Resident KH-Vids PART 11

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Nov 13, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Well, here's number 11. Don't wory, I plan on ending it soon.

    After SJ dissapeared, Spike and Ctr continued off to the pick-uip point, which wasn't too far away.

    "Okay, I don't think there'll be that many spammers around here because most of them went the other way. The opnly problems I can imagine us having are probably wild animals."

    CtR looked ahead of the forest, trying to look past the trees, but the woods was so thick. "Either that, or getting seperated or lost..."

    Spike turned his head to look over to the woods. It WAS pretty thick, so avoiding seperation was a must. He looked around and found a long rope, then tied one end of it around his waist. "Okay, if you look around and can't see me no matter how had you look, you tug on this rope, okay?" He threw the other end of the rope to her and she tied it around her waist and nodded.

    Spike pulled out his knife and started to cut down branches to get past. He took a look at his map and saw that these woods didn't stretch out too far, so it would take them about 5 minutes to get around.

    After 5 minutes of avoiding wolves and hacking down bushes, they had finally made it to the other side of the woods. There seemed to be some kind of watermill.......full of spammers. "****! They're everywhere? How are we supposed to get off now?"

    From the sky, a big white liht shined out on everyone; a helicopter light. Spike's radiophone beeped. "Spike? You there?"

    Spike laughed and picked up the phone. "Soush? Is that you? How are you doing?"

    From the other side of the mic, Soush laughed too. "Well, better than you, that's for sure. Lemme just clear out the place so we can take off."

    All of a sudden, machine-gun fire was blazing around the mill, shooting down every spammer nearby. You could hear Soushirei's laughter over the mic. Suddenly, a rocket fired out of nowhere, headed for the chopper.

    Spike ran out the bush. "SOUSH!!!!!"

    The missile hit the chopper as it went crashing down in flames and fell onto the platform Spike was standing on, surrounding it in flames. Over the mic, there was laugter, but it wasn't Soushirei. "Surpriiiiiiise."

    Spike picked up the phone angrily "You ******! Who the hell are you?!?!"

    The voice just kept laughing. "Look up."

    Spike looked up, and he dropped his phone. It was the tall man in the soldier's uniform....."Roxma....."

    Roxma laughed as he jumped and landed in front of him. "How's it going.....comrade?" He pulled out his knife and twirled it around, showing off immense skill.

    Spike pulled out his gun and had it fixated on Roxma. "I haven't see you in a looong time. Not since..."

    "That accident? Yeah, not one of my best days, surely....or was it?"

    "You had a mission to steal back military weapons. They said you were in a vehicule that crashed at the time, and your body wasn't found."

    "Write on the first part, wrong on the second. My body WAS Jube. I was on the edge of death, but he brought me back using the Spam virus." He lunged at Spike with his knife, but Spike dodged it by rolling out of the way.

    "You were the one that kidnapped CtR. weren't you?"

    Roxma laughed again. "As always, you cath on quick. I guess that's why I always had respect for you; you're strong." He went toi lunge at him, but waved his knife at his gun instead. "Put the gunaway. Fight like a real man." he said, poiting his knife at Spike's.

    Spike attached his gun to his belt and flipped the knife out of his pocket. Roxma lunged at him again, but Spike blocked it with his knife, made the blade skim his, and cut Roxma's leg before he jumped back.

    "You stil have skill, at least. Good... I see you haven't lost your instincts yet. That's the thing about you and me, Spike. People like us are survivors. There' a stronger, better world coming it's way. Why don't you join us?" He ran to Spike and tried to stab him through the chest.

    Spike moved to the side, and kicked Roxma's knife out of his hand. "Because, unlike you, I have a conscience. you know, that little thing that lets people differenciate between right and wrong?"

    Roxma lunged toward his knife and picked it up, but by the time he did, Spike kicked him off the platform. He looked down towards the edge, but he could'nt see Roxma falling. Hanging off the ledge, Roxma grabbed his leg and threw him off the platform. Spike fell and landed hard on a bridge.

    Roxma checked his pockets, but he could'nt find a spare knife. He sneered and raised his hand. "Behold. The future of mankind." His hand was twitching, and his bones were moving around grotesquely. Finally, sharp bones ripped through his hand and his arm became more sword-like.

    Spike looked at Roxma's arm in disgust. "Roxma...what did you do to yourslef...."

    "This is the future, Spike. If you don't catch up to it, you're left behind, and eventually, you fall into oblivion..."

    Spike put his knife away and pulled out his shotgun. Roxma charged at him, but Spike ran the other to get gett off the bridge and find more ground to cover. When he got off the bridge, he quickly crouthed and Roxma tripped over him. As Roxma was falling, Spike shot him in the chest a number of times.

    Shaking off the blood, Roxma ran at him, his sword-arm grinding against the floor as he swung at him. He blocked the sword with his shotgun and tried to hold him. he pushed the gun up and kicked Roxma hard in the stomach. Roxma recoiled from the kick and grabbed Spike's leg and threw Spike across the platform. When Spike hit the ground, Roxma was charging at him again. if he hit him, it would all be over.

    Spike reloaded his shotgun as Roxma was charging in. Getting coser and clser. Spike quickly turned his guna nd shot, hoping to have hit him. When he opened his eyes, Roxma's sword was an inch away from his head. He looked at Roxma and noticed al the blood spewing out of his chest. There was a dead parasite-like thing sticking out of his chest where he shot him. Roxma's hand went down as he fel to the floor.

    When Spike got up, he wiped the dirt off his pants and the blood off his mouth. he saw Roxma's knife on the floor, picked it up, and put it in his pocket. "See you around...'comrade'..."

    Holding his side, he walked back up to the platform he was on earlier. The fires were out and CtR was waiting up there. She ran to him and tried to lend him a hand. "Spike! Are you okay?!?!"

    Spike waved his hand at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to rest a bit..."

    Back at the headquarters, the woman in the red dress saw everything that happened with Spik and Roxma. "He really isn't bad at all. A bit rough around the edges, but not bad at all...." she looked closely at Spike. "I think I'll pay the old boy a visit..."

  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Ooh, very interesting...I can't wait to see what happens next! So, just curious, but why don't you put this in the Creativity Corner? It's a great story...
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    O_O...........I knew I forgot.....something?
  4. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    They get more hits in the Spam Zone.
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