Requiem of the Lost Hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by sankai, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS

    Dang, too many of these creatures are on my tail!

    *heartless are chasing him*
    *he is surrounded*

    Fine, I'll take you out in one move!

    *plunges sword in the ground*
    *a miniature earthquake explodes and takes out the surrounding heartless*

    I must find a way out of this garden!
    For some reason my portal won't open!
  2. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    "What was that about? Is she really that strict over everyone here?" Sankai asked as she slipped out of the bushes and dusted himself off.

    He looked off in the direction the Queen left in. "What an evil witch...witch....say, she doesn't have any powers or anything does she? If she does, it doesnt show." he laughed. Suddenly, he remembered something."Oh noes..."
  3. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis nodded. She looked at him strangly, crossing her arms. "Is anything wrong Sankai?" She asked curiously, confused. She put her hand around his ear and whispered in it. "She does have a power. Her power is being chubby" She said, then stepped back and giggled wildley
  4. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    That tears it, I hate being chased!

    *creates a flame in his hand*


    *throws flame and a small fire catches on the garden but makes the heartless go away*

    Finally!, They are gone!!
    I hope the owners of this garden don't mind a slight burn!
  5. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis screamed. "THE GARDEN! IT'S ON FIRE!" She screamed. The queen only sent caurds to take care of it. They burned with the flames. She burst into tears, knowing the queen would kill her if she found out that the whole garden was gone in flames. She fell to her knees and covered her head with fear. Blue Rhapsodys came out from the ground and surrounded her, warding off the fire with ice. It was like they were trying to protect her.
  6. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Even if I hate this world, this fire must go!

    *snaps fingers, the flames retreat*

    I should leave before the owner shows up and tries to kill me!
    I know, I'll leave them a present!

    *creates a stack of strange looking seeds*

    I hope they forgive me!

    *tries to open another portal*

    Why won't my portal open?!
    I'll just go exploring again...

    *walks on*
  7. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    "The garden...." was all he could say as fire began to spread, but when the fire was suddenly warded off, he let out a sigh. Then, he just started laughing at the comment Crysalis made before the fire started.

    "...ok, (deep breath). I totally forgot about my search. Crysalis, do you know where to find truth?"

    "Such an ambiguous question. You've got to be more specific about these things."

    Startled, Sankai turned around and saw a young man standing opposite him. "Wha...who are you?"
  8. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    This place is getting annoying....
    Where is the exit?!

    *uses wind powers to jump high*

    Hmm...., I see some people over there.

    *sees a group of people*
  9. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Shaista walks smuggly towards Sankai.
    "I'll give you a hint."
    Shaista dashed at Sankai at lightning speed. Sankai was barely able to defend with Truth-seeker. Shaista's BloodLust knocked him back abit and the clash triggered something in his mind. A scene of a similar clash between Truth-Seeker and BloodLust.
    "Yes, gasp. Do you remember, now?"

    Sankai responded, shaking his head, "No, I dont know who you are, but that weapon in your hand...I know it....Tell me who you are!"
  10. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Turned the corner to see two people's blades clash. A little shocked, he retreated back to other side of the corner.

    "Whoa. Never thought I'd see something like this in a fruity world." he joked.

    He peered throug the corner to see and hear what the two people were fighting about. His eye slowly fixed on the girl near the defending person.

    "Are they fighting over a lousy girl?!" he muttered.
  11. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know

    Crysalis came pouncing our of the garden and tackled Shaista from behind. "Hello there, and welcome to Wonderland, Where almost anything can happen!" She greeted, giggling a little.
  12. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    The normally composed Shaista was even caught off guard.
    "Well...that was quite unexpected. How amuzing...and who might you be?"

    Sankai put away Truth Seeker.

    "So sorry, I should introduce myself now, since I was asked so nicely. I am E.E Lord Shaista, ruler of The End."

    "The End?!"
    "But that's my world. No one lives there but me."
    "That you know of. Before you were and after, there have been countless generations living on that planet, under the rule of the E.E Dynasty, which I am next in line to rule. But on a more related note, I'm to be the liberator of Wonderland."

    Sankai was shocked. This guy is the same as me, but he seems to know the world alot better than me.

    "I know of the cruelty these people suffer under their current queen. Rest assured that I shall remedy the situation."

    "Are you serious?" Sankai replied," I mean, that you're from The End?"
    "True as day!"

    Sankai's whole reality shattered. The world as he knew it was a lie. How could he have never met a single person in the all the years he'd wandered The End? He was sure that only he and the black creatures lived there. All his years of loneliness and wandering...were they for nothing? Was this the truth he so eagerly searched for?
  13. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    *walks toward the group of people*
    *hides behind some plants and listens*

    *thinking* 2 guys and a girl, I wonder what they are talking about? Maybe they can share what's happening. *stop thinking*

    *starts to listen*
  14. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    "Is that so?" Sankai began, "Tell me...what do you plan to do once you've 'liberated' this place?"

    "Well, I'm a pretty busy guy, so I'll turn over power to a delegate who will watch over the people."

    "You seem so sure of yourself."

    "Have to be. Comes with the territory. I hope that you'll assist me in creating a new tommarrow for Wonderland."

    Sankai wasn't quite sure about the guy, but he seemed to be very genuine about his cause. Still, something stood out about him. That weapon he held seemed to be familiar. What does it mean?

    "I apologize for attacking you earlier. It was for your sake."

  15. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    *still hiding behind plants*

    So this place is called Wonderland and that guy wants to um...delegate it? while the other guy looks completely confused.
    What an interesting scene, but this is boring.

    *steps out from behind the plants*

    So this place is called Wonderland?
  16. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis listened for a little while, but soon enough got bored with it. "If you need me, Im over there." She said as she yawned and walked off with her watering pail. She crouched down to water a plant, but then spotted the boy

    She stood back up and walked over to the boy. She gritted her teeth as she picked him up by the shirt collar. "Who are you? Eavsdropping, little man? You know thas rude. Ill just have to punish you.." She growled, grinning as she sopun him around before finally flinging him out her grasp right out of the garden.

    She smiled and walked back to the plants she was watering as if nothing had happend.

    Ooc: Lol... Cute but deadly.. Perfect title.
  17. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    OOC: O.O

    Shaista turned from Sankai. "You saw it, didnt you? BloodLust..."
    "Yeah, but what does that mean?"
    "You're finally starting to awaken. What a shame that I have to go. I wont be able to see it or maybe I will. For now, I have some rather pressing matters to attend to. See you again." Shaista waved as he vanished into thin air.

    "What did he mean?" Sankai asked himself, then turning to Crysalis he gave a kinda confused look.

    Council5 Member 1: My Lord, what is your wish?
    Shaista: Have the preparations been made in Agraba?
    Council5 Member 1: Yes, sir.
    Shaista: Good then. Everything is falling into place. For now I want you to go to Wonderland and have a look around. Make sure noone sees you and if they do, you know what to do.
    Council5 Member 1: Yes sir.
    Shaista: But...dont lay a finger on these....not yet.

    Shaista pointed at an orb under his cloak which revealed the forms of several individuals.

    Shaista: Now go!

    The council member vanished from Shaista's throne.
    Shaista: Now the real fun begins
  18. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis smiled innocently at Sankai. She looked around and grinned. "Sweet! Shift's over!" she squeeled as trumpets went off to signal it was the end of the workers' jobs. She left her watering pail in the garden as she walked up to Sankai. "Im about to head back to my home, would you like to come with me?" She offered, smiling a little.
  19. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo

    Sankai followed as Crysalis led the way.
    Unbeknownst to them, a figure appeared in the shadows.
    "So...those two...," the shadow mumbled to itself and darted away. "Ahem, continuing survailance." The figure moved swiftly and undetected as he watched the area. All over Wonderland, he did reconoscence. Soon, he picked a nice secluded hidden spot and began watching the queen from there.
    Sankai curiously asked," So, where exactly do you live?"
    Since the world seemed to be different in a number of ways from his he wondered what they lived in. Sankai remembers every night that he slept outside on the cold, hard rocks.
  20. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "I live east of here, not very far. But be careful, I have alot of pets who like to pounce onto people. I live in a tree house" Crysalis warned, taking his and walking off towards the forest of giant mushrooms.

    When Crysalis opened the door tp her tree house, a small tiger cub with fairy wings and a long, thick, fox tail pounced out onto her, clinging to her arm. She stepped back a little, but luckily there was a large wooden platform that extended out above the ground so she wouldn't fall. "Tigereyes... don't do that.." She giggled, picking up the rambunscious(sp?) cub and setting it down. She lead Sankai inside. Almost everything was green, purple, or black. "Take a seat if you'd like. My pets'll be wanting to meet you" She said as she pulled cookie from a jar and nibbled on it. Tigereyes immiedietly clung to Sankai's leg. A bunny with pointy, thin ears on the side of it's head, with butterfly wings, antenne, and fish fins on it's legs fluttered over to him and sat on his head.