Requiem of the Lost Hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by sankai, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Oh, it's him again.


    Oh yeah!, you don't know him.


    Let me see what I can do.

    *pulls out his sword and sends waves of air between the beast and Sankai*
  2. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    The beast and Sankai were divided by the air waves, each falling back with a thud. The ravenous beast lept at the two idle characters, but Sankai retrained it with the extended reach of his whip-sword keyblade. He was ready to shred it to pieces with TruthSeeker's chainsaw capabilities, but....


    After about an hour and a half, the courtyard was almost finished being cleaned. As the two finished up, Shaista brought out a stone and placed it where the scorchmarks the queen left behind were. He then lowered his head and said a short prayer over the carved stone. As he spoke, his words covered the face of the stone.

    Shaista:...May you rest in peace, Queen of Hearts.
  3. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis was a little agitated. Why was he praying? He was probobly going to kill the queen anyway, right? That's what she thought. She kept silent anyway, like any servent/maiden of the Queen, dead or not, should.
  4. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    I don't think he'll stop it in time.

    *Aldon tries to make a stone wall between the beast and Aldon*
    *Xana tries to create some kind of yellow energy shield*

  5. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Suddenly, heartless appeared, surrounding the Beast and the three intruders. Beast's eyes shifted to the heartless and breaking past the three, he viciously assaulted the heartless, tearing them to pieces with his teeth and claws.

    After, he finished his prayer, Shaista stood up.

    Shaista: OK, I'm ready to face the people now....

    Shaista starts to look around, somewhat confused, then looks to Crysalis scratching his head with an expression like this ^_^!

    Shaista:, where are all the people by the way?
  6. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "You're really that stupid?" Crysalis growled. "Im not telling you" She said stubornly, turning her back to him and crossing her arms. Fern made hand signs that ment "Don't make her angry",then inched away from Crysalis.
  7. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Shaista: No need to be so irritated. I mean this is only my second time coming.

    He looks at the back of Crysalis as she turned away and waited for a response.

    Shaista:...sigh. Well, if you dont want to, I'll understand. I would have at least liked to speak with them and apologize, but I guess its for naught if we can't even meet. Well, could I trouble you with one request, Crysalis? Take this letter and read it to the people. Please?

    Vaquez: Lord Shaista...


    "Hey, you're that guy from back on Wonderland. Where'd you come from?" Sankai asked as the beast continued to ignore them, in pursuit of the heartless.
  8. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Yes, and why are you here, are you misusing the path finder I gave you?

    You gave him a path finder?!!!
    I thought you gave them to the exclusive people!

    Fate told me to!

    Who is fate!

    You don't know anything do you?
    Fate has something to do with destiny.....

    *my 2 characters start to argue*
  9. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis turned. She sighed and her irritated look turned to a more softer calmer look. "Sorry. If you want, you can read it to them yourself" She said softley, opening her mouth wide and cupping it with her hands. She called out in a weird tune. within 30 seconds there was the same tune only in reverse. Tons of short and tall, fat and thin people with mucshrooms on their heads ran out from the trees and bushes and crowded around Crysalis. She smiled softley. "My friends. Please welcome to Wonderlnad" She introduced, stepping aside. "Shaista." she said with a dramatic voice, laughing a little.

    Fern poked some of the people. "Woah! They're mushroom peoples!" She cooed with amazment. "Woooooow!" She said, then was whacked over the head with a newspaper by Tina.
  10. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    "Huh? Misusing? No way. I was in the middle of testing it out and I came here. I heard a roar and went to investigate and found this monster." Sankai looked confused "But why is it fighting the heartless?"


    Shaista (at first looking a bit nervous but then becoming composed): Hello to everyone. I am Shaista, Emperor of The End. I'm glad to get to meet you, though I wish under better circumstances. I stand before you today because as you may have realized, your queen was recently assassinated and I am here to not only offer my condolences, but also to to apologize. For I am responsible for her death.

    He could already see the crowd starting to get abit riled.

    Shaista: Please let me explain the situation. After that, feel free to do whatever you feel is right. My family is from a long line of Archivers, who store up all possible data on events that occured during each generation. As the heir, it is my duty to memorize that data. While in my studies, I found that other places, other worlds were in existance other than mine, but as I delved deeper, I began to see that there was much suffering in as many of the realms as there are realms in peace. Many places ruled by people with dark hearts. When I saw this, I knew in my heart that this was not the way had been forever and it shouldnt stay that way, so I began to plan out how to go about liberating the people of these worlds. I realize now that my plans were somewhat flawed in not taking into account the people themselves who were in these situations. I guess I was all too naive back then.

    It took me 3 years to find a way to move between the world, so that I might in my eyes save the worlds. Upon arriving in this world, I remembered from my studies that the people in Wonderland lived under the rule of a cruel queen. After I left, I sent one of my agents, Vaquez to survey the area and search for the queen without being seen, to try to back up the information I already had. After further examination of the queen, I decided I would liberate these people from the queen and aid them as they searched for new leadership. Since I have my own kingdom to look after and since I'm a foreigner, it wouldnt be my place to take over, so the plan was that after the queen had stepped down (yeah that's how dumb I was) we could help the people find their own governing system and have them hold elections among themselves to select new officials to lead them into the future. But, my agent went too far, misinterpreting my orders.

    I am at fault for that too. I should have been more clear about my orders. As a result, my agent ended up killing her magesty and her army. When I heard, I knew I had to take responsibility and atone for my mistakes. It was foolish of me to think of things as they are in such away. I allowed my ambition and carelessness to get out of hand, trying to be this great savior, but I only caused more trouble for those I was seeking to help. It was not up to me to try to change things here or anywhere else for that matter. It is up to the people themselves if they want change.

    What's more the way I planned it out was underhanded, having Vaquez sneak around. I wish I had done things alot differently. I know I cant ever take back what I have allowed to happen, but I hope that even if you dont forgive me and hate forever, at least understand and know that I did not run away from my wrong. For a leader has to be responsible for those he leads. I'm sorry again to all those in Wonderland. I know this is a deed that may be too great for me to overcome, so I present myself to you. Do whatever you would with me.

    Shaista raised his hands in surrender before the crowd

    Vaquez: Lord
    Shaista: Don't worry, Vaquez. Its like I said,' to be a leader means you being accountable for those you lead.'
    Vaquez: ..........
  11. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    The crowd was hushed with silents. Then they began to roar with cheers. A few became rabid and foamed at a mouth, running around hyperactivly and screaming. Crysalis smiled and clapped lightly. "Does that mean you're going to rule, Lord Shaista?" Fern asked. Everyone grew silent and store at Shaista. Tina laughed softley.
  12. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Shaista (caught off guard): Eh? Wait, what?

    Shaista was in total shock. He had felt so strongly about the situation, he had imagined the crowd lashing out at him. Getting locked up or worse and he wouldnt have blamed them. But the exact opposite had happened. Of course, this is much better, but he felt kind of bad inside. He didnt feel like he'd fully atoned for what he had done. This was the first time Shaista had ever felt such a sensation.
  13. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Those creatures again!!!
    That's it!!

    *opens a portal to Wonderland*

    Hopefully this one is the right one!!

    *steps into portal*

    Wait for me!

    *follows Aldon*

    *the portal is ready to close (it's waiting for Sankai if he is coming but will close if he says)*
  14. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "We've been under the Queen's rule for decades. We never fought about it because we would either be turned into caurds, be thrown in the dungeon, that or have our heads cut off." Crysalis explained. "We could never do anything about it without getting in trouble. It's tragic of the Queen's death, but we NEEDED a new ruler." She said, grinning. The crowd began to cheer a little more.
  15. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    Sankai looked back and forth between the Beast's struggle and the portal before him.

    "Sorry, guys. I can't go back yet. Not while I can see someone still needs my help. I'll see you guys later."

    Sankai rushes to the aid of the Beast, who is starting to be overwhelmed by the numbers of the heartless. The TruthSeeker extended into its whip-like form, quickly dashing through a couple of the heartless behind the buffalo man.

    "Why are you helping me? Get out of here" said the Beast as he tossed a coupleof heartless.

    "No can do. These guys are my enemies, too. Which means we're allies. I dont leave my allies behind."

    "You fool! I dont need any help. Now get lost!"

    "Sorry, I just cant do that. We're brothers in this struggle of fate."

    Shaista: Do you mean to say that after what's happened, you want me to lead you? But...I...

    The conflict between realizing his goal of liberating Wonderland and grief over how the events had played out started to grow stronger and stronger within him. His cool collected dimeanor shattered and tears began to stream down his face. He lowered his head as he became overwhelmed by emotion. No one had ever seen Shaista lose his composure before, not even his council of friends.

    Shaista: ...I think I get it now. Thanks to you people, I finally understand.
    (wiping his eyes) I you would have me, please allow me to lead you into the future, people of Wonderland.
  16. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis smiled. The crowd could only "woo" and clap lightley, since they were clapping and cheering alot. Fern was the only one cjumping up amnd down and clapping rapidly. Tina, on the other hand, was slowley clapping, looking as if she didn't care.
  17. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    The battle continued as the two fought back to back against the heartless.
    Hundreds of the shadow creatures lept at them onlyto be slain. After Sankai had killed 75 heartless, TruthSeeker began to glow.

    "Huh? WHats this?"

    Suddenly, when he began to strike out at the heartless, a flurry of rose pedals began to fall behind the whip sword. Whenrever the pedals touched a heartless, they were instantly dispatched from the mansion. Within a few seconds, they were all gone.

    "Sweet! A new technique. I'll call it Rose Whip."

    The Beast turned to face Sankai. "Why did you help me?"
    "Because...even though we were fighting before, it was because we didnt recognize each other as allies, but now that we've fought together, I can clearly see that you aren't the enemy. I'm sure you noticed also."

    "The name is Sankai and I'm sorry about before. Like I said, I didnt realize we were allies until now."

    Shaista stood up, renewed in his vow to lead Wonderland. After he calmed down a bit, he was back to his normal chill personality.

    Shaista: before I can do anything we have to set up a system by which to run Wonderland so that eveyone is happy.
  18. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    *both appear in wonder land*

    This place is more lively!

    Something seems wrong here!

    I know you see weird looking things, it's all fine.

    Yeah, that too, and something else seems wrong.....

    Well if something goes wrong we can get out of it.

    I guess......

    *both start walking into the courtyard*
  19. sankai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 3, 2006
    Za Warudo
    "Thank you," the Beast said as he turned away ascending the staircase. "Now, please leave this place."
    "Sigh....yeah. Alright, I get it. Moumantai, Beast."

    Sankai began to open the gateway with The Truth Seeker. He began to focus his mind on where he wanted to go until the image of Wonderland appeared before him.

    "I think I'm getting the hang of this," he said as he walked through the portal. On the other side, he recognized the exotic plantlife familiar to Wonderland. "Sweet, I really did make it back...huh?"

    Sankai heard a ruckus and decided to head in the direction of the sounds. As he wandered through the little forest, began to reminisce about his first visit to Wonderland. It was in this area that he'd met the Cheshire Cat who gave him the cryptic riddle. Strange that the cat hasnt appeared since. Maybe it left or something. Whatever the case, he was closing in on the sound. He looked up to see the area where the rock had once been blocking the courtyard area.

    "I wonder what's happening?" he said to himself as he walked through the opening to the courtyard.
  20. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Crysalis waved to Sankai from affar. "Over here!" She called, waving her arms around wildley. Fern tackle hugged Shaista for no reason.... again, making Tina laugh her head off.