*Retry* Hogwarts Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ShadowofRiku, Sep 2, 2007.

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  1. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    ((Anyone may join but there are the normal rules plus try not to have one liners, I know that sometimes its hard but just describe how you character reacts to the situation or something. Secondly, if I put you in a house that you may not necessarily enjoy being in, I did it for a reason. We need equal amounts in EACH house. Thirdly, if someone is not here I will fill in for them, based on their personality shown up to that point. Now if there are any questions please ask now before I start.))

    here are the houses:




  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: ok...need me to fill an Oc out or something?cause im in
  3. swordser2 Banned

    ooc:we should not have oc fill outs k just appearance fill out and the west is ok and then we should have the front page the same but keep the note you have right now in and put roo dorms for the people in it k and thats all ok
  4. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    ((Though at first what you said was a little hard to read it makes sense. Ok so all you need is a picture(real people please) and then just put your starter and once we are sorted I will put a list of whos in what house))
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:so what exactly did you mess up with the first one,tell me everything..
  6. swordser2 Banned

    [​IMG] but in the hhog warts robe and i have good ideas but no one understands them hehehe,hehehe,hehehe,
  7. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    ((Well I just got loads of complains and just thought tht I needed to start it over so ready to start?))
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:it was just because you forgot to sort a couple ppl lol..
  9. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    ((and there was a lot of spam now ready or not here it comes!!))

    Dear Mister Cleaver,

    We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

    Students shall be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival, the dates for which shall be daily advised.

    Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached herewith.

    We very much look forward to receiving you as a part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

    Yours truly,

    Albus Dumbldore

    All students must be equipped with the following:
    a wand
    a standard size 2 pewter cauldron
    a set of brass scales
    a set of glass or crystal phials
    a kit of basic potion ingredients
    a telescope
    plain work robes
    a plain black hat
    a pair of protective gloves
    a black winter cloak with silver fastenings
    and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad

    Please note that each uniform must contain the wearer's name tag
    and first years are not allowed a broomstick of their own

    Dmitriy reread the letter. Sighing, he ran a hand through his blonde hair and tucked the letter into his pocket. He slowly walked up to a strange looking building. The sign on the door read: The Leaky Cauldron. "Well this has to be it," he muttered to himself. Grasping the doorknob firmly he pushed and it swung inwards. Stepping inside, he looked around. Tom, the owner, spotted him and made his way over. "By any chance might you know how to get to Diagon Alley," asked Dmitriy, politely. Tom grinned. "Follow me," he said. He took Dmitriy outside to the back. After tapping the stones he turned and walked back inside. Dmitriy gasped as the bricks parted to reveal the alley. He tentatively took a step inside. Summoning up his courage, he slowly walked inside. The bricks moved back together. Pulling out his list, he looked down at his list. "Well I guess I'd better start with my wand," he said. His blue eyes studied the alley until he spotted Olivander's. Tucking the letter back in his pocket, he walked towards it.
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    ''Ok....Wand....Cauldron....Robe's''Cade mumbled under his breath,running around Diagon Ally,looking for Ollivanders''my parents could of atleast took the day off to help me....wheres Ollivander's..''he mumbled
  11. Twilight_Wish Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    OOC: Ah, this is where the re-attempt is. Took me a while to find it. ^^;

    "Mom needs to give me better directions..." Cassandra sighed as she walked out of one of the stores, robes stashed in a bag and grey eyes glimmering with exhustion. "Ollivanders..." Shoving her dark blonde hair out of her eyes, she scanned the street, looking for the wand store.

    OOC: ...I can just jump in, right?
  12. swordser2 Banned

    Dear Miss simins and her sister

    We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

    Students shall be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival, the dates for which shall be daily advised.

    Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached herewith.

    We very much look forward to receiving you as a part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

    Yours truly,

    Albus Dumbldore

    All students must be equipped with the following:
    a wand
    a standard size 2 pewter cauldron
    a set of brass scales
    a set of glass or crystal phials
    a kit of basic potion ingredients
    a telescope
    plain work robes
    a plain black hat
    a pair of protective gloves
    a black winter cloak with silver fastenings
    and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad

    Please note that each uniform must contain the wearer's name tag
    and first years are not allowed a broomstick of their own

    sam and tara screamed and took there money they been saving and put there hats on and ran off

    ooc:ill get taras pic right now
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:I need to go so pretend I got everything and where you guys are tomorrow I am there with you and I want the same house I had last time please
  14. swordser2 Banned

    sam and tara got twin wands [​IMG] and then tara and sam ran in the pet store sam got a black and gold cat and tara got a black and red cat
  15. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana

    Dmitriy walked into the wand shop. Mr. Olivander came out of nowhere and Dmitriy sorta jumped. "Ah here for a wand are you?" He nodded. "Yes sir," he said. Olivander walked back and grabbed a wand. "Here, give it a wave," he said. Dmitriy waved it and a gust of wind almost knocked him off his feet. "Ah nope," said Mr. Olivander. He grabbed that one and replaced it with another one. He waved that one and a bunch of papers went flying everywhere. "Was that supposed to happen?" he asked nervously. "Well.....no" "But thats ok," he assured Dmitriy. Suddenly he turned and walked back to the back. "I wonder," he said to himself. He grasped a wand and brought it to the front. As soon as he touched it a glow surrounded him and the wand. "Interesting." Whats interesting," Dmitriy asked. "That wand, the phoenix feather in there, it gave another, just one, its interesting that you would posses that wand when its brother...never mind." Dmitriy shrugged and payed Olivander before walking out.
  16. swordser2 Banned

    ooc: tara http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cac5y3c1eb2.jpg but more red hair k sry got it off googlephotobucket no work that is until i get a better pic

    bic:sam and tara wrere done but they decided to go to theb ank thwey went there got there keys out and got in a boat "key please"the goblin said and opened the door there laid so many gold more then harrys
  17. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    Dmitriy walked to Gringotts and got into the little car. "Vault 453," called out the goblin. Dmitriy got out and fit his key into the slot. When it opened it revealed a large amount of money, not too much but not too little. He grabbed some and then closed it. On his way out he saw 2 girls. He nodded politely and then walked out. He looked at his list and then walked to the robe shop.
  18. swordser2 Banned

    sam and tara got lots of there money and then got out they then ran to the robe shop but bumped into dimitry
  19. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    Dmitriy was walking out of the robe shop when he bumped into 2 girls. "Sorry," he apologized. "Now off to get my cauldron," he muttered to himself.
  20. swordser2 Banned

    "oh wree sorry getting robes for hogwarts see you got one too well see ya there were sma and tara"they yelled as they ran in and got robves and ran out to get cualdrins
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