Resident KH-Vids PART 10

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Nov 5, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    The spammers were surrounding every corner of the shed. CtR was hiding somewhere upstairs while Spike and Shadowjak stayed downstairs to fend them off.

    "Think we can take this many?" Spike asked.

    "Oh please, these chumps? Like taking candy from a baby......a somewhat mutated bay, but I digress."

    Spike loaded his gun and peaked out the window. If this was the only window they could get open, they should be coming in around 5 at a time. But it would'nt be long before they broke through the shelves blocking the other windows and doors.

    "You ready for some hardball?" he asked Shadowjak.

    "Hell, I feel ike I can take on the Red Socks." he replied with a grin.

    The shelf in front of the broken window fell over and the spammers were flooding the place. Spike shot down a few of them. One of them tried to put him in a headlock, but he elbowed it in the stomach and shot it in the neck.

    Looking around his backpocket, Spike found a flash grenade. "SJ, close your eyes."

    Shadowjak closed his eyes tight as Spike threw the grenade to the floor. A group of spammers were yelling and rubbing their eyes, trying to get their sight back. While the spammers were yelling, Spike and SJ shot them down. Then, they broke through another window. Spike moved to the stairs to get some higherground. When they were all bunched up, SJ picked up a shotgun that was randomnly hanging on a wall and shot hem down. One of them got up, so he smacked it back down with the gun's elbow.

    Fom upstairs, you could hear the sound of screaming and windows shattering. Shadowjak immediately turned around to Spike. "Spike! They're upstairs!"

    After shooting down another spammer, Spike nodded and reloaded his gun as he walked up the stairs. One of the spammers got their hands on CtR, but he shot the arm off and kicked it out the window. He looked outside at how many were still out there and kicked down the latter they used to climb.

    A handful of them got past SJ and climbed up the stairs. Spike threw an incendiary grenade and the burning spammer fell down the stairs, taking with him the other spammers that were walking up with him.

    When the cabin was empty, the remaining spammers from outside were leaving. Spike peered outside the window again and saw them heading the other direction. "Shadowjak! They're leaving!"

    Shadowjak reloaded his gun and put it back in his backpocket. "Well, that was fun. Why would they leave so suddenly, though?"

    Spike thought about it, then shook his head. "I dont know, but at least we can take it easy for a minute."

    SJ turned around and headed out the door. CtR climbed down the stairs and saw him on the way out. "Were are you going?" she asked.

    "I,ummmmmm, forgot something. Don't wait up." he aid as he shut the door behind him. Spike walked out to follow him, but he dissapeared. "Shadowjak....."

    Meanwhile, somewhere far away and underground, there were two pwoplw standing in front of a giant monitor that was displaying the fight that went on in the cabin. It suddenly paused on Spike's face.

    The man, who was a pretty tall guy witharmy clothing, a red soldier berret and a knife on his side chukled, then spat on the ground. "Well, I'll give him this: He's come a looooooong way since I last saw him."

    The woman next to him, who had shortish black hair and wore a red dress looked at the picture and sighed. "He's becoming a major problem,Roxma, do YOU want to take care of this?"

    The man sneered and looked back up on the monitor. "Sure...I bet he's dying to see an old friend..." he grinned and pulled his knife out of his pocket, then flipped it around, showing expert skill.

  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    My heroes aye

    xD evil Roxma :P

    I loved that line ^
  3. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    I sorta want to assume that the person typing in Bold Pink is me >_>

    Just a guess <_<

    Lol, evil Roxma xD Made me lol.

    Nice :P
  4. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    lol Rosey is the b!tch in the red dress. xD
  5. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    --_--' You know anyone else on this forum who types in bold pink?
  6. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    why's Rosey in a red dress? I'd think she'd be in pink but, your story, not mine.
    And, as I suspected, CtR is here.
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    0_0 ..the heck?
  8. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    Your famous, is all. And i was bored...
    still am...
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