I have vastly improved from my last shop so I thought I should try my hand at it again. I will not do AMV's Template: Size: I work around these sizes, don't expect them to be these exact dimensions. small: 200 x 200 medium: 400 x 200 large 500 x 200 (this is used if quality is not an issue for your gif) Source: (youtube preferably): Time Limit: (please do not make it really long) Coloring + Special Effects: This is something new for me but I am getting the hang of it, special effects just mean by gradient or stopping the background with only the foreground moving. Spoiler http://samantha-vas-ictomi.tumblr.com/tagged/GIF ^for those who wish to see more of my gifs
I gotz Gifs I be wanting from ye. Both of them from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_zKW1PMiUc&feature=related 1) Timeframe:0:07 - 0:09 Size: 500x200 Details: I don;t want the part where the camera swishes, just keep the frame on the guy holding the cigarette. 2)Timeframe: 0:31-0:32 Size: 500x200 Details: I think this one's pretty straight-forward.
I've got a bit of a request. If you could create a beautiful gif animation out of 0:02 to 0:04, but before it cuts to Dale's legs, I would be eternally grateful. Large or medium, depending on which looks better to you. No special effects or anything. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTAXUYLbFYk
Size: 200 x 200 Source: (youtube preferably): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss_BmTGv43M&NR=1 Time Limit: 1:15-1:17 (just the part where he says "I'll be a human jelly bean". Coloring + Special Effects: Nope.
Two from the same Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N31b8DrmzVM Size: Large is wanted, but Medium if not. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N31b8DrmzVM Time Limit: 0:35 - 0:41 Coloring + Special Effects: Size: Large is wanted, but Medium if not. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N31b8DrmzVM Time Limit: 1:58 - 2:10 [If that's too long, then cut it in half.] Coloring + Special Effects:
Hey Keisha... Could you cut this down to 500kb? Spoiler I know this isn't in the first post but i'd be forver grateful. Or if you need to, you could always cut out part of the beginning (before his head is turned away).
Size: Large (It's a sig.) Source: (youtube preferably):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9QIk9TJZHc Time Limit: I need the time frame 0:47-0:53. From where the shadows with all the eyes come out to right before the guy in the eyepatch shows up Coloring + Special Effects:none please Size: small (It's an avatar.) Source: (youtube preferably):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8de6--eNXDs Time Limit: 0:49-54 from where the kid (Edward) is shown losing his arm and leg to where the girl (winry) loses her balance and stop it right before the big dude comes out and his friends come out of his mouth. Coloring + Special Effects:none please Thanks :3
Because you're the only member I trust with my gif needs, care to do another one for me? Please? Link to video: http://www.gogoanime.com/persona-4-the-animation-episode-1/2 Size: Could you do a small one in addition to one that's the size of the original? I'll be quite grateful. Source: (youtube preferably): Time Limit: More details below, but I'd like it go from 20:05 to somewhere in the middle of 20:13. I can cut it down myself if you make it too long. Effects: I've already got a timeline of it, but you'll probably be able to work with it better once you've seen it yourself. Work around these times, but if it looks better with the text or pauses at certain times, or if you think it should start earlier/end later, don't hesitate to change it. The text can be any font and color that looks good, though I would prefer white text. Again though, if you think something else will look better, go right ahead and use that. 20:05-Start 20:08-Pause with Text "Wild Shadow Appeared!" over the freezeframe. Resume after a few frames (just long enough to read the text). 20:10-Pause with Text "Wild Shadow used Lick!" (Same as last time) 20:12-Same as the first two texts, but with "Chie is Paralyzed!" 20:13-End and fade out. Many thanks in advance.