Not a huge fan, but I do own a couple albums. Be My Escape in particular is a song that I go back to time and again.
I like them but the only song I know by them is Who I am hates who I've been. I'm not that big of a fan xD
Reilent K is one of my favorite bands. I don't own any albums,But I got all thier songs on Itunes.Or atleast the ones I liked and that the majority of thier songs .
I used to like them when I was big into Christian music, but now? They're kinda meh. I will give them the fact that they're rather goofy.
I have heard a couple songs, i know they are labeled under Christian bands. but their not my favorite Christian band. But i do like "I Need You".
I believe I've heard some of their songs before. They're not that bad. They give off a sort of rockstar vibe.
I've heard a few songs by them. Not a big fan of them tho. Overall they're quite good. I personally like: Crayons Can Melt on Us for All I Care :P