Requiem of the Lost Hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by sankai, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Ryder: Freaks? Most...annoying...?(hangs his head in shame)What did I do?
    Solvana: Not the most endearing response, huh Ryder? And its such a shame isn't it? Especially since you're in our work area.

    Ryder's inner thoughts: (chibi Ryder w/ waterfall tears then serious Ryder walks up to chibi Ryder and hands him something that makes him smile)
    Ryder regains his composure: Yes, we're conducting research to add to the logfiles of the archive.

    Ryder digs into his pocket and pulls out the googles and ties them over his eyes. With this, he is capable of almost anything.
    Solvana: Why come you take that off anyway? You know how you get sometimes.
    The serious Ryder returned a hidden glare back in Solvana's direction.

    Solvana turns to Crysalis: Anyways, my name is Solvanna. Nice to meet you, madaam butterfly (his eyes catching sight of the butterfly wings)
    Ryder remained silent, his eyes averted away from everyone.
    Solvana (snickering): I guess you've hurt Ryder's feeling with your words. You guys are mean to be able to cause Iron Heart any grief. Well, I'm not as easily influenced by your words. Anyways, don't you two have work you need to finish, or has the Lightning Duo pulled another quick finish?

    Ryder began to start reexamining the area. Suddenly a surge of energy flowed through the area.

    Ryder: What was that?
    Ryder summoned his gruesome instrument of destruction and his eyes changed from a light blue to a cold grey.
    Solvana: What's the matter? Did you find "it"?
    Ryder: Just stay back and shut up!
    Solvana: Hey, we're supposed to be a team!
    Ryder: My calculations state that I have a higher success percentage if you dont interfere.
    Solvana: Screw your statistics, yo!
    Ryder turned and shot a deadly glare that froze Solvana in place.
    Solvana:.... (Sigh) fine, suit yourself.

    Ryder's grey coat changed to jet black as he sprang from the dune he stood on and disappeared like a shooting star.

    Solvana:'re such a...pain. Better make it this time...though when you're in that form, you're liable to be able to do anything.
  2. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis had a more calmer face now. "My name is Crysalis, but you can call me that." She said softley, crossibng her arms. She threw more beer on the fire, making the flames explode. All three screamed with excitement. "Do it again!" Tina chanted as Crysalis held the bottle up again. She threw more onto it, the flames sparking up. Fern squeeled with enjoyment.
  3. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Solvana began to think to himself. What's been up with Ryder lately? He's been pretty strange. He's normally so composed, but it seems like his behavior is getting more and more irratic. I hope he's not having another one of those episodes or something. That would totally suck if we had to go through the Dark Ryder saga...AGAIN.

    Solvana: Well, it was nice to meet you, Madaam Butterfly. Tina. Fern. I guess we'll talk later when I'm less busy. Take it easy. He vanished, heading the same direction Ryder was headed.


    Shaista: then, if those two were to meet, What would you see the outcome being?
    Vaquez: I couldnt tell ya. Thats really a tough one.
    Shaista: Ah, so it is. Spotted Sankai, yet?
    Vaquez: Nope, not yet. Not even....hey wait. What' that?
    Shaista: Huh? Those creatures.
    Vaquez: Stand back. I'll protect you, Shai.
    Shaista: Aw, come on. DOnt make we watch. I wish to protect too. That is what a real king does. He leads his men into battle, not sit in his kingdom waiting for the good news.

    Shaista summoned his blade, if you could callit that.
    Shaista: Besides, BloodLust is calling out for battle.
    Vaquez: Very well. Shall I support you?
    Shaista: Lets just do our thing.
    Vaquez: Right!

    The heartless raced towards them through the shadows on the ground as they readied for battle...


    In the desert, the lone figure finally shows signs of life as he tries to stand to his feet. Wondering where he is, he looks around and when he tries to speak, no words come out. What was going on? Was he deaf or mute? He couldnt tell.
  4. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Wow!!!, this temple is huge!!

    I wonder if this is the place where they hide the orbs?

    *tries to step into the temple*

    I sense 2 living things in there!
    I also sense the 10 orbs! of those living things seems to be human like!, and the other......I sense that it is huge!

    *continues through the temple*
    *the mysterious man is watching him through a viewing portal*
  5. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    The bonfire soon wore down into hot logs and a few sparks, ending the fun for the three girls. "What now?" Crysalis whined. "Hit heartless with golf clubs?" Fern stupidly suggested. "BRILLIANT!" Crysalis and Tina shouted. Tina opened a portal and stuck her hand in it, fumbling around with sounds of things crashing and falling to the floor, then pulled out three golf clubs. Crysalis held her hand out with a cookie in it, and hundreds of heartless rose and jumped for the cookie. She threw it, then took a gold club. "FOOOOOOOOORE!" She yelled, holding the golf club back than whacking a heartless with it. It went flying and squeeling. All three started laughing wildley as they sent heartless flying.
  6. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Black silence. That was all there was for the distraught young man. He stumbled around the soft sandy area, hoping to find help, but all there was was the feeling of hot soft sand surrounding him. He beganto try to feel around but there was nothing for him to even cling to. He dropped to his knees in bitter agony, letting out a yell, that he wasn't even sure made a sound.

    Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. He ran his hands over the surface of his face and found his blindfold was still over his eyes. Though he had been able to see w/ it on all this time, why couldn't he now? He decided to remove the blindfold to try to see and the earphones covering his ears. He opened his eyes once again, but still nothing. His ears gave him no indication of sound either. Hope shatters yet again for the youth. He began to reflect on his few years of existence. All that he had been through. Pictures of a few people began to run through his mind, but then an unfamiliar face appeared before him. The sight of the unknownm sent him into a screaming fit. Holding his head, images passed through his mind at lightspeed. Events that he knows nothing of racing by. What could this mean? Was it just a dream, or maybe its my past? Could it be the future? I dont know, he thought as the images overwhelmed him and he finally passed out.
    Back to back, Shaista and Vaquez fought a seemlingly endless battle.
    Shaista: This is pretty fun.
    Vaquez: I wouldnt say fun. There's no end to these things.
    Shaista: Yeah, I know. Isnt it great....but we do have things to do so we should wrapping this up.

    Shaista grabbed his right arm as it began pulsating rather violently. Vaquez stood in awe of the amassment of power being emitted from his arm. The image of a number 1 romanized appeared and shattered. Shaista grinned as Vaquez eyes shifted away from the gruesome sight before him. The power of Shaista's first seal was a terrifying sight and within seconds, the threat of the heartless was over. Vaquez trembled in terror from the brief glimpse he caught of "it" and as Shaista turned to continue on, he took notice of this and tried to calm Vaquez down.

    Solvana on his way to catch up with Ryder, passes by the cave of wonders.
    Solvana: Hmm....I wonder...
    A blast came from his blindside, but he effortlessly anticipated the attack and deflected it, changing his course to find the source for the surprise attack.
  7. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    This place is weird, it's like it was built as a maze!

    *walks into a round room with 10 doors*

    Each of these rooms has 10 of the orbs!
    The 2 living things must be behind 2 of these doors!

    *back to the mysterious man who is watching Xana through the viewing portal*

    mysterious man:
    I admit that I put a monster in there, but I don't know where that other living thing came from!

    I hid my monster in the ......... orb room!

    Off Topic:

    What happened Sankai?
    Is he on the same world as Xana?
  8. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    OOC: We'll find out soon enough. Is one of those living things supposed to be the unknown person I've currently been roleplaying?
  9. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Off Topic:
    That is a good question....
    I was just going along, trying to put out ideas....
  10. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Solvana reached the source of the unknown attack to find Ryder in battle with the unseen foe.

    Solvana: Was this the thing we were after?

    Solvana charged in and let out a string of blows that caused minimal damage.

    Ryder: Why are you here?
    Solvana: The thing just tried to shoot me out of the sky. I dont let people get away with stuff like that!
    Ryder: WHatever. Suit yourself. Just stay out of my way.
    SOlvana: Yeah, right. You just make sure we get it this time, ok?

    Solvana suddenly sprouted some of the most beautiful ebony angel wings from his back and he drew his weapons of choice, 2 blade swords with a handle half the length of a naginata's pole/handle. The left one was black and the right was white and as he dashed at the object of their mission, they came together in a grey blurr. Ryder's mallet extended over the creature and the hammer end grew to twice the size of the creature. As Solvana's attack dashed through the beast, Ryder crushed it with gravity hammer attack of his mallet. The creature somehow still managed to continue. It flung a barrage of sawlike blades at the two, which they either blocked or evaded. Ryder swung his mallet and a volley of meteors shot out of the mallet, inflicting damage as Solvana got ready is next attack.

    Shaista: Are you alright, my friend?
    Vaquez: Uh....(sweating), yeah, sure.
    Shaista: I don't know man. Your face looks kind of pale.
    Vaquez: No...its nothing.
    Shaista: OK. If there was something wrong, you know you can talk to me , right?
    Vaquez: Yeah...

    The two continued on to the end of the forest area, but found a path leader to a small house and outside the house was a table, set and ready for a feast. Noone was around though, so Shaista began to investigate, while Vaquez stood at a distance.
  11. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I wonder what is behind that door!!

    *Xana rushes in*
    *all that is there is a wall of fire and behind the wall is the fire orb*

    Let me guess, if I touch the wall my arm will burn?

    *throws a pebble into the fire wall, the pebble disintegrates*

    I hate when things are like this.....

    *starts to think*
  12. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    OOC: Sorry I havent been around lately, but I'm not in a good position for using the internet right now. I'll try to get on when I can, but my time is really deminished at the moment. Sorry again. gotta go for now.
  13. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Ooc: It's okay Sankai.
  14. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Off Topic:
    Oh, well at least I know your still here.