No Thanks Require proper grammar/spelling in the RP Arenas...

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Jade Rhade, Dec 14, 2007.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    XDDDDD I think I saw that once

    Hmm I don't ike that idea though >.< whatever you spin it, it will be a division of ability =/
  2. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Actualy I see it as a division of style, not ability. Alot of the fast paced RPers with one and two line posts could do a good detailed post if they wanted to, but they just don't prefer that style of RPing.
  3. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Hmmm thats a good point.

    Though we want to encourage all RPers to put more effort in right? So if a new section is made specifically for more detailed RPs then wont it just mean that the normal section is left as crap? (generically speaking).

    Also how would the RPs be then split? As in say someone created a detailed RP based on an anime, could that still go in the anime subsection? Or would it have to go into the detailed RP section? In that case, what is the point in having subsections?
  4. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    You win, all those questions made my head hurt, though I'm sure Repliku will have a good answer.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Well the genre point is that -any- RP that would do constructive 'creative writing' methods would fit there so yes, some anime RPGs if they have users willing to do that would fit in. It's just a more in depth sort of writing style incorporated in role playing with an active sort of Game Master type person who kicks out plots and all.

    That is not to say the other section would be -crap- at all. It's just catering to different tastes in RP and might even get some of the people that disdain the RPG section to like it more because it is a sorely missed element I think. In simple it's just creative writing with a story line that takes more time to do and some of us seem more used to it than the ones that go on currently. So, by no means am I saying the other RPGs out there suck or anything, but this just gears to those who want more of a challenge and to put forth some creative writing, correct grammar and all, and to get 'in character' a bit more with other players and to interact where characters act more like where they are from and if they are canon sorts, well, they'd act more like they do in the games or anime or books they come from.

    I think for the division issue, it would depend if it met those criteria and if people wanted it there or not. No one has to move such an RP from the 'anime' section if they didn't want to. However, this gives a chance to those of us who love to write and interact in a different sort of RP setting and the players would all match up to what the GM wanted to see, so the GM could auto say that something wouldn't clear and not have people thinking they are being snooty.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I can see where you are coming from, I really can, but I really really disagree with a subsection like that, for one thing whether it was meant or not, people would still be offended when their ideas aren't allowed, the good thing about the RP section is that it gives relative freedom with creativity and ideas. True it need developing and the RPers need encouraging to be more in depth, but there is a feeling of freedom that I do now want to deny.

    IMO if people are serious about the RP they are in, they wont let it be lost amongst the threads, not only that but there is the subscribe button. The RPer could always subscribe to the specific threads and in that way they would never lose it amongst all the shorter post faster paced ones. I am all for encouraging more RPers and gaining interest from some of the more experienced members who feel the section doesn't cater to their needs, I just don't feel that a sub section for "creative writing" style RP will benefit the section as a whole. You are going to need to convince me more than this before I change my mind xD

    At the moment all that jumps out at me is that it isn't solving the problem of those RPs that members keep complaining about, it just sweeps it under the rug so to speak.
  7. Repliku Chaser

    Well, who is actually going to get offended? It's not about ability but about style in here and some people love the short RPGs where they can post and do their thing and others don't. It seems to me more that we are neglecting a group of RPGrs because some might whine, when really there is no need to gripe about it. Maybe we could have a vote or something? Then if people find it offensive or not we'd know, and some others even in those RPGs might like something else to do too as a change of pace.

    And I'm so trying to convince you so you change your mind. Don't make me use the puppy dog eyes!
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Hold on, one thing, :P this talk of a new section has come around because of people whining and complaining, so isn't it a bit of a double standard to then say if those who were complained about whine it is nothing? XD

    Hmm I meant offended more if say someone who isn't as capable wants to join one of these "longer more creative" RPs and obviously doesn't fit the requirements, I myself would be offended if I was told no xD.

    Ok I can see that it would maybe be of benefit and I understand that it is about style, but now I am more concerned with neccessity, what reason would we (the staff) have to make a section for these styles of RP? When they could easily go with the others? For sure I see your point about them getting lost, but that is easily solved xD

    Don't you dare! D:
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, but didn't most people here say that the writing and poor grammar and the way things were done were kind of making them annoyed that there was nothing else? It would seem you could kill two birds with one stone making a section where people -could- do that and also those RPs could be easier found. Really, discretion on who joins would be up to the GM as it always is (topic maker) but the difference is just for classification of the type of RPG it is and so they can be in one place for people that would be more interested in those.

    As I said, some others in the other RPGs might also like to try out something different, and if not, they'd still have their section. This would give them also an opportunity to do things because I would hope that all of them, despite how they write in the RPG section, do know how to do proper grammar and spelling for the most part. Those RPGs are meant to be fast and moving so they can do txt talk and all there, but they might sometime want to also try out the other option. I just am not seeing a reason for people to complain because as it stands, any topic maker can clear or tell someone no to joining an RPG, so that wouldn't change. It's just separating RPGs as in what is going to be slower paced and more story novel-like versus what goes on and people individually post to 20 times a day. Creative writers do like our outlets and we hardly fit into the majority of RPGs that already exist even though some of us, like me, have tried. It just goes by in a blur and is too much to keep up with.

    The reason for sectioning it off is more for the style and so there will be just those types of RPGs in that sub-forum to help people peruse there and decide what kind of more creative writing RPG they'd want to be in. It's in no means meant to be offensive, but to broaden horizons and well, fit those of us who are long winded in somewhere because it looks very funny to have
    <Sora> goz out & knokz on Riku's door. "Hai Riku!" in one post...leave off the quotations too.
    <Riku> Riku heads out the door and scans around the area, pondering what he would do today, now that school was out. It had been hard to catch up with all he had missed in a year, but now things were going a bit easier and the demands from his parents to focus on just education had lessened their grip. He walked over to Sora's house and knocked on the door.

    That's the difference I mean. It just doesn't fit that someone takes all that time and it is lost amidst it all. The work is there for creative writing and had they written a story it would have gone in the Creative Writing thread instead. This is why the call for the sub-forum. That way it's appreciated a bit more and well, people can get down and descriptive.

    And puppy dog eyes might be deploying soon!
  10. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    The one thing Im going to say about a new section.

    There are going to be like....5-10 threads in it? :/ I dont think most people would commit to the new section.
  11. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr damn you Repliku >.<

    Ok, I will think about it -_- but if and this is only an IF the new section is added and agreed on by ALL staff, at the first sign of problems such as members being offensive or rude about each other it will be gone and those who wish for the more creative RPs can do what Soush did and make them in the general section.

    Hmm now I want your honest opinion, do you really think it would get used that much? becasue we will not be making a new section for just 7 RPs like Rosey says, it would need to be used a lot to be granted its own sub section.

    Don't make me blindfold you >:/
  12. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    As soon as I get this damn paper done, I would. I know there are members out there who, lacking automatic respect and an almost "celebrity"-like status, won't even try to post an intelligent RP for the simple matter that those who respond don't care. It's happened to me; I spent a lot of time working on an RPG, only to log off to sleep, come back a few hours later, and find it lacking-any-coherent-posts and somehow it has been dragged so far away from its original premise that it was all but slaughtered. If you try to correct it, they just stamp off in a huff.

    So, as seems to happen a lot, I agree with Repliku.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Well, at first it may only have a few of them but I'm sure it would grow and if it didn't, you could always stop it and just put the RPGs in the general area again. I'm sure if Soush had the option of having the RP moved to the creative writing rpg area he'd probably take that option in a heart beat.

    And I can't help it if I have cute puppy dog eyes. ^_^ and know how to use em.
  14. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    Fine, I will ask about it, and look into it. You owe me! :|
  15. Repliku Chaser

    *gives cookie?* *tosses in a few cute hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, and some elves to take care of all the animals.*
  16. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    why thank you
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I can see Repliku's point, though.

    It's not meant to be elitist or offensive to the other RPers, it's just for organization. =\

    I will acknowledge that in addressing the concern of para-rps being "pushed" down the page list and being lost, subscribing to these threads solves the issue entirely. However, another section would make this step easily omittable.

    It might be small at first, but over-time, as members get drawn to it (whether it be the same people doing it over and over again, or some new recruits venture in), the section will increase.

    Try to think of it long-term. It might have 5-10 threads in it, but months from now, do you really think it'll stay 5-10 threads if RPers who've stayed quiet until now finally have a place they feel they can RP in? My RP has received far more attention than I expected, and it's the first one of its kind, if I'm not mistaken.
  18. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    XD I had already said I would look into it. So far it has gt support from staff so it is a good possibility.

    Watch this space.
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