No Thanks Require proper grammar/spelling in the RP Arenas...

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Jade Rhade, Dec 14, 2007.

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  1. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    On the contrary, there are many RPers that don't like 'the way it is'. And just to give you a hint, a lot of these unsatisfied RPers have been silent and have never posted once in the RP section because they've yet to find one that they want to join, for whatever reasons.

    The RP section, whether you like it or not, has many ways in which it can improve. That's essentially *all* that is happening here. People are trying to make it better.
  2. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    Really, it depends on the members themselves. We can't "force" them to write correctly =\

    It's just the fact that the members that post in the RP usually don't care how they write. But I must say that you should write with some decency. I go through and I see "hai gias u wnna b frndz". Please. How hard is it to spell "hey", "guys", "you","wanna'","be","friends". Really, it's not that hard.

    You say that it's not our business and we're ruining your fun and all that. But every section of the forum counts on the forum's overall view. If a forum had no music section, it makes the whole forum look bad to those music-savvies. Same with RP. It takes some amount of the credit we get for the forums. It's just decreasing it gradually by the way your RPers RP. It's not too hard to improve, you just have to have the will for it =\

    There's my two cents.
  3. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    We don't gang up on you, we all see how bad your grammar is and in a miraculous(Sp?) event our fingers work as one as we all unify and laugh the hell out of you, if you want us to not laugh at you stay the **** away from any place but the RP section, were the standards deteriate every second, if you want to post in a place where the people like to be able to read stuff without having our heads tilting to the side going,

    " is this kid smoking?"

    Use proper grammar and this problem will be resolved.

    So in closing, either shape up...or **** off.
  4. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    This post wins because it got straight to the ****in' point.
  5. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Thank you.

    so yeah don't complain if the problem can be resolved by you simply taking more than five seconds when posting to check over and fix your grammar.
  6. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    I shall print and frame this. Vivi, I love you.
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Vivi, this thread is about the posts in the RP section, telling them not to post outside the RP section doesn't really have anything to do with it o_O

    Also, they have just as much right as every single other member to be allowed to post where they want. There are some members who don't RP, but their grammar etc is far worse.

    Giving an ultimatum like that is not going to do any good in the slightest.
  8. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    well she's just been whining after all the other things you guys have said, so obviously reasoning won't help, when all else fails, go for the ultimatum, that's my moto.
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Ok well in that case, should the same ultimatum be given to those who spam Intelligent Discussion? Or creativity? Or those who post in the media sections and arts section but don't actually contribute? People have tried reasoning with them, and they know the rules and how to act, but still they continue the way they do.

    When all else fails go for the ultimatum, if we did that with every aspect of the site, we would lose one hell of a lot of members. Including some high up ones, I recall seeing spam posts and non contributing posts from several of those fairly high up not mentioning names :P

    So far everything hasn't failed :) this is negotiating and compromising.

    :) we will get there eventually =)
  10. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    your patience and calm manner is astounding, I would be blood soaked if I was in a room with them, you'd be tear soaked as you'd make then cry with regret, I'd make them bleed.

    We're two sides of the same coin you and I.
  11. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    I'd like it if you mentioned a few names lolol.

    Is this one of those unneeded posts?

    Well, I support the fact that if you can't stop those who don't follow, force them. It's the only way you can actually gain control.
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    :) I actually take that as a compliement XD

    @Split: names of those who aren't RPers? I don't think you would want them.

  13. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    By all means take the compliment, I hand them out rarely after all.
  14. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Okay, look here, I am a RPGer, I have good Grammar, good spelling, I am 12 years of age and am quite offended of how people call ALL Rpers n00bs.
    Yes, there are some people who don't have the best Grammar In the world but really, If they want to spell like that, Its their problem, not anyone else's. I also find It funny that a couple of people In this thread don't even Roleplay, yet, they are complaining.

    Oh and, on L_F's remark, there are some excellent RPG's In the area, with good Grammar, Spelling, Plot, everything. You just have to look around. If you want to make a A+ RPG, go for It, as most of you have pointed out, most RPGer's are bad with Grammar and probably wouldn't understand, so they wouldn't join, others are not quite like that. If you start a thread, maybe you can get some other members who have excellent Grammar to join, then It would probably Inflict on those who don't have the best Grammar In the world to HAVE good Grammar.

    So, just leave them alone, I used to be a terrible speller but eventually I graduated In Grammar and look at me now. You just have to be patient
  15. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    peoples patience is much like a piece of thread, it can only take the strain for a certain amount of time before it snaps under the pressure, like me i know there's members on this site with the patience of a food deprived Homer Simpson waiting for something to heat up in the microwave and trust me that's a short patience span.

    If you graduated in gammar Jordie can you do us a favour and teach the rest of the class known as RP'ers a few things about punctuation and grammar?
  16. Repliku Chaser

    As much as I agree that the RP Arena could use some serious consideration of spelling and grammar corrections at least in the titles of threads that does seem a bit **** (I win because I get to use this word now!) so I realize it just isn't the thing to do.

    However, what I might suggest is that perhaps a separation of RPG types could happen with the areas where people post 20 times a day with single lines etc be in one spot, and then a separate section perhaps for people who would actually like to play RPGs with well, paragraphs, descriptions etc in them and post once or a few times a day instead. I have to say I would -love- to rp and do elsewhere, but there is just no way to get into RPGs here when people post a mile a minute simple things and no real plots seem to happen. I am sure there are some good RPGs in there too that don't ring to me of 'fangirl/boyism' and have seen a few, but if those were just perhaps separated more so people could find serious plot developed RPGs easier, it might make the RPG section a lot more enjoyable for us who can't hop in due to the way it is set up now.

    I don't know if I am expressing this correctly because I certainly don't want to say all of the RPGs there are bleah, but I just think that there seem to be some of us who would love to do something but can't find the 'deeper plotline' more mature RPGs (not talking mature as in adult material here). That way we could see a section -with- correct spelling and grammar more, and hop into some RPGs that let us have a bit more creativity than is offered.
  17. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    I agree. I mean, there are a lot of RPers (is that the plural?) who do type out their words, I won't use examples but on the RP I am currently engrossed in there are many but you always get the ones who don't and are n00bish (Is that even a word?). Again there are those who do this in my RP.

    You just have to roll with it I think. The ones who do the tlk tlk thing usually are the ones who don't play a big part so you don't really pay attention. There are however some tlk tlk phrases and abreviations that have been accepted into the dictionary e.g. lol. I use these quite often because it is quicker but I only ever use them outside of my IC post.
  18. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007

    As much as I would LOVE to be able to require good grammar, it's simply something we can't do. The rp section is something that should be open for everyone. BUT I am not by this saying that it's just free forward to use all the txt talk you want. It's horribly annoying. But not everyone have the luxury of being taught proper english.
    A compromise would be that everyone should at least try and spell right and not say such things as every1. And for example try and spell everyone, everyon, evryone (the right spelling is everyone). At least try and spell things right.

    So a new rule may be that everyone at least tried to spell a little and that txt talk would be forbidden ? Opinions ?
  19. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Just "rolling with it" is once again, another thing up to the RP starter. Letting someone in your RP despite their close-minded txt tlk, but assuming they won't play a big part--therefore ending up just ignoring their input to the story movement--can be dangerous, at least in the sense that some people will get upset over being cast aside or any other reason.

    Repliku brings up a good point on making a separate section. I've said time and time again about how it would be somewhat impossible to completely change the section since there are obviously people who are resenting the need to increase the quality/requirements for RPs. It's strange how I couldn't fathom the idea myself, but at this point--where some members are completely adamant on sticking to their current ways--the only way that could address the issue with as little resistance as possible is to just make another sub-section that doesn't interfere with the present. Of course, this greatly reduces the incentive for some members to improve on their spelling/grammar/RP skill overall, but at least the option to view/partake in more thorough RPs is available.

    You do understand that a lot of these people asking for 'proper spelling/proper grammar' are actually asking for a whole lot more. However, since it's impossible (and very unconstructive) to simply tell someone to "think of better ideas", it's a very loosely-implied notion that people with impeccable spelling and grammar will more often than not, merit more thoughtfully constructed ideas for an RP.

    While it *would* be nice for spelling and grammar to be corrected, it still doesn't change the fact that a lot of the older, experienced RPers aren't interested in Pokemon RPs or KH/FF High School ideas.

    So in hindsight, there's a bigger picture to be considered when someone starts requesting better spelling/grammar. True, if we simply just wanted to b!tch about people spelling better for the sake of just being correct, then that *would* be rather **** (as Repliku said), but a lot of the time there's a deeper meaning behind it.

    And for the record, a lot of the people complaining haven't RP'ed at all because there just hasn't been an RP made that has been worth joining. You can say "there are good ones out there", but that's simply a matter of opinion.

    I've had a good look around. There was not a single RP I found interesting or compelling enough to join.
  20. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007

    Im going to have to just say no to this. You cant force someone to have good spelling and grammar, you can ASK, tell them its WANTED, but in my opinion, thats just pushing it to far to require it :/ And when you people make fun of people outside the RPing area, such as the spam zone, because of their spelling, I dont know, I dont think its right. And Im not saying I havent made fun of them because of their spelling. I Have xD. But when you make fun of someone because of their spelling, is alot like making fun of someone because they do something differently, is like making fun of me because I type in pink :/ Its like picking out the bad qualities in someone, and not noticing the good things, like their imagination or something like that :/

    Wow I just got way of topic.

    Bottom line, I just dont think that 1. We could enforce it, 2. You cant make someone have great spelling, that BS, 3. I dont know, I dont have a third reason, I just like the number 3 :3[


    3. What are we suppost to do? Give out warnings and ban people for their grammar and spelling? I mean seriously :/
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