Alrighty, here's the thing: I installed the homebrew channel on my wii specifically to use Texture, sound etc. Mods on Brawl, only to find out later that there's a way to use them WITHOUT the HBC. My wii is currently on version 4.3u and I want to remove the HBC as it makes playing regular games a pain in the backside to play. Would updating my system do the job? Or is there something I have to do manually? Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Updating usually removes the ability to play homebrew as it is usually coded for a specific firmware version. Although keep in mind they may patch the way to use custom textures etc when you update.
I've been out of touch with the Wii scene for years, but from what I recall, updating didn't uninstall the Homebrew Channel, it merely made it harder to install. Personally, I'd delete it in the same way that I'd delete any other channel. (Although how to delete channels evades me ATM.) I wouldn't recommend updating with the Homebrew Channel still there. It's possible that Nintendo has some malicious coding in the updates that could block you from online play. Far safer to simply uninstall it.
I assumed that if updating didn't work, just uninstalling it through Wii System Memory would do the trick, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks a lot for the help, both of you!
Your problem has been solved already, but yeah, updating should wipe the HomeBrew channel from the system.