Post ya Resident evil 5 crap here. Voice cast Last week, I had the pleasure of joining John Martone and God Len for Spoiler-San. As we shot the sh*t on all things Cowboy Bebop, we started digging around IMDB for information on the voice actors. God Len came across Wendee Lee's profile and saw that she has been cast in Resident Evil 5. So unless Capcom decides to completely change the game from this day forth, here's a list of the characters that will be making an appearance in RE5: Alyson Court ... Yoko Suzuki Tara Platt ... Jill Valentine Michael Gough ... Osmund Saddler Wendee Lee ... Rita Richard Waugh ... Albert Wesker Sally Cahill ... Ada Wong (voice) James Harper ... Ozwell E. Spencer Dan Cool ... Steve Burnside Article Source
umm, so no voice actor listed for Chris? And isn't Saddler dead? Unless they bring him back as a flashback or something but that'd be gay if he's still alive >_> Whatever though. This game is gonna pwn so much. By the trailer it's obvious Chris along with Leon is to ******ed to move while shooting. But it looks like there may be a dodge button to make the already chaotic battles a little easyer. And I'm loving the lighting system their bringing in to make it more realistic. For example: When you've been outside for quite a while and then go into a room the room is going to appear darker than normal because your eyes have to get adjusted to the change in brightnes. And when you've been in a building for a while when you step outside it's going to be quite bright until you adjust to the brightness. That hopefully will keep the game more intense.
Fuck yeah! As soon as I seen your sig, I laughed and thought of Captain Falcon. Anyway, the game looks so damn intense. Another reason to save up my money.
No Resident evil this April. Wallpaper