Rednecks Of Kh Vids, Unite!!!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Gritz, Aug 21, 2007.

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  1. Gritz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 25, 2007
    I am sick and tired of the way Rednecks are treated and portrayed on TV. I'm tired of snobby smartass know-it-alls who dismiss all Rednecks as inbred racist moron hicks because they ain't as "sophisticated" as Northerners. The reason I feel this way is because I have lived in the South(Lumberton, NC) for the majority of my life. Most rednecks I have met during my time down there are some of the most hospitable and kindest folks you will meet. And I have been pissed off so much at their portrayal in the MSM that I just have to say this. Now, it's not that I cannot take Redneck jokes. I love Blue Collar Comedy. But it gets really bad when it starts becoming just plain mean spirited hatred. But, amid the insults and hateful ridicule, lies the true reason I love Southerners. THEY DON'T CARE!!! They don't give a flying **** that people "hate" them. They can take it all and shove it right off. They can laugh at themselves. I just want to give us Southern Rednecks a shove it right back. I don't wear the Redneck title as an insult, but as a badge of honor.

    All Southerners of KH VIDS, UNITE AND CONQUER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Im not a redneck. But someone I know is. ANd hes really nice. But his nick name is Redneck, like how my nick name is Devil. So we just play around.
  3. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Dude, put your pants back on. No one hates the south.
  4. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    The term got started because the 'rednecks' would work out in the sun and recieved (are you ready for this life-turning revelation) red necks. So there's nothing to this dumb term. I'm from Oklahoma (which I don't know qualifies as the South), and a lot of us get made fun of and called rednecks. Some have gotten ugly. But you got to admire Jeff Foxworthy and his friends because there are two things he's said that are pretty true:

    1. His definition of 'redneck' is "a glorious absence of sophisitcation. It can be either full time or part time, most of us are guilty of it. And if you aren't guilty of it, you do have realitives that are!"

    2."You can't make fun of rednecks unless you are one, and I 'r' one."

    If you apply these two principles to practice, then the people who are being ugly are the true rednecks: They have a huge absense in sophistication, which is probably full time, so they are accusing themselves of all those mean things!
  5. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    i am technicaly a southerner but my blackness compells me to slowly back away from this thread.

    nuthin against rednecks tho.
  6. Bou Banned

    Aug 21, 2007
    The Spam Zone was, without a doubt, the worst place to post this thread.

    To be honest I have nothing against rednecks... nice ones. But some of them really do get on your nerves. Most of them are really nice, caring people though.
  7. Gritz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 25, 2007
    Sorry. I knew excatly what I was about to post and it seemed fitted for the Spam section. Could someone move it?
  8. Bou Banned

    Aug 21, 2007
    Well the thread title would be something that would go in the Spam Zone, but the actual content of the post itself sounded like it could have gone in Intelligent Discussion.
  9. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    Actually, i guess that'd be stereotyping (the stuff about rednecks), and i dunno what a redneck is, personally.
  10. Radiusro Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 21, 2007
    City 17
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