Zombies on bikes? lol. Looks great though. Definitely a resident evil game. The prospect of turning a corner and hearing that chainsaw rev up still freaks the heck out of me.
indeed it does gerbil. I'm looking insanely excited towards this game, looks like some other branch of plagas are involved from the thing that attacks chris in the tunnel, the graphics look awesome, blood shed looks promising, the game appears like it's difficulty curve will ***** slap you moments into the game which is awesome. Chris how ever < Leon.
I love the day/night thing going on. The trailer looks very promising. Lol, I can't help but to agree. XD
Another trailer? xD I wonder if I'll even get this game...it would be my first Resident Evil game if I got it... Capcom has really outdone themselves. Why can't they do the same with Megaman?
Oh no! There's another big troll in it. *hides* Heh, i thought Res 4 was scary but i think i may die of fright from this one. Only gotta wait till March! =D I was kinda disappointed with the big guy with the hammered spike weapon (thought he replaced the crazy chainsaw man), but all was well in the end. Looks simply terrifyin' n' it'll be added to my list of wanted games. keke P.S. The man at the started sounded silly.
"Splendid timing! You two are just in time for the fireworks show!......BOOM!" LOL I think im getting this game, since i liked Re4.
And I thought resident evil 4 was creepy... This one's going to give me a heart attack from playing for 5 minutes lol xD I have to admit, it got me psyched up to putting it on my to buy list this year xD