
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Dec 20, 2010.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    (Anyone intersted in joining this rp? Please post DX based off of Dead Like Me)


    When we died, we became someone else. We see how we were when we lived in the mirror, but no one but ones like us can see that visage. Everyone else sees a guise, one that ages and, when typical human should die, changes into a younger appearance. Our guise may change sooner, if our existence is close to being discovered. Someone else, unknown to us, takes care to the details and fakes our death with an illusion.

    Some of us miss being alive, but there is no going back. We aren't even allowed to tell our families who we are, if they are still around that is.​

    how it works

    Our job, as you can probably guess, is to guide the souls of the dead on to the next plane.

    In each city there is a group of us, size varying depending on the odds of one of us being born. We were good people when alive so most believe that, that is the reason why we become reapers. I am not so sure about this.

    In each group there is a leader. This leader is simply the oldest of us. We don't know who, but someone delivers him or her the names of people who will die each day. Each day he or she assigns us a few names each. In the assignment is a name, time of death, and location. It is our job to find each person and stick with them until...the time comes.

    While they are still alive we must touch them, this is the touch of death. They soon are killed by death spirits, something only we can see. We do not know anything about them expect they take on many forms and cause our marks to die once we have marked them.

    Then the spirit is separated from the body. Now we are the only one who can see each other and we explain the situation as much or as little as needed. Then the light appears.

    Typically it is just a light near by, but sometimes it is something else. Like when once a child died, it was an amusement park so the child would eagerly go to it.

    We are forbidden to enter this light, and we know very little about it. Perhaps it is Heaven, if you believe in such a place.

    No matter how much we hate it, or are indifferent to it, this is our life, and, as far as I know, there is no way out of it.​

    an opposing force

    Now, I wouldn't call them bad people, they are doing what they think is right, but they do make our jobs a lot harder. ​

    They don't really call themselves anything, and my boss doesn't either. So, since I have to name everything, I'll call them The Saviours.​

    Apparently they can see into the near future, the next 24 hours to be more precise, and their visions normally entails someone dying. They believe they see these vision because it is their job to stop the death of whoever they see. Our boss says we must deliever the touch of death and keep the natural order of things running.​

    I suppose we got the upper hand since they see the people dying, but who can be sure? The future is always changing, even by the smallest of things. ​

    "All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter another." -Anatole France

    locations and the date

    The town in which we live isn't a very large one. There's only one high school, one middle school, and one elementary school, all of which are located a little ways east of the Town Center. Buses provided for those who live far away.

    In the Town Center are the political buildings and the public library.

    To the North is mainly buildings such as the power companies, etc. Past the medows is a mountain surrounded by a forest. The townspeople often camp and hike there.

    To the East are apartments which can be described as rundown.

    To the west is a cluster of houses and stores. Just past them is the ocean.

    And to the South are hotels, restaurants, and places of the like.

    Current Date: December 20th, 2010​


    1. No godmodding. Don't have your character pop out of nowhere to save someone. This is close to a real-life rp.
    2. No powerplaying. (Ask other people for permission if you feel like you have to powerplay at some parts)
    3. No autokill. If you create a person just to have them killed, or if you wish for them to be saved, you must make that clear.
    4. Nothing above PG-13. That includes romance and violence
    5. Use proper grammar. Periods and commas, complete sentences, etc.
    7. Make at least 3-7 sentences for each post. If you get Writer's Block, that's okay. Just don't make it a habit.​


    For The Reapers:

    Orginal Name: (The name they had when they were alive.)
    Alias: (There must be a name they call their guise, and they can also have a 'reaper' name which is whatever they call themselves amongst other reapers and never changes no matter if their guise goes. This is optional.)
    Age of Guise: (How old is their guise, the visage every nonreaper sees.)
    Age of The Orginal: (At what age did they die.)
    Age of The Reaper: (For how long have they been a reaper.)
    Appearance: (How they looked when they lived and how their current guise looks.)
    Preview Post: (If you have more than one character than only one of them needs a preview post.)

    For The Saviours

    Preview Post:

    For Those Destined To Die

    When and Where They Will Die: (Give a time, date, and location. For the location you do not have to be speific.)
    Preview Post:

    For Everyone Else

    Preview Post:

    Username: Mammon
    Orginal Name: Alley Bryan
    Alias: Sarah Mathews; reaper name, Izanami
    Age of Guise: 22
    Age of The Orginal: 18
    Age of The Reaper: 10
    Appearance: Before Death and Current Guise
    History: Alley never made any real friends, but had a nice family and was content with herself. She wasn't a lucky person persay though, as her death came young. It was a trip down a large stair case. She cannot remember anything from there to the point where she woke up in an unknown apartment room. It was provided for her by the unknown source that helps the reapers. Alley then walked out into town and soon met up with Samael who told her what she was. Since then she's done her job without showing how she feels about it personally, changing what she says about afterlife from one dead person to another.
    Other: Will sometimes walk around in a dark cloak just for her inside joke. Is rather monotone with most things.

    Username: Twilight Knight
    Orginal Name: Jason O'Brien
    Alias: Orion
    Age of Guise: 15
    Age of The Orginal: 19
    Age of The Reaper: 4 years
    Appearance: Before:
    | After:
    History: Jason lived a happy life with his father until his father went to war. He stayed with his mother until he came back. When he came back however, he changed. He was a heroin addict. He used the drug to escape the pain of war. One night his father overdosed on heroin and beat Jason's head in with a baseball bat. He was 19 at the time. His father was arrested and tried and was sent to life in prison. But something happened that day. Jason refused to die. He ran from the light and instead became what is known as a reaper.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Orginal Name: Corona Webster
    Alias: Gwen Fisher Reaper Name: Vice Incarceron
    Age of Guise: 17
    Age of The Orginal: 19
    Age of The Reaper: 13
    Appearance: Past: Current:
    History: Vice died when she was 19 and served her unknown master as a reaper for the unlucky number of 13 years. Her sunny disposition faded since she died and now she lies for a living. She takes her job lightly some days, but she's never missed a death and always tries to make a spirit feel at peace before they're actually at peace in the light.
    Other: like the cliche of reapers she carries a scythe around.

    Username: Of Pride And Other Things
    Orginal Name: (Joseph Corinx)
    Alias: (Samael-This is both his alias and his Reaper name.)
    Age of Guise: (21)
    Age of The Orginal: (20)
    Age of The Reaper: (98 years. Yeah. Long time.)
    Reaper: (Except without the stupid anime-ness.

    History: It's been a long time since I've experienced the sensations associated with being a human. It's been a very, very long time. Almost a century, now. Almost ninety-nine years, i'll hit the landmark in a couple months. I lived a long time ago, in a time without the luxuries of today. I don't know what made me special-my life is more of a blur than ever; the memories weren't worth remembering, though my life was adequete, with a pair of loving parents and siblings. As time has passed by I have escorted them all, leaving me with no one. I have no family left, and I often help with the reapers' training. I help them through the tumultuous first ten years of their new life, and after that they're often good. I am one of the ones responsible when a reaper goes beserk-I get sent to take care of it. This doesn't happen often-I am more often the leader of our group. I keep much of my time-aquired power under control, so many think to question my leadership when I display no more skill than necessary to complete the mission. When necessary, though, a true display of prowess is needed to keep peole in check.
    Other: Samael carries a scythe, invisible to non-reapers. It helps channel his power, and is suited for one of his caliber Samael can both go on his own mission and accompany the newer reapers, or be approached for emotional help or physical training. Although no reaper needs a weapon, he likes using his, and it is more decorated than the scythes of other reapers.

    Username: Jyan
    Original Name: Tabatha Brown
    Alias: Karolyn Pierce
    Age of Guise: Seventeen.
    Age of The Original: Twenty-one.
    Age of The Reaper: Three years?
    Appearance: Past | Current
    History: When Tabatha was alive, she did everything in her power to stay in the background. She found herself to be rather detached from her peers, and she was alright with that. When she passed however, she became somewhat of the opposite. Very hands-on and engaged, and finding herself wanting to do whatever she could regarding the particular goal she was pursuing. When she finds herself thinking about her past, she can't find anything very positive except for the fact that she was an avid pianist and her little sister was incredibly important to her.
    Preview Post:
    "I was sure I was going the right way a minute ago..." Her usual strong voice wavered this time, her eyes squinting through the darkness before her. "I can barely see anything..."

    Willow was walking down the path in the woods, wondering where she was. She couldn't stop feeling as though it was hopeless at this point. She was tired, scared, and lonely. Walking for so long and only seeming to become even more lost wasn't helping with all of these feelings and confusion in the least. If anything, it was deepening them. The farther into the darkness she walked and the denser the trees became, the blacker the sky, the more alone and terrified she became.

    It didn't help that it was dark, clouds hovering menacingly above her. She found herself constantly tripping over the thick brown roots of the trees, a whimper escaping her each time she stopped herself with her hands, smearing the dirt over the fabric of her dress and pulling herself right back up again. Her big brown eyes continued darting from one point to the next, damp black curls swirling and tumbling down her shoulders. She searched, but still she recognized nothing. It would be impossible for her to get home, the familiar little cabin settled on a lush hill surrounded by tall evergreens (much different from this clutter of dead trees), with the way things were going.

    "I hope someone comes to look for me. I've been so stupid! I shouldn't have ran away like that!" Her voice weaved through the trees, scaring away a few crows that were lurking before it echoed back at her. She was lost.
  2. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Ooooooooo~! :3

    So interesting!
  3. Of Pride And Other Things Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 30, 2010
    Albuquerque. :/
    I know, right? :3
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Ah, so glad to see people are interested~ I am probably logging off soon, but by the time I get on tomorrow there may be some more people interested, plus then I'll have the profile skeletions and maybe a bit more added to the plot.
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I'm interested! Sounds like an awesome role play. :'D
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    I think it's cool (creepy Im interested in death but I'm a creepy person). I'd join!
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Anyone seen Tru? If I got the right one, then it's a show where someone ends up dying practically at the end of each day and then the main character's day would rewind and she would try to save whoever died. I've only seen a few episodes... but by the looks of things she met some sort of reaper and was told she was messing up the balance of things...

    Instead of rewinding time, what if there was a group of people who foresaw into the near future (next 24 hours) and they try to save the people by keeping away from the location where they will die? Could be them versus the reapers... If it's a bad idea tell me please >w<"
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I've never seen Tru, but I don't think that it's a bad idea. However, would these people (the people being saved) be played by the role players, or would they be controlled by you? c:
  9. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I don't think it'd be fair if they were all played by me, or that I will be able to handle it all of the time >w<" I think it'd be a mixture of me and the other role players, depending on who offers/wants to be them.

    And I think each reaper would have their own mark, or team up in pairs of two (depending on how many we get) so there will be more than just one people who will be saved/die each day... Also depending on how many people we get though.
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Ah. Yeah, I was going to suggest that it'd be a good idea to have the role players contribute with that. xD I like the pair idea too, if we get enough people. That would also give the role players a consistent place, instead of someone getting lost in the RP or getting ignored somehow. Dx
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Yeah, it'd be too boring if they all went alone. Plus I think I'll mix up the pairings each time they go out.

    I'm going to go edit the thingy now.

    Ahh, gotta make up a name for the people who try to save teh people >w< (lolz, this actually makes sense. Or at least, I hope it does.)
  12. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    I wanna partake in this magical occasion.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    The changes to the first post are finished. Please feel free to start on your profiles; I'll have to wait till tomorrow to start on mine.

    And I guess I'll go around making sure everyone is aware of this being done tomorrow, as I am falling alseep sitting up now. ^^"

    Also, if you have any questions post here or pm me. I'll answer when I log on next time. And once all of the profiles are submitted the rp thread will be made and we'll start then.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Username: Mrs. Claus
    Original Name: Tabatha Brown
    Alias: Karolyn Pierce
    Age of Guise: Seventeen.
    Age of The Original: Twenty-one.
    Age of The Reaper: Three years?
    Appearance: Past | Current
    History: When Tabatha was alive, she did everything in her power to stay in the background. She found herself to be rather detached from her peers, and she was alright with that. When she passed however, she became somewhat of the opposite. Very hands-on and engaged, and finding herself wanting to do whatever she could regarding the particular goal she was pursuing. When she finds herself thinking about her past, she can't find anything very positive except for the fact that she was an avid pianist and her little sister was incredibly important to her.
    Preview Post:
    "I was sure I was going the right way a minute ago..." Her usual strong voice wavered this time, her eyes squinting through the darkness before her. "I can barely see anything..."

    Willow was walking down the path in the woods, wondering where she was. She couldn't stop feeling as though it was hopeless at this point. She was tired, scared, and lonely. Walking for so long and only seeming to become even more lost wasn't helping with all of these feelings and confusion in the least. If anything, it was deepening them. The farther into the darkness she walked and the denser the trees became, the blacker the sky, the more alone and terrified she became.

    It didn't help that it was dark, clouds hovering menacingly above her. She found herself constantly tripping over the thick brown roots of the trees, a whimper escaping her each time she stopped herself with her hands, smearing the dirt over the fabric of her dress and pulling herself right back up again. Her big brown eyes continued darting from one point to the next, damp black curls swirling and tumbling down her shoulders. She searched, but still she recognized nothing. It would be impossible for her to get home, the familiar little cabin settled on a lush hill surrounded by tall evergreens (much different from this clutter of dead trees), with the way things were going.

    "I hope someone comes to look for me. I've been so stupid! I shouldn't have ran away like that!" Her voice weaved through the trees, scaring away a few crows that were lurking before it echoed back at her. She was lost.

    OOC: I'm lazy, and hate bios. So I'ma finish that part ...soon.
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    They can be very boring, but I also like reading them all and they can be helpful as well ^^"

    Tis good so far.
  16. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Username: Twilight Knight
    Orginal Name: Jason O'Brien
    Alias: Orion
    Age of Guise: 15
    Age of The Orginal: 19
    Age of The Reaper: 4 years
    Appearance: Before:
    | After:
    History: Jason lived a happy life with his father until his father went to war. He stayed with his mother until he came back. When he came back however, he changed. He was a heroin addict. He used the drug to escape the pain of war. One night his father overdosed on heroin and beat Jason's head in with a baseball bat. He was 19 at the time. His father was arrested and tried and was sent to life in prison. But something happened that day. Jason refused to die. He ran from the light and instead became what is known as a reaper.
    Preview Post: Jason stood in a small room. A blood stain was on the wall above a bed. The bed was empty and was stripped of sheets with caution signs around it. The police here never bothered to clean up their mess. A baseball bat covered in blood was on the floor next to the bed. A body outline was on the bed drawn in black marker. He stood there in complete silence. He walked out of the house and suddenly disappeared into thin air. The next moment he was in front of a prison. The outside was deserted so nobody noticed him. He went inside. He walked past a few guards and asked to see the man known as Mark O'Brien. "Kid, why do you need to see that low life?" "Because I'm one of the friends of the boy he killed. I need to ask him a few questions for a psychology class project." The guard asked no further questions and let the boy inside the prisoner conference room. "Wait here." The guard walked out and returned with a middle aged man in hand cuffs. They both sat down at the table provided. The man known as Mark raised his eyebrows. "Who are you? Some reporter? I thought you guys were done with this already." "Not exactly no. My name is Orion I'm a student in college taking psychology and I want to ask you a few questions. Is that all right with you?" "Whatever." "I only have one question so don't worry. Now, is there anything, like if your son were here right now, what would you have told him? Any regrets, things left unspoken?" There was a pause. Mark's head tilted down a little. His voice quivered. "I woulda told him that he was the greatest son in the world... And... I'm truly sorry for what I did to him... I'm so sorry for not being there for him... And... Just not being the kinda father I coulda' been..." Jason didn't speak. He clenched his fists at the table and quickly relaxed them again. "Sometimes kid... Sometimes I wish I could just die. Sometimes I wish I could just die and go see my boy again... I'm probably not going to that place though. I have some advice for you, kid. Never be like me... And never let anyone you love be like me. Okay?" "Okay... Um... Thank you for your time..." He held out his hand for the man to shake. The man took it and firmly shook it. Jason walked out and thanked the guard. He stepped out of the prison and realized what he had just done. He immediately ran back in and saw the man dead on the table, his spirit nowhere to be found. The guards quickly came to him and dragged him out while he kicked and screamed for him to be let back in. What did I just do?
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Orginal Name: Corona Webster
    Alias: Gwen Fisher Reaper Name: Vice Incarceron
    Age of Guise: 17
    Age of The Orginal: 19
    Age of The Reaper: 13
    Appearance: Past: Current:
    History: Vice died when she was 19 and served her unknown master as a reaper for the unlucky number of 13 years. Her sunny disposition faded since she died and now she lies for a living. She takes her job lightly some days, but she's never missed a death and always tries to make a spirit feel at peace before they're actually at peace in the light.
    Other: like the cliche of reapers she carries a scythe around.
    Preview Post: Gwen walked around the high school for an hour. Sighing she leaned against the wall, pulling on her black and white striped stockings. "What a boring day." she breathed and finally the bell rang, dismissing school. The girl she was following around for a few days now ran out the doors with her friends. Gwen followed her. When she said goodbye to her friends Gwen jogged to catch up. Walking beside her, she smiled and whispered, "I'm sorry, thus is the natural order of things." Resting her hand on the girl's arm, her job was done. She noticed the death spirits and looked away, choosing not to watch the poor girl die. After a while of drifting off into her own head she felt a light tap on her shoulder, "Hey, wh-what happened?" Vice smiled at her and noticed the shining light behind her, "Behind you is your new home. You're dead, sweetie. I'm sorry." She looked confused, "I am? You said that before I died...who are you?" Vice turned her around and pointed into the light, "I'm a Reaper sweetie, don't worry about it, it's the natural order of things." Vice pushed her off toward the light, only a light push since it was her decision. She watched her walk into it and sighed. Time to go home I guess...
  18. Of Pride And Other Things Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 30, 2010
    Albuquerque. :/
    Username: Of Pride And Other Things
    Orginal Name: (Joseph Corinx)
    Alias: (Samael-This is both his alias and his Reaper name.)
    Age of Guise: (21)
    Age of The Orginal: (20)
    Age of The Reaper: (98 years. Yeah. Long time.)
    Reaper: (Except without the stupid anime-ness.)

    History: It's been a long time since I've experienced the sensations associated with being a human. It's been a very, very long time. Almost a century, now. Almost ninety-nine years, i'll hit the landmark in a couple months. I lived a long time ago, in a time without the luxuries of today. I don't know what made me special-my life is more of a blur than ever; the memories weren't worth remembering, though my life was adequete, with a pair of loving parents and siblings. As time has passed by I have escorted them all, leaving me with no one. I have no family left, and I often help with the reapers' training. I help them through the tumultuous first ten years of their new life, and after that they're often good. I am one of the ones responsible when a reaper goes beserk-I get sent to take care of it. This doesn't happen often-I am more often the leader of our group. I keep much of my time-aquired power under control, so many think to question my leadership when I display no more skill than necessary to complete the mission. When necessary, though, a true display of prowess is needed to keep peole in check.
    Other: Samael carries a scythe, invisible to non-reapers. It helps channel his power, and is suited for one of his caliber Samael can both go on his own mission and accompany the newer reapers, or be approached for emotional help or physical training. Although no reaper needs a weapon, he likes using his, and it is more decorated than the scythes of other reapers.

    Preview Post: ("I understand this must be hard for you all."
    His voice was soft, assertive, and strong. He stood outside a wrecked cablecar, the spirits of dozens of people all milling about. He waited for the commotion to stop, then whacked the twisted metal hood with his scythe's handle. The ringing noise gathered everyone's attention and the man spoke, a light appearing slightly behind him and to his left. "You'll get nowhere milling about like this...Now, it's my job to escort you all to the afterlife, and while I don't want to hurt your soul, I need to do my job. This is...well, this is the afterlife, where you're all going to be. Please, enter." He spoke softly, the people looking nervous. Once the first few came, others began to flow, a small girl calling out.
    "C...Mister, c..can you hold my hand please?"
    "Of course, little one." He spoke quietly, walking in his gliding-like way over to the girl. No more than four, it looked like. Tragic. He reached down to her height, stooping a little bit to reach her. He slowly walked with her to the light, smilling. "Do you see the park, little one? How fun it looks?" He whispered to her and she nodded.
    "I'm scared of roller coasters, though. They go too fast..." She whispered back and Samael chuckled lightly.
    "Don't worry. The ones here go as fast as you want them to." He promised, the girl hugging his leg.
    "I don't wanna die, Mister."
    "Your body already has, but your soul will never die, I promise. It'll be really fun where you're going, I promise. And you'll see your parents there." Sam promised, looking back at the few survivors. Her parents were in there. "They'll come as soon as they can, I promise. They'll find you as soon as they go up there." He murmured and she nodded, turning and entering. That looked like everyone-after a few coaxings, he managed to get everyone through, but as he turned, he saw a man. He was large and tough, but he was backing up.
    "I...I don't want to go! You can't make me!" He yelled, and Samael sighed, walking towards him slowly.
    "Come, now. We don't have to get to force."
    "You can't make me do anything!" The man yelled, obviously distressed.
    "Please, sir. This is your last chance, I don't want to have to do this!" Sam called, slowly drawing the scythe up to his other hand and clutching it, his feet grinding to a halt on the ground and his black robe falling loosely over him. He recieved no response and the man turned to run-before he got too far Samael had caught him, leaping slightly into the air as he brought the blade down on his spirit, solemnly splitting him in half. He turned soon after, the light closing. "I apologize." Sam whispered, letting the blade rotate a little bit before he began to once again glide across the landscape back to the other reapers.

    Hope this is okay! :3 Hope no one minds I take the leader spot!
    Christmas Angel, is it okay if I reserve the spot of leader so no one else makes theirs older?
  19. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    All profiles are added.

    I am glad that I don't have to be the leader, actually XD If you need help though, just ask me.

    And I think I'll have things go smoothly at first in the rp, then bit by bit challenges will appear and also; souls will willingily go at first, but then we can see what will happen when they do not go into the light.

    So, everyone is a reaper then?

    RP has started by the way.
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