Heretic or athiest? Strong words, I know, and If you're gonna be sick, please leave now. I just came accross it and I brought it up in Sunday school. A heretic is someone who goes against God, yes? An aethiest is someone who doesn't believe in anything! So I was wondering, and evryone at suday school is still wondering, If you were given a choice to either be a heretic or an aethiest and nothing else, what would you be?
An atheist is someone who doesn't believe is God(s) and you were right about the explaination about heretic.I'm an Atheist,because i don't believe in god but i am a pholisopher.I think of deep truths some people can't understand or, for a more appropriate term,Don't want to understand.I am quiet proud of my Pholisophies because they explain alot of things that people have problems comprehending.
Ok, this is what i'm confused about: To put into simple words, if you had to choose between going against god and not believing in God altogether, what would you do. Btw, I'm strictly greek orthodox christian, not as much as shadow of sephiroth but still.
greek orthodox? , sorry , can you explain that? anyways, if you were a heretic , you would believe in God, no? you cant be against something that you think doesnt exist. or perhaps youre only against the doctrines. and a atheist , does not believe.
Well, as much as I don't normally try to think of myself as Atheist, heresy is atheism, because atheists 'reject' God, therefore making them heretics. I'd choose to be atheist. lol
Heretic is a term created by theists to describe anyone who doesn't believe in the exact same magic sky fairy as they do. To a protestant, Catholics are heretics and the same vice versa. An atheist is technically a "heretic" to any and all theistic religions, however it is not an insult or in any way demeaning to said atheist because you have to believe in a god for it to have a meaning (the same with "Go to Hell", if you don't believe in that such a place exists it is hardly insulting, but the sentiment is usually clear lol)
question is simple, somone with a vendetta against god for whatever reason maybe a family member died whatever would be a herectic, someone like me who doesn't follow religion as i find the story of some big dude upstairs snapping his fingers and we all showed up on our merry ways as entertaining as swallowing some razor wire, pulling one end out my ass and the other my mouth and flossing myself to death, would be an athiest.
I'd rather believe nothing. I'f I'm against him, that's even worse! But that's if I was one. I'm a christian right now. :3
Basically, orthodoxy is a type of christianity. There's Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox and a hell of a lot more. There are different 'languages' of orthodoxy. Russian and Greek are the only ones I know. And to answer this, after hearing everyone else, I'd say aethiest
Actually, to be honest, I'm "atheist," but I would never have a problem believing in some divine creator of any kind if in fact one did exist and I could physically/somehow see it.
Heretic. And for the pure reason I would be? Who the hell could put up a more challenging fightthan God himself? Not to mention i'd love to know if he would do anything like punish me if I did..
I would call myself an Atheist. Since I do not believe in God, it is very hard to have a war with something that just isn't there to me. Heretic is a word made up by religious people to make them believe Atheists are out to get them and really, even if God existed, how the heck is an Atheist going to hurt him? Maybe with a +8 holy avenger vorpal sword of doom or something? (had to toss in a D&D thing.) I'm not against God. What I'm against are the people that use God as an excuse to do rotten deeds to other people or nature.