Requiem for a Dream

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by twilightsown, Dec 11, 2006.

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  1. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    I know for a fact that many of our younger members have not seen this movie (and if they have they shouldn't, it's very graphic @_@) But for those of us old enough to see this, what did you think of it? I found it to be a trip. It's very disturbing and gutwrenching. Especially as the people continue to spiral further and further out of control.

    For those who haven't seen it, its a movie about drug addicts. The main characters are Harry and Tyrone, Harry's girlfriend Marion, and Harry's mother. It goes through all of their lives over a 3 season period. Harry and Tyrone start off as simple dope users, who try to make it big by selling. When everything goes awry, they continue to spiral further and further out of control until the end of the movie which is very graphic and frankly screwed up. I truly enjoyed it, and I was curious as as to other people's opinions.
  2. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    I have not seen this movie, though I've heard that it is fantastic. I think I'm going to go rent it just because of this thread. When I do see it, I'll let you know what I think. It definitely sounds interesting.

    Oh, and do you know who the actors are that work in it?
  3. Guxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 8, 2006
    Some desk in Castle Oblivion...
    it is a great film, actually. i've seen it and then when it ended i was like...

    ...ZOMG... i won't do drugs. EVER.

    great anti-drug thingy, actually. it works xD

    what i love of the film, is the soundtrack... wooooooo awesome!!!

    but yeah, great movie.

    anyway, KIDS STAY AWAY FROM IT!!! UR TOO YOUNG!!! >.>
  4. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    : O! I've never seen of or even heard of this movie. I wana see! Is me old enough to see it at movies? :x
  5. Guxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 8, 2006
    Some desk in Castle Oblivion...
    well actually it's sort of an old film... it's from 2000 :p

    anyway, the mpaa rating says:

    "Rated R for intense depiction of drug addiction, graphic sexuality, strong language and some violence."

    u tell

    edit: WTF UR 12?!?!!? ur nuckin futs if u wanna see this film kid, sorry

    oh and treah, u have jared leto *yum*, jennifer connelly and marlon wayans, just to say some
  6. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    Yeah Lithium, 12 would be a bit to young for this film...especially the unrated one which I saw O_O Tis a bit more than your eyes should see
  7. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    Movie is great. Starts out there just average druggys then They get rich have a good life then there life turns to s**t and his gf ends up turning into a whore, his mom turns insane and the main char well you just have to see.
  8. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    yay! Jeniffer Connelly is one of my favorites! I think I saw like one scene of this film and I was really confused, though now that I hear that it is about drugs it makes more sense. I will most definitely have to rent this movie now! Thank you, Guxas!
  9. Guxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 8, 2006
    Some desk in Castle Oblivion...
    ur welcome hun! and yeah, as i remember is a sorta confusing film, so u have to pay attention to it >.> like yeah, u can blink, but not too much xDDDDDDDDDD
  10. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    The only time I've ever heard of this movie was during the credits of an amv. Apparently they used the theme song for it.

    Anyway, I've heard it's a great move, they'll probobly show us it at some point in school.

    (They've shown us some pretty disgusting things already; Buckets of phlem, a human lung covered in tumors, they even made us listen to Cher music!!! Dx)
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