reaper - fighting fate

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Dec 28, 2010.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Link to the OOC thread and profiles


    When we died, we became someone else. We see how we were when we lived in the mirror, but no one but ones like us can see that visage. Everyone else sees a guise, one that ages and, when typical human should die, changes into a younger appearance. Our guise may change sooner, if our existence is close to being discovered. Someone else, unknown to us, takes care to the details and fakes our death with an illusion.

    Some of us miss being alive, but there is no going back. We aren't even allowed to tell our families who we are, if they are still around that is.​

    how it works

    Our job, as you can probably guess, is to guide the souls of the dead on to the next plane.

    In each city there is a group of us, size varying depending on the odds of one of us being born. We were good people when alive so most believe that, that is the reason why we become reapers. I am not so sure about this.

    In each group there is a leader. This leader is simply the oldest of us. We don't know who, but someone delivers him or her the names of people who will die each day. Each day he or she assigns us a few names each. In the assignment is a name, time of death, and location. It is our job to find each person and stick with them until...the time comes.

    While they are still alive we must touch them, this is the touch of death. They soon are killed by death spirits, something only we can see. We do not know anything about them expect they take on many forms and cause our marks to die once we have marked them.

    Then the spirit is separated from the body. Now we are the only one who can see each other and we explain the situation as much or as little as needed. Then the light appears.

    Typically it is just a light near by, but sometimes it is something else. Like when once a child died, it was an amusement park so the child would eagerly go to it.

    We are forbidden to enter this light, and we know very little about it. Perhaps it is Heaven, if you believe in such a place.

    No matter how much we hate it, or are indifferent to it, this is our life, and, as far as I know, there is no way out of it.​

    an opposing force

    Now, I wouldn't call them bad people, they are doing what they think is right, but they do make our jobs a lot harder. ​

    They don't really call themselves anything, and my boss doesn't either. So, since I have to name everything, I'll call them The Saviours.​

    Apparently they can see into the near future, the next 24 hours to be more precise, and their visions normally entails someone dying. They believe they see these vision because it is their job to stop the death of whoever they see. Our boss says we must deliever the touch of death and keep the natural order of things running.​

    I suppose we got the upper hand since they see the people dying, but who can be sure? The future is always changing, even by the smallest of things. ​

    "All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter another." -Anatole France

    locations and the date

    The town in which we live isn't a very large one. There's only one high school, one middle school, and one elementary school, all of which are located a little ways east of the Town Center. Buses provided for those who live far away.

    In the Town Center are the political buildings and the public library.

    To the North is mainly buildings such as the power companies, etc. Past the medows is a mountain surrounded by a forest. The townspeople often camp and hike there.

    To the East are apartments which can be described as rundown.

    To the west is a cluster of houses and stores. Just past them is the ocean.

    And to the South are hotels, restaurants, and places of the like.

    Current Date: December 20th, 2010​


    1. No godmodding. Don't have your character pop out of nowhere to save someone. This is close to a real-life rp.
    2. No powerplaying. (Ask other people for permission if you feel like you have to powerplay at some parts)
    3. No autokill. If you create a person just to have them killed, or if you wish for them to be saved, you must make that clear.
    4. Nothing above PG-13. That includes romance and violence
    5. Use proper grammar. Periods and commas, complete sentences, etc.
    7. Make at least 3-7 sentences for each post. If you get Writer's Block, that's okay. Just don't make it a habit.​

    The last death of the day. He wasn't anything special... But it didn't seem fair. He did bad in his past but he was starting to get a new life, only to have his old life get in the way and end it all. But then again, no deaths were fair, really. Her's wasn't. Her afterlife didn't seem all that fair either. She got to watch others move on into the light while she was stuck here as a reaper. She also got to watch her family move on and return to a normal life. It felt like they had forgotten all about her. Whether this was true or not, it bothered her.

    Either way, she was here, waiting for the other reapers and the leader to come.

    Their meeting place was a small coffee shop in the west side of the city. It was a nice little shop and never really crowded. It was peaceful here and the smell of coffee woke her up from her grogginess and she sat at their usual booth with her head tilted back and eyes closed. Her life might not be fair, but it was a lot more peaceful than her pervious life, even with all of the death around her.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: we are starting correct?

    bic: Vice finished quickly, the little girl hadn't wanted to leave her parents but sadly it was her time. Sighing, she walked a bit unsteadily down the street, her scythe dragging a bit on the ground. Gladly it wasn't apart of her guise. She walked invisible into the coffee shop, her boots clicking on the ground and slumped into the booth next to her fellow reaper, "Long day..." she stated simply and tucked her feet up on the rest of the seat close to her.
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    "Always is..." Her voice was monotone and her expression blank. She looked towards the door for the others to come, and after a moment of silence she looked back to Vice. "The worst are childern, you know? No one should die that young..." She trailed off again and looked back to the door. Staring at someone, even if you're talking to them, always felt awkward for her. She didn't understand why the majority thought it was poilte to do so in conversation.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Vice curled her fingers around a packet of sugar and fiddled with a skull ring on her finger, she never could sit still. " shouldn't die this way..." she sighed heavily, "What a sad world we live in." Vice usually copied what others did so she didn't look at her fellow reaper as she spoke and ripped the packet of sugar open, pouring it on her tongue like a pixy stick.
  5. Of Pride And Other Things Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 30, 2010
    Albuquerque. :/
    -I apologize for my late posting. Grandfather needed a quadruple bypass and he's refusing to do it. So, yeah. D: Things are better now.-

    "That'll rot your teeth, Vice." A voice spoke from next to the girl, the leader of the Reapers standing there in his typical garb. The softspoken man slid into the booth, lying his large hands on the table and tapping his ring finger absentmindedly as he raised one hand to take a drink from a coffee he'd bought elsewhere. "It takes a long time to get used to children dying, but it's all part of the balance of the things. Nevertheless, I don't think anyone can truly get used to seeing a litte girl die." He said quietly, his eyes doing, like the other girl's, their own thing as he talked to the pair, flicking around the cafe and the decorations.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Vice settled her eyes on their leader and sighed, flicking away the empty paper packet, "But I've been doing it for years. It's not like we can get any scarier. We take people from this world....what could be worse than to look the part." Her melodrama never did cease, but her need for movement hadn't ended when she'd died either. Reflecting on his words, she shook the sleeve of her long coat. "Hmmm, still...I hate the balance of things. Children are children. They've got their whole lives ahead of them." Vice crossed her legs under her.
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    OOC - Was hoping to have Jyan post before I do so again but I'll just go ahead and do that while I am on and posting on rps. If someone could post in the ooc thread every now and then that would be nice, so it won't go missing again. It does have all of the profiles after all...

    "When you think about it," Izanami started, "the death of a child is no more horrible than the death of an adult. It's all the same really. In the end, their live has ended and they must move on." She said rather plainly. She then looked to Samael. "It doesn't seem like all of us are here yet, but perhaps we may talk about our charges while we wait?"
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Vice sulked in her seat, playing with her rings. She never liked sitting in one place all the time. Tearing another packet of sugar, she licked it up, and pocketed a few others. "I wonder, wonder, wonder, where everyone is." she spoke in almost a singsong voice. Being slightly more lively than the rest of the reapers around her for the moment. Vice could feel her mood dying quickly.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    k a r o l y n p i e r c e​

    Karolyn stepped into the coffee shop quietly, eyes glancing towards the others in acknowledgment before she took her seat, just slightly away from the rest. Whether it was inches, or feet, she liked that detachment. Just a bit. Though it was a slight comfort that she wasn’t all along in her job, it didn’t particularly feel good being in the cloud of negativity and indifference that that fact usually forced her into.

    She scent of coffee and vanilla filled her with a sort of warmth and she slumped a bit in her chair, her ears catching the current conversation that was going on, and wanting little to nothing to do with it. Her eyes drifted from the group to the window, arms crossed gently in her lap. She repressed a sigh and forced herself to straighten up. There was also something on her mind, and today, it happened to be the boy who had passed on earlier.

    She wondered why, exactly, people had to die. She knew the technical reason. She also knew that somewhere out there in the world, people celebrated death like a birthday party. Some beings rejoiced. Some people embraced it. But not her. She couldn’t grasp that sort of understanding. To her, regardless, death was tragic. More so for those who were left behind afterward. Those left waiting and praying, and the haunting thought set on replay going, “You’ll never see them again.”

    It was such a weight on her. Such a heavily burden to know that she was a part of the system. A sponsor of misery.

    "I'm sorry I'm late." She finally spoke, her voice low--but she knew they were used to it enough to have heard. She finally turned her gaze back to the rest.

  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    This got off to a really bad start and isn't going anywhere any time soon, or so it seems. I will probably bring it back to KHV sometime in the future, but in the meantime it shall be for my site exculsively. Sorry. Going to ask a staff member to lock it now...
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