Okay so I'm gonna be honest here I only used my PSP for mainly; KH BBS, Crisis core & Persona portable along with Dangan ronpa I haven't explored the rest of whatever the original PSP had to offer because I originally only bought it for KH BBS so can any recommend games similar to any of those four that you think I'd enjoy? I've always looked up lists but eeeeh looking through all the games doesn't give me an impression on them really if you get what I mean.
Daxter (which, IMO, is much, much, better than Jak 2 and 3) Dissidia Final Fantasy (fun game, was my first FF game), though I would recommend you get Dissidia Duodecim instead (since the entire first game is included as well) Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (only if you've never played FFIV before)
I already played Dissidia Final fantasy and 012 not the best but was still enjoyable but I prefer something a little less all over the place. Also played FF4CC I never did finish the last story (I think it was about Cecil's son) I might return to that thank you for reminding me I will try out Daxter as well
Well, there are some.... recommendations here. However.... >Ape Escape: On The Loose! >Final Fantasy >LocoRoco >Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles >Modnation Racers >MediEvil Resurrection >Mega Man Maverick Hunter X >Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast >Patapon >Parodius Portable Any of those would grace a PSP library. EDIT: You want more RPGs? Can help there. >Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure >Wild Arms XF >Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth >Star Ocean
Going to second the Patapon rec, great game. need to finish it at some point I find The 3rd Birthday to be very fun. Don't even try to understand the story, it's total nonsense, but I enjoy the shooting mechanics. I'm not going to say it's a good game, but if you're in the mood to sit and shoot stuff for a while it will more than suffice. SD Gundam G Generation World and Overworld are two of my favorite PSP games period. I don't know if it would be that entertaining for a person not well versed in the Gundam universe, but it's still a fun tactical game. It is an import but finding it through ~other~ means are easy. It's not hard to feel your way through the menus if you can't read Japanese. I would say give it a shot, but if you're not into Gundam you may not care. still look it up tho Split/Second is a fairly fun racing game.
Well I know you're a fan of the A Certain Magical/Scientific and KHR series, so I rec the Toaru Majutsu no Index fighting game and KHR Battle Arena 2 - Spirits Burst and Kizuna no Tag Battle (obv not RPGs but really good) As for JRPGs; Hexyz Force Tales of Eternia Brave Story Valkyria Chronicles I & II Lunar: Silver Star Harmony Star Ocean: First Departure Star Ocean: Second Evolution Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 ^ Seriously. If you like the Tales series, get this ****. It's easily one of the best and has basically every member of Tales parties up to Graces as fully playable with all their artes. There is a full English patch too!
TO ARU HAD A FIGHTING GAME?! I'll check that out hopefully it has a english patch (because I doubt it's been localized or anything officially) also I never did try any of the PSP tales apart from twin brave so I'll check them out as well thank you :3 I've seen star ocean come up a few times on here now (I think) so I might check that out as well
Yeah, it's pretty good. The roster is rather small, though. It has most of the important characters, but there are some more I'd have liked to have seen. I haven't come across an English patch for it. I don't think it's popular enough outside Japan.
If you like T-RPG Final Fantasy Tactics is a must play. Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together and whichever Disgaea was released on the PSP are also fine. Peacewalker is nice if you like Metal Gear, though the PS3 version is probably better (mostly because of the single, badly placed PSP analog stick).
Aslong as Accelerator's playable then I'm happy. I've never tried tactics..it didn't look all to good but I'll check that out too. I'm a fan of disgaea but it's gameplay just gets bleh at times. I'd prefer it to be an Anime really (Disgaea with Laharl was animated but I never check that out) but thanks for the suggestions
Now, Blazblue isn't really an RPG, but I guess if I had to recommend something, it is on the top of my list (albeit, quite short list) of PSP games, along with its sequels. They are pretty good games on the console versions, but I think the gamestyle fits more in the mobile gaming platform, so maybe if you wanna try something out of your comfort zone, I'd say go for Blazblue. c: I also highly suggest Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection, as well as the ports for Final Fantasy I & II just for the nostalgia. Patapon is also a great and addicting game, hehe.