Reasons not to vote for Trump

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Chad Thundercucc, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Not to be the wet towel on the anti-trump hype train, but I don't really think someone being creepy with their daughter as a reason (or not a reason) to vote for them. To be rather honest, a lot of complaints I see have next to nothing to do with running a country and I am actually floored that there is a gigantic 'circle-jerk' (for lack of a better phrase) with complaints that have more to do with "being a person you like" than "knowing how to run a country".

    Don't get me wrong, I am not a Trump supporter. I do however scratch my head at the constant meme-filled echo chamber that people are putting themselves into. I'd be shocked if a majority of khv (that are old enough to vote, are registered, and live in the states) would vote for Trump. Now I get that (especially based on the title) this is essentially a Trump complaint megathread, and if there is enough demand for something like that then fine by me, it is just interesting to see places like twitter, *insert social media platform or community here* talk about "how bad Trump is" when chances are if any of them were going to vote Trump, they would either not be on that platform to begin with or just not share their thoughts or opinions because they'd get torn to shreds by all the people who hate the guy.

    Once again I am not saying I am a Trump supporter, just a guy who is confused at the whole echo chamber thing.

    An example of my point with the whole echo chamber thing...It's not that I don't think there are HUGE issues with Trump and how he wants to run things, rather I feel like a lot of the complaints are either misguided or strictly fueled by personal opinions/feelings. Not saying feelings or opinions aren't important, but at least to me I'd say "hey let's talk about how in the first debate Trump talked about idk....wanting to commit war crime". Seems like a bigger issue than "huur Trump is a perv and thinks his daughter is H-O-T, what a creep".
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I can't speak for all Trump haters myself, but the reason I personally hate him so much and want him to lose in the election is because of things he specifically said he would do as president, such as the wall and as I mentioned in this thread earlier, banning Muslims (which is something that would affect me personally). As for the complaints about him that don't involve how he'll be as president, I don't know how to explain it, but I personally get a lot of satisfaction from hearing bad things about Trump regardless of whether or not they have to do with what he wants to do. Maybe it's because he said some stuff that hurt me deeply, and this feels like a bit of payback, I don't know. But until this whole cluster**** of an election ends, I have no intention of backing down on making fun of him.
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Honestly, for many people, this election is a lose-lose. For example, I know people who are pissed off at Hillary for the Ben Ghazi incident, not sending help to our troops, among other things.

    Thankfully, I never have to stress about this as I've never voted since turning 18 and will never vote; as such, I don't really have opinions one way or the other.
  4. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    The whole thing reminds me of Palin being chosen as Vice: People LOVED McCain, but when Palin was chosen, people were bailing left and right. I live in a Blue Blood town... People look at you by how much money you earn and how much you give to the community. Public transportation is considered sacrilege to even mention and Lord help you if you beg in this town. Most people refused to vote for McCain just because of Palin in my town. I'm dead serious, generations of die-hard Republicans refused to vote republican for the first time in five generations.

    They made a running joke about how much Palin can read and her saying that she could see Russia from her house. Both are slightly political, but because it was made fun of SO MUCH in media. *Tina Fey will always be my die-hard favorite* It became common to make fun of the politicians for other reasons.

    That and the news jumped in to stir the masses... The masses became a mob...

    You get the picture.

    If I called my aunt and asked for Hillary bashing that was non-politcal, I swear I could come back with three hours worth of recording. And no, I'm not kidding.
  5. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    That's... not a thing to be proud of, babe. The outcome of the election will have an effect on everyone, US voter or not, and sitting back on your heels and saying you don't care isn't a great way to fix anything.

    Granted I'm not one to talk, as i literally only registered to vote like last year, but I feel like it's our duty as young people to vote and not put our future in the hands of people who won't be around to see it.
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    I would definitely argue that the outcome of the US election will affect more than just US citizens too. The UK is very strongly tied to the US, even moreso now with the Brexit, and since Trump has already outright said that he's in favour of things that will clearly lead to war, the entire world could be dragged into it.
    It's extremely important to vote. If it was just two ordinary idiots in the running, that would be one thing, but Hillary isn't the one threatening policies that literally endanger people's lives.
  7. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    You bring up the best point...

    Though I do wonder if the UK will just wash their hands of the U.S. or refuse to join a war because Trump initiated it. I can see that happening, the backlash to Iraq is enough to make any politician pause no matter what country it is. I know Blair got really beat up over Iraq, especially since he was practically the only leader of a country to fully support it. Ally to the U.S. or not, a lot of countries flat-out refused to help or sent little to no aid.

    What I'm worried if that happens: What will Trump do as a reaction? I remember when Bush made up the "Axis of Evil" and the HORRENDOUS backlash that came from it. If anyone doesn't know, it was basically: "You are either with us, or are part of the enemy."

    People might make fun of Trump and make a ton of jokes from it, but it's a scary time for the U.S.
  8. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Haha, I had the same conversations! We considered doing a Masters in germany to get an EU passport.

    Anyway, I am truly terrified for america right now, all I can do is sit on the sidelines and hope it works out. I am just amazed by how people are actually voting for him and can't see how horrific he is. Almost anyone would do a better job than he would.

    Now, I don't know much about Hilary but I feel she is a better candidate but others have said she is just as mad and corrupt but I mean, who isn't? Or are they wrong and is she actually not that bad of a choice?
  9. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Like I said: A lot of people are doing what they're told. My dad and aunt are huge fanatics of Trump. Why...? Because they were told to be by other people to do so. My aunt believes that Hillary and Obama are Satan, Communists, haters of the rich, destroyers of free will and rights... The list can go on. My mom can literally sit and listen to her rant for an hour non-stop about how horrible democrats are. Her husband is about as big as a follower and is a huge gun nut.

    The news hasn't helped the situation. Fox especially, I know some Republican will jump down my throat on how bad CNN and other media are, I don't watch the news anymore. But at least the other outlets try to be neutral on what I've seen. Fox I haven't seen any of that. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm taking what I see. Fox fully supports and adores Trump... They defend him heavily, probably a lot of Churches defend him heavily, and trust me: If you go to a huge following of people and tell them: Vote for Trump or you'll burn in hell because Hillary is the anti-christ... A lot of people will listen. My dad believes that, my aunt during her rants believes it... If you're part of the circle and believe what they're saying will save the nation, the people will vote that way because they were told to do so.

    Hillary... I would say she can be a tough *****... Whether or not people don't like her because of that or some other things... *again, don't watch the news* I don't know. I would vote for her any day over Trump. It could also be the VERY far end right wing Conservatives are throwing a fit because we've had our first African American president and now we have a woman president running. The South especially would have problems over this.

    I also know Hillary for a long time was in a Southern state and didn't play by the "rules" of the South. Which is at the least something that they despised her over. The South has it's own dress code and standards, at least they did until as late as 1970's... A woman wearing shorts would have a priest showing up at your door lecturing you over "proper" behavior. True story from my mom who lived Mississippi for a while. They loved Bill... But despised Hillary for her lack of proper attire.
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I'm not a diehard Hillary fan myself, but frankly, she (and pretty much any other ordinary politician) is a saint in comparison to Trump, which is why I will be voting for her. And to be honest, I am completely sick and tired of people saying Hillary is just as bad as Trump. Trump is a sick man with tyrannical ideas who could potentially have control of America's nuclear arsenal. Hillary's just an average corrupt politician. Yeah, I think I'll stick with corrupt politician over a tyrannical madman. At least I won't be worried for the world.
  11. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Hillary is corrupt but at least she has the general populace's interests at heart, whereas trump is focusing on the rich white males that think everything is theirs and think America needs to be made great again.

    No, I don't like Hillary, but honestly? I'd take her over Trump any day.

    I had to think about this long and hard- Third party is something important that I've considered but I strongly feel like Hillary is the best course of action, in this case. By best, I mean safest, because I DONT want a liar leading the country.

    If Hillary's racist, I've seen it be nothing but ignorance, whereas trump is a performer- her plays it up for laughs.
  12. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    I feel like all the hate against Hillary is blown up to a ridiculous extent. No, she's not perfect, but she's a far step ahead of whatever monster Trump is.

    For one thing, at least Hillary has a platform that doesn't involve building a wall around Mexico. So. That's a thing.

    If nothing else, I feel like four years of Hillary Clinton will, if not progress the country forward, at least keep it from regressing by about 50 years, which is what'll happen if Trump wins. Worse case scenario, we'll stagnate for four years, and then in 2020 we can have another chance to elect someone more like Burnie.

    (Personally, I'm voting Hillary as well. I don't think she'd be that bad of a president.)
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    My sentiments exactly. I'm all for criticizing her and any other president, but if I have to hear one more damn peep about things I don't even give a s*** about, like Benghazi or the freakin' e-mails, I will rip my hair off. If anything, the right wing's obsession over these issues and never being able to let them go is actually making Hillary look more and more decent in my eyes.
  14. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    i personally DESPISE third party politicians if they don't have a snow balls chance in hell. Before everyone hates on me, here's why:

    I live in Maine... The last three DECADES *yes, three...* have never been majority vote. Sometimes it's 31% who elects these Governors.

    Why? Because a third party candidate comes in with 10-15% of the vote and throws off the election enough. Want a perfect example, Google: Governor LePage. He's Maine's governor right now by 31 PERCENT. TWICE. We almost had him resign about a month ago or so because he threw yet another tantrum and has been playing the system to have people fired, lose jobs and other corrupt things. He actually blackmailed the university system to not hire a politician who disagreed with him after the politician resigned from his senate seat.

    Third parties work, but there needs to be much more control over how it works and how it affects the election before I even agree to it.
  15. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Voting third party is a nice idea in concept, since the two-party system is so awful. But showing up once every four years to try and get the big prize is not the way to get a third party into the system. You gotta start small with that.
  16. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    The biggest problem I see with third party contenders is: They aren't there for winning. They're there to see how many people will vote for them and will stay to the bitter end to see how much of the pie they can get.

    In my previous post: There was a guy who got 2-8% of the vote, for over 16 years of elections. He needed 10% *yes, only ten* to be able to run via party's funds. He didn't care: He kept on running on his own money and threw off elections so he can brag that he did so. And yes, that little CAN throw off elections, look at Gore and Bush 2000 if you don't believe me. *which had a third party member* Though there was more going on, they had enough of the vote thrown off to cause a MASSIVE problem.

    There have been candidates days before the election admitting they don't have a snowballs chance, but are still running to see how many people vote for them. There have been good third parties, but most just ruin election outcomes when they don't have a chance. Even if it's just putting themselves on the map, they should have tougher limits for elections that matter. Anyone can run a third party, hell, a lot of Democrats and Republicans DO that when they get frustrated or disagree with the policies of their party.

    As for Trump: Gerrymandering caused a large amount of the trouble, and I bet the Republicans and probably Democrats very much regret what they did to the system. *Gerrymandering is basically you redraw the districts for nire votes, it's been used to keep the poor and other groups that can't go far to be unable to vote by making the voting areas in the district impossible to get to for people who are at a disadvantage travel-wise, its' also completely legal* Trump I'm sure found the perfect ways through it and exploited it completely to his advantage to get this far.
  17. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Can' t say I' ve paid close attention so correct me if I' m wrong, but I thought he just wanted to prevent more Muslims from coming in, not kick all of them out ? Even if that' s what he actually wanted to do I' m not quite sure there' d be a legal way for him to do it.

    The US already screens entering Muslims a hell of a lot more than Europeans do. I' m told you only take the educated ones. They often come from countries whose core values are vastly different from ours, if not flat out antithetical to ours, so taking everyone in without question would be quite the recipe for disaster. Ask Angela Merkel about it. Like it or not there is a limit to the amount of time, money and social friction a country can invest in immigration. Given the news these days it should hardly comes as a surprise if fewer and fewer people are willing to look beyond "(s)he' s Muslim" before they rise a red flag for ineligibility.

    Same goes for the wall btw, it' s a cartoonish answer to a real problem. One my English professors already mentioned back when I was in college, like, twenty years ago. What' s the point of devising sensible immigration policies if they aren' t enforced in the slightest ?
  18. Solana Moogle Assistant

    Jul 2, 2016
    Did anyone see that video that was leaked about Trump's lewd comments about women behind the scenes? What he called "locker room banter"? The man is ridiculous. I am 110% anti-Trump. I can see why people want to vote for him (like being sick of politicians) but how can anyone stand behind him after all the rude, disrespectful, barbaric, childish things he has said.

    It wasn't until this election that I realized how hate-filled the United States actually is. It baffles me that there are so many people backing up Trump and his ideas about banning groups of people because of their heritage or religion as well as his plan to push back all current illegal immigrants and the building of the wall.

    I can't 100% back Clinton. I'd take Johnson over any of the other choices but I know he isn't going to make it. Clinton is a safe choice.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2016
  19. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Did you read the first post? You literally chose one issue out of the myriad of other issues brought up in this thread. Yes, him being creepy with his daughter doesn't have to do with him being president, but is indicative of his character. And if you think this is an echo chamber, you should see other parts of the internet that are twice as bad: Breitbart, /pol/, stormfront etc. that only want Trump elected because he's just as racist and bigoted as they are, and go out of their way to storm websites to try to promote him or bully other people into supporting him.

    People here aren't shitting on Donald because we think he's a creep or don't like how his hair looks or something superficial. It's because he's a distasteful person who has done horrible things and is unfit to be a leader.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
  20. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    This so much. I hate how people try to equate the two like hiding personal emails is equivalent to calling Mexicans murderers and rapists.