
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Magick, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Why does it matter why religion you are? I mean, some people won't be friends with me because I'm not a christian (no one I've met on this site yet) and some have gone as far to either use me, because of what I am, or try to hurt me, because its the "right" thing to do. I've been called all manner of things, and it can hurt coming from people who you thought were your friends. So my question is...why does religion matter so much? Sorry if this is in the wrong section....please move it or delete it if its been made before.
  2. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    it doesn't matter. some ppl just can't accept difference.
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    First off, this sounds more like something for the help with life section.

    Some people are stuck up like that, choosing religion other than how good a person is. It doesn't matter if your musslim or a jewish person to me; it's only if you are a kind person; hell, one of my best friends (IRL) is an athiest (i'm christian catholic). I can be a good frined.
  4. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    As a Christian myself, I would personally love to sucker punch whoever the hell didn't want to be friends with you. It shouldn't matter at all what religion somebody is. I hate it when people judge others based on religion.
  5. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    As an atheist, I believe religion poisons. It leads a big majority of people to believe in stuff without question, it gives them an excuse for their actions. It might even say that people from other religions are cursed/doomed. As someone said before, some people choose to be a good [whatever the hell religion you are], instead of a good person.
  6. Xe54 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 19, 2007
    New York City, NY
    I don't believe in anything except what I experience, see, or hear. I am an atheist and I don't care what other people think of me.
  7. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    Religion doesn't make you a good person. i've met some real a$$holes who were religious.
  8. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    i dont know.i hang out with people of different religions and we are just fine. we are friends because yeah..
  9. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I'm very religious in the things I do day to day, and one of my closest friends is an atheist, I mean...though I lost some respect for her when I found that out, but we got to know each other more, and now when I see her I don't even think about what she believes in...but it's a totally different story if somebody was going around the school telling other students that God doesn' know where I'm getting at; a situation like that would REALLY piss me off, but since I'm a committed Christian, I'd just ignore it and say I told you so when they burn hell...sorry a little too much came out just now.
    But answer me this, have you EVER said anything that would offend them, like disrespecting their religion? I mean, another one of my closest friends said, "Screw Jesus!" and I got pissed off and yelled at her, "Oh! You're about to cross the fu*king line!" So yeah, I still can't really get over that...but you do need to understand that when some people grow up being taught a certain thing, not matter how-out-of-wack it may seem, they'll believe it...take the Holocaust for example; they sent children to schools to learn to hate the Jews...but I won't get into that since I'll be bashed SO much about it.

    And to the people saying Religion doesn't matter, it matters to the people who follow it. And maybe some people just don't want to be your friend in fear that you might convert them into an atheist as well, just a thought.

    And if they (the people you're talking about) do try to hurt you, or make you feel like you don't belong, just ask them this simple question,
    "Is this what Jesus would do?"
    You may not believe in Christ or anything in the Holy Bible, but they sure do, and it will sink their hearts to hear something like that, that is if they are true Christians.

    Anyway, some people just can't get the fact that we aren't Crusaders anymore.​
  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    I never disrespected their religion...I know a hell of a lot more then they do about it. I just finally trusted one of my friends to tell her I'm...wiccan, and she spread it around that I'm this witch everyone can go to for sex. The worst thing I did was fought her for it.
  11. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    The fact of the matter is, it's prejudice to judge people on their religion. Coming out a different religion just states what your beliefs are, not the content of your character (lol MLK).
  12. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Oh...then I can't help you there. I don't know anyone who practices that...really. I thought you were atheist just because that's a "trend" around where I live, and it's getting bigger- and the people who don't believe can't even explain why-I'm not going to get into it.

    I mean...there is some restrictions to what you can tell people, but you know that now...uhh, I feel really useless right now, I mean...I can usually help my friends out if they are atheist and are being rejected for it, but I don't know what to tell you- man now it's starting to sound that I'm rejecting you, isn't it? But anyway, if they believe you're a real witch (no offense if you think you are...), then they really don't have any room to make fun of you. But in all seriousness, I don't think anybody can give you "advice" right now that would even help you at all, the situation that you're kind of irreversible, in other words: you're screwed if you care about your social life. No offense was meant by any of that.​
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It doesn't really matter. That's the thing. People just make a big deal out of certain things like this. I think that it can be for a number of reasons, of course. One being that people like to find reasons to pick on people and such. Another is just that they can't accept people's differences.

  14. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    My friend claims to be a practicing wiccan, but I think he's just attracted by the promises of magic. He's going through some weird times right now - he is getting back in touch with his (once) abusive parents, he is going through moving to a new house, and his foster mom doesn't trust him.

    I personally can tell you exactly why I am an Atheist - religion makes no logical sense to me. As I said in my Magic, Witchcraft and Religion class, "Religion is not logical". Religion, most of them if not all, makes claims about the origin of the world/the origin of man/life/morality/etc with no more explanation than "God (Gods/Goddess/etc) made it happen". I cannot conceive of a world wherein the only law that can be held true is an unknowable law of some far-off deity who may or may not be taking care of us (9/11, terrorists, plagues, disasters). I had a very emotional talk with my mom about his on the way home from college - I enjoy the challenge of discovery. If that is ever taken away from humanity (the Rapture/new earth of Christianity, where we will be able to do anything, basically), humanity will cease to exist. We lose everything we are.
  15. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Does it really have to make sense to you? I mean, is it really logical to spend your life trying to disprove something that cannot be disproved? Is that logical? Was the Holocaust logical? But it still happened, and the evidence is all around us. Why does everything always have to be logical? I mean whatever, you can believe whatever you want to believe, but don't waste your life trying to disprove what somebody else believes.​
  16. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    I think that most people think that your religion makes you different somehow from everyone else and they dont like it...
  17. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    As an active Christian, I really don't see why we still can't get along with one another. I mean, off the site, I have a friend who's atheist, and another who's wiccan. Granted, we don't have the same views as one another, but we still find ways to get along and have fun together, as well as having one another's back if one of us is in trouble. I mean, if we're able to get along with one another on such a level, shouldn't everyone else?
  18. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Yes. It does have to make sense, or my entire understanding of the universe and my entire education becomes meaningless - what is the point of learning something if a God can change it with the click of a finger. The Holocaust was logical - Hitler was insane.

    I'm not wasteing my life - I'm giving it the only meaning that matters. Answers.
  19. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    religion is one of the bases of division and because of religion the world will never be complete.It's nice to say that alot of people on here except the differances of others.This is a haven for everyone, not just white people,not just black people,not just jews,not just hindu's but everyone.You will find every manner of religion and differance on here and they all except each other as people.You see on this forum people live from the inside out while in real life people live from the outside out.What i mean by this is that people can show the people here, who they truely are without the barrier of society to tell them what they can and can't say.On here you express your thoughts and others respect that, they don't call you wierd or call you names for what you believe, they just listen and expand there horizons.Only very few people on this forum have the nerve to call someone wierd or to mock them and spam there thread because of their beliefs or ways of thinking.In this sense alot of us know each other better than alot of people that know us in real life.I won't mention names.Some people just can't help but feel threatened by something different and people mistake it for hatred.I personally have had experiances with this feeling when someone different comes along, i feel threatened.It's faded since i came onto here.I don't know what it was but it's gone now.
    It's human nature to be scared of what they don't understand or don't know about.The differance between the people that you've come across, angel and us is that we embrace that which is different and new and they can't.They fear you but they mistake it for hate, they don't really hate you.

    @Dredica and ChildofTurin; your both polar opposites and of the extremes.

    ChildOfTurin in my opinion, and i'm sorry if this really hurts but if your thinking like that constantly it means that your life has no meaning outside of logistics.To be Athiest on my opinion you most have some form of good reason for it.ChildOfTurin you need to have a reason more then logic to disbelieve in god.The reason i don't believe is simply because religion is the cause of suffering in the world and it's caused so much pain in the world that it's damaged the ties of the world almost beyond repair.I have my own thoughts and my own philosophy and don't need some censored secred books to tell me how to think.those, i dare say are reasons to be athiest.I do believe in something higher of course but it's not magic and pixies but something more, for lack of a better word "real".

    Dredica, what your saying is n't really helping angel at all, your just making the situation seem bleaker for her, and before you say your being realistic or something to that extent, you yourself said that "Why does everything have to be logical".People don't deserve the truth, they deserve something more.they deserve belief and faith in something, in this case angel believes that we can consol her or help her in someway and it's not your place to say that it's impossible.I can't see anyone saying god doesn't exist straight to you, sure childOfTurin says it's illogical but he isn't saying that god just can't exist, nor am i.
  20. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I don't see it as logistics, I see it as order. As natural law - something we can see or study or measure. For instance, we can SEE evolution happening almost daily - in bacteria and viruses (see SARS virus, see AIDS, see the common cold mutating with every infection), in insects (fruit flies are heavily used in experiments of this nature), and to a smaller extent in nature - the Chimpanzees of Central Africa have developed a radical shift in thinking - they now shred the ends of sticks to almost double the amount of termites they can catch, thus in essence, creating tools.

    Of course, that's not to devalue your reasons for Atheism - truly, there is way too much suffering in the world for someone to be watching out for us. If there is a God, he's probably pissed at us to let such things happen.