Reasons not to vote for Trump

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Chad Thundercucc, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    THIS. Not that there hasn't been other distasteful presidential candidates, but the difference between them and Trump is how open and unapologetic he is about it. Everything he's said and done just reflect on what kind of person he is. (Wanting to build a wall, wanting to ban certain ethnicities from entering the country, the way he's so comfortable about speaking of women in a misogynistic way, etc.) Someone like that should not be the face of America nor lead it.
  2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    I hate to break it to you, but both candidates have done some pretty horrible things. I'm not saying Trump isn't a sexist, racist, etc. That being said, if illegal/immoral things ARE the issue here, the is no reason not to talk about / condemn both sides for their transgressions.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I have yet to hear something Hillary has done that I personally consider as bad as some if the things Trump did. Probably the closest would be voting for the Iraq War, but I've long moved on from that issue. And no, emails and Benghazi don't count, I've more than heard enough of those.
  4. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Again, I'm not saying you can't hate the guy, and AGAIN the **** he has done is horrible. I just find it somewhat ridiculous that you are asking for details about bad things Clinton has done, but then you say "*insert ****** things she's done here* doesn't count though". I'm sorry, but it does count. To explain how ridiculous that is, it's like me saying Trump's VARIOUS AND MANY sexual assault accusations/actual cases where he DID those HORRIBLE things "don't count" because "I've heard enough of those". That hypocrisy and double standards, at best.
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    The reason I said those things don't count is because I find them non-issues. Whatever issue that existed with the e-mails was long resolved by the FBI (and the recent stuff happening was confirmed not to involve e-mails to or from Clinton). But moving on, I already mentioned in this thread that my reasons for truly believing Trump is much worse than Clinton is because of stuff he specifically said he would do as president (not stuff he did in the past). Clinton never promised to ban people from a certain religion from entering the country. Clinton never promised to sue opponents who disagreed/said something bad about her. Clinton never promised mass deportations. Clinton never toyed with the idea of using nuclear weapons in Europe. All of that is stuff Trump himself promised to do when becoming president. What has Clinton promised to do? Certainly nothing as terrifying for sure.
  6. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    One thing I have noticed about Trump is he seems (disturbingly) like the Governor of my state. In fact: Lepage is going to join his cabinet it seems if Trump is elected. If you look at the non-Presidential things: You're looking at a person's character. The person who is president isn't just some guy who sits in his office all day making decisions for the U.S. and the world. He is an ICON of the United States. He represents what the U.S. is, he's the same as the Queen of England/Royal family. He goes out and talks to international leaders, he shows what our country represents and how the rest of our country is represented to them.

    Lets for a second look at Trump's character: No accusations, no hatred, just what has come out of his mouth so far: He has shown that he's willing to ban at least one if not several religions. One group that is very pissed at us for a majority of reasons, including two wars that were poorly handled where we killed God-knows how many families and brought more into prison in the U.S., but we have a huge community of the same religion living peacefully in the U.S. He's willing to ban at least one or several races, including another large group of people who we're bordering with and have a free-trade agreement with. (NAFTA, controversial, but still a point.) He's willing to have Russia hack into top secret e-mails of the U.S. Government to find out if Hillary did something wrong. I am now working at a University, even they don't allow anyone outside access to any of the work I do. Including even having e-mails touched by anyone. This is the U.S. Government's Secretary of State with millions of documents that one alone could cause a massive security breach that could ruin the U.S. Even IF there's nothing about this whole controversy. He has a low opinion of the people who defend this country, he has called them weaklings.

    Nothing else, the last paragraph talks about someone going to a leader of Great Britain, Japan, China... Or even one of the smaller countries and talking to them and representing our country. Or even how the countries look at us from an outside perspective. The final question is:

    Bill Clinton was nearly kicked out of office for having sex with an intern. Why do people judge his character for that when they don't judge Trump for his character?
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
  7. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I live in Arizona, and I am sick of it if not exclusively for how God awful and how numerous the supporters of Donald Trump are here.

    Take your pick: undisguised racism, sexism, classism, terrifying nationalism, resistance to the concepts of non-binary sexuality/gender, calling people like Bernie Sanders "communists" and saying he should be at home playing with crosswords, I've heard it all. Unsurprisingly, usually from older white men but definitely not only from them (even more bizarre to me.) Throw on Joe Arpaio (who supports Trump, big surprise) and his own inhumane crimes that he's finally getting charged for and this state is a prime example of why I don't want to see Trump in ANY elected office.

    He thinks he knows more about tactical situations and warfare than military experts, he compares his previous promiscuity to military service, he openly . It is legitimately ****ing insane to think so many people want this man as the recognized President of the United States.

    The email situation and arguably Benghazi are the usual big issues I see people have with Hillary Clinton, but the first is nothing new for many other politicians including, hey, both George W. Bush and Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie, and the latter is an incredibly complicated situation (which she at least went to court for and admitted some fault) in which conservatives LOVE to use as claiming Hillary has "a body count" and Donald doesn't but...uh, the dude's kicked how many people out of their homes for his own goals while claiming he wanted to house the homeless. And this was in the 1980's; he's indirectly led people homelessness and, with that eventually death on the streets of America for many. Trump supporters say he's a good businessman, but they probably should do a bit of research on his previous ventures including God forbid his own university, and he had this little episode of fighting against Native Americans who wanted to compete with him in casino ownership, in the 1990's.

    And...dunno who else has watched/listened to the three Presidential Debates, but if a man-baby like Donald Trump who was constantly interrupting Hillary and mediators, always wanting to get the last word in, spouting the various other idiocies he's let loose, is becoming (for what most people) the face of this country, I'm ashamed. Meanwhile, I've grown a bit more fond of Hillary due to how much more mature and sensible she was, as well as more truthful in her claims. One and two and three. By the way, enjoy reading how incredibly belligerent Donnie boy is. Now think about that tone in talks with foreign leaders.

    I've followed this election since...I want to say at the latest the beginning of 2015, and not only has it been incredibly frustrating to see the following generated for Donald Trump, but it's also been just flat-out embarrassing to see how terrible basically every Republican candidate for the Presidency is. But how THIS clown is the one that's leading that party in the Presidential Election is beyond me.
  8. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Hoo boy. Don't we have a great 4 years to look forward to (that is if we can manage to pull through 4 years). This was probably the most infuriating election ever. As someone who finally had the chance to legally vote (I was 17 in 2012), I wanted to put in work as a citizen of this country.

    All we got was this. Even before this election, Trump has twisted the country literally in half. We got one side who shown themselves to be racist, hurtful, and bigoted people who think it's alright for them to express their distaste towards one group of people. And the other half who are trying to find some sort of sense in all of this chaos. I was apalled. And now I am terrified.

    I have so many friends who are people of his targeted group. Muslims, immigrants from all over the world, LGBT people, and so much more that have been a target for hate and probably will be affected in the next coming years. Who knows. Maybe I'll even never see some of my friends again should the situation grows so bad for them. Quite honestly, I don't know where our future will lead us. As if my life wasn't already full of uncertainty, this just makes it even more obvious.

    A small part of me hopes that maybe, just maybe, we can get through this. Despite my pessimistic feel about how this election turned out, at least I should try to find a hold in this. I do wish the best of luck to all of you guys as well. 2016 will go down as a marking point in history whether we like it or not.
  9. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I am honestly gobsmacked by how this came to be. I remember last election getting fearful that Mitt Romney would win but in the end it turned out fine, nothing to worry about. But this year has been the year for racists it seems. Not only did the outcome of Brexit shock and surprise me (like I honestly thought the Stay campaign would win because the other side was fuelled by hatred and lies) but that showed me that Britain can be so incredibly racist and hateful and now this. My hope was always "good will prosper" or "you get what you deserve" but this election has just shown that not only was a woman who was more qualified to be president was beaten but a man with such horrendous, idiotic ideas could win. We also claim to fight against sexual assault, abuse and everything but the fact this man has been accused of all that doesn't seem to have affected a lot of people including women who should be automatically horrified by that.

    I guess we will have to see what unfolds but I pray for USA and the effects it has on the world. Perhaps, out of everything, things work out and it's not as bad as we all think it will be, perhaps all his decisions will be shot down by everyone and he will have so little power....

    I just don't know what will happen. I just pray there is no repeat of WW2
  10. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I wish I could say I am surprised. I' m not. A friend of mine who knows I keep an eye on American news was horrified when I told him Trump had his chance and explained why. While I don' t believe him to be the Hitler wannabe some medias just couldn' t resist painting him as, this is still gonna be a bumpy ride. And not just for you.
  11. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    I cannot even begin to express how surprised I am. I honestly didn't think he would win. I thought it would be a close call, but that Hilary would still win even if by a few. We officially live in a world and are alive to say that Trump is president. To think just how many people voted for him and their twisted, hurtful, corrupt mindset and reasoning for voting for him, it's terrifying. And to those who didn't see a point in voting or gave up after Bernie had to drop out, I really hope this teaches them a lesson on just how important it really is to vote.

    The optimistic side in me wants to believe that maybe Trump won't be so bad. Maybe the media exaggerated and some lies were told, and that maybe he'll really try to do good.

    The pessimistic side in me however just wants to drop down to the knees and pray this man doesn't plunge us into WWIII.
  12. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    After having mulled this over for a day, it is terrible it really is but I am starting to wonder whether perhaps this was the lesser of two evils in a horrific twisted way. I am not saying Trump is great, he is a horrible, despicable man that I wish didn't get the time of day let alone so much power but someone said to me today that America again have diplomatic relations with Russia. Putin hated Hillary and knew she wanted a war and so perhaps would have began something horrible if she got into power but he loved Trump (for some weird reason). Honestly though, I don't know, this is just word of mouth and I really can't say anything for certain because I haven't spent loads of time researching this but I like to think it's at least partly true because otherwise the human race has messed up bad.

    This may not be the best thing for America but it could be for the world. Again, don't know for certain though.
  13. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Trump is a wild card. We know for a fact Hilary would have been lousy given her political track record. Trump has no such record and we can' t trust any of his electoral promises, he was just saying whatever he thought would land him the job. There' s only one way to find out for sure what he' s really about, and we' re about to.

    About that though :
    That kind of comment is one of the reasons I' m not surprised. You might want to read this.
  14. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Bump, this is infinitely more eloquent than the article I just linked. Or than my previous attempts at explaining this for that matter.

    Cookie points for that one too :

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
  15. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    To be fair, the DNC chose a terrible candidate in Hillary. Had they chose Bernie, we wouldn't be in this mess. But also, protest voters and third party candidates definitely had a part in not giving Hillary the extra edge she needed.

    The republicans just took over the house and the senate. They're gonna let him do whatever he wants, unfortunately.

    I mean

    There's compelling evidence.

    Because Trump owes Russia money and Putin knows that Trump will do him some favors to pay off that debt. We're so ****ed!

    Oh and btw everybody, one of the three candidates for Trump's cabinet include Rudy Juliani who thought that stop and frisk in New York was a good idea (which Trump specifically complements him on) when it was deemed unconstitutional because it disproportionately targeted black males and was unsuccessful 97% of the time.

    Another one is Sarah Palin who thinks she can see Russia from her window and the other is Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. who has zero government experience is going to be in presidential cabinet. That is the literal definition of nepotism (a word named after Napoleon), and people think the tyrannical parallels being made here are far-fetched.
  16. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I mean, 1930's Germany was quite different from 2016 USA. The social justice nonsense has become so suffocating in your country I have no problem imagining he' s being bombastic on purpose just to piss the goodthink tribe while having much more moderate positions. The stuff SJW spout can be just as bombastic and hateful, but I don' t see a lot of newspapers pointing that out. From what I' ve seen most of them laud one and denounce the other. There' s a lot of feminists I wouldn' t mind branding feminazis in satire. But do I believe they' re just as bad as actual nazis ? No, the naziness of their rhetoric is probably lost on most of them. Yay cognitive dissonance.

    Let' s say for a moment that Trump is indeed a Hitler wannabe, which as of right now I' d need a mind reader to know for a fact, do you really think American laws are compatible with some sort of final solution ? Do you really believe Americans at large would just watch it happen ? I don' t.
  17. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    PFFT. Like what?

    Like banning 1.6 billion people from the US? No, I don't think any SJW has ever spouted anything that hateful.
  18. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Yeah, I know she didn' t mean a word of it.
    Even if Trump meant it, is it legally feasible in the US ? Legit question.
  19. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Yes, because that person is running for president, so Trump should be allowed to spout whatever nonsense he wants, right?

    No, a person running for president should be held to a higher standard than some radical feminist. And what the hell does feminism have to do with anything? We're talking about Trump being a terrible person and similar to Hitler, but you're talking about it being justified because feminists are "just as bad" when the two aren't even comparable.

    It's like allowing Obama to talk about locking up all white people because the KKK exists.
  20. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Wait what ? Dude, all I' m saying is that I can see the possibility that he might not mean a word of it. I certainly also do see the possibility that he might actually mean it. I mean I' m French, my great-grandfather actually fought the nazis. Even if Trump said what he said in jest I' m not exactly applauding. Trust me, I have very little sympathy for the far right. The fear of seeing a new Hitler rise to power has been drilled in my mind from birth, which is why I keep asking if such a thing is legally feasible in the US.