And I have to say this game is actually Spoiler fun I mean the story is still completely asenine but I appreciate the fact that it doesn't really take itself as seriously as I thought it did back in the day. I still think the game would have been MUCH better if it was just Final Fantasy XI and had different characters. Also the Gunslinger and Songstress class need to make a return
Yup, it is fun isn't it? It's sappy and cheesy at a lot of parts, but maybe that's what makes it somewhat nice. And maybe it also has to do with me having only found 2 final fantasy games I dislike...who knows. Either way, I've yet to get 100% on the game. I have 99% right now, but I don't know what I'm missing. I don't really want to see the last scene in the game, but I'd still like to know I managed 100%
I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. Like, girl power! And the job classes available are so fun. But yeah, the story isn't the best but I still sit back and play FF X-2 When I can.
Each different cutscene you watch raises your completion rate, you just have to find a few cutscenes you' ve never watched before (or just one long cutscene, the longer it is the more it raises your completion rate). Oh, and don' t skip them of course. It is possible to get to 100% in a single playthrough if you chose to give the sphere to the new league, but it is insanely complicated. It' s easier to do it in several playthrough since there are more cutscenes in the game than needed, watching them all would actually raise the completion rate up to 120-130% (the counter just stops at 100%).
As much as I liked the combat, I still haven't played more than a quarter of the game, because I couldn't stand the story, the ruining of Yuna, and continuing on the perfectly concluded plot of X. But damn dem girls is fiiiiiiiiiiiine.
yeah, I know all of that. I think it's because I don't watch every single scene on the spheres in Chapter 4, but can you blame me? I mean, that's really the most you get out of it, and you're watching tons of spheres like 4-5 or maybe more times, and you don't know when you'll get nothing. I just don't have the patience for it. It's probably the reason I'm not getting it. I've done everything, and gotten every scene except for finishing those Chapter 4 Spheres. Oh well, I only really try to get the good ending anyways. At least then I still get Tidus back
I won't be playing any Final Fantasy game, especially this one, for a long time. I haven't even hooked up the PS2 since we moved into the new house. Right now i'm just focused on beating the 3 Xbox games I have. The last one I have to beat is Marvel Ultimate Alliance. And I'm probably going to be leaving before I get to playing any PS2 games after that. I won't be able to play .hack//GU for a whole year...that's no fun
I am going to try not to sound like most people who hate this game, but it was kind of painful. Since FFX is one of my favorites I think it just ruined it. Spoiler And the good ending with Tidus coming back kind of ruined it too. It took away the emotions I invested into the game, and how much I cried at the original ending. I mean I think the different dress spheres or whatever was kind of a cool idea, but yeah that's pretty much it IMO
I'm just saying the story is god awful but I appreciate it for being "THIS IS A FANSERVICE GAME! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT"