It's called "The Bird and the Bee Sides"... xD I kinda laughed when I heard it. Has anyone heard it yet?
._. I swear Five Scores was their newest album. Then I haven't heard it obviously. D: :] Totes will, though. Thawnx (:
I looked at it in Wal-mart... >.< but haven't heard of them or any of their songs...sorry. Are they good?
I've listened to the previews on Itunes. It sounds like a disapointing album to me. I've been a fan of Relient k for a very long time. I have most of their cds, including Five Score, which is very different from the rest. They're heading a different direction with their music and I don't really like it.
Oh yea my friend played some of the songs for me. There are A LOT of songs. I love Relient K, but I like their last albulm a little bit more than this new one.