If I have to somehow reason why The Last of the Mohicans represents *insert buzzword here* one more time I will tomahawk this desk!
Just expose the buzzword for what it is, a buzzword. What follows is that this essay is an exercise in inane verbosity and you won' t be caught dead dealing with that ****. Shouldn' t take long to break it down, though I' d kinda like to see you tomahawk your desk.
This is what comes of studying American literature. Come over to British literature, Ross. You know you want to.
Give me a tomahawk first. We have to evaluate as well the persuasiveness of a piece talking about the book's themes and whether we agree. Problem is, I can't understand what the hell she's talking about! So far, this is British Literature by reading it, same pompous use of language and resonance. I don't know if Uncle Tom's Cabin or Moby Dick will shift the British bs into a new one (which is why i was taking this course) but maybe after the Civil War we'll start reading more American stuff. Shame that's not till next year.
Like Patman said, just go meta and write about why the essay is bullshit. You're smart, so you should be able to figure out a way to say "this assignment is stupid" while still looking like you're on topic.
Thanks you for the compliment, but I do actually want to pass this course i'm paying £9000 a year on, so i'll just do as the essay asks me to till my finances are not ransomed by the education system. Admittedly, i've done that kinda thing before, last year in fact (about Paradise effing Lost) and it was my worst grade on an essay. This year, my grades count more towards my overall degree, so i'm putting my head down and ignoring the urge to act rebellious. However, Tomahawking is allowed.