them. Two minutes later, she was panting, her Keyblade at her side. "That was awesome."
  20. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    OOC: am I in yet if so the post is right below

    Cathrine was walking in the streets of Twight town looking for something to steal for herself and let the pack hunt for themselves when she came across 4 kids with ice cream bars in their hands. "I'll be taking those" she said swiping the ice cream out of their hands and running towards the woods. "Hey come back here you theif" said one of them chasing her but was clearly outrun by the women and asked a person walking by "who is that women?". "Ah your referring to Cathrine our village orphan who was raised by wolves and was taught to steal from kids" the woman said walking towards her house. When Cathrine got the clearing her head started to hurt a little and fell down, dragging herself towards the woods where she passed out and a person found herald took her to the hospital to be treated.

    OOC: look on the 3rd page bottom to see what I'm talking about
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