Okayy, this topic is mainly about the internet series Red Vs. Blue, but I guess it could involve the color too? Anywayy, pick which side you're on, and basically whichever side has more votes wins. It's late at night, and I'm bored. So sue me. o_<
I don't knw what other blue your talking about.....but the color blue pwns all. except for black. BLUE PWNS!!!
300 POST! XD Ye i like Red to but Blue owns it xD Fire (Red) + Water (Blue) = Water (Element Theory)
Blue for Halo... Red for color. Passion. ;D Though, blue calms me down sometimes. I think certain shades of blue are really pretty. But red is sharper.
I didn't know what team I love the most. Blue cos Caboose was a teamkilling f*cktard Red was awesome, cos Grif & Donut were the 2 most hated
.....>_>......hmmm.......let's see.....Blue Team. Because Caboose is just awesome.....heh heh heh...:D he and his unrequited love of Sheila.